

In the chilling depths of "Till Death do us pass", the lines blur between the mysteries of disease and the enigma of human nature. Our tale unfolds in the heart of a bustling metropolis, where an unsuspecting young woman, haunted by a secretive past, finds herself thrust into a treacherous web of intrigue. Meet Rebecca Donovan, a resilient and courageous woman whose life takes a perilous turn when she discovers she carries a mysterious and deadly affliction, one unknown to medical science. As the first documented case of this confounding disease, Rebecca becomes an unwitting pioneer, left to navigate the eerie corridors of uncertainty and fear. Struggling to understand her role as the first documented carrier of this perplexing ailment, she embarks on a journey to decipher its origins and discover a cure before time runs out. Unbeknownst to Rebecca, the threads of her enigma are woven deep within the fabric of secrecy. Shadows of a hidden conspiracy lurk in the corners, threatening to unravel the delicate balance she holds in her hands.

LadyDuboisWrites · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs



So beautiful. A smile formed slowly on her lips, her eyes closed as she listened to the crack of the fire, she took in a deep breath as she inhaled the strong stench of the black soot. She finally opened her eyes, the blue irises took in the beauty of the red embers and then, she exhaled and a smile formed on her lips.

She was free.

She was tempted to walk closer, to touch the flames with her fingers. She knew it would sting and would bruise but it was better. It was better than what she had faced for the past ten years. It was better.

She was free.

She watched the flames burn for a while, taking in deep breaths and exhaling. At one point, she laughed and twirled around in circles. She had never felt this happy.

This was a new beginning. She was free.

Soon, the flames started to reduce its glow and then a frown reappeared on her face. She didn't want to face her troubles anymore. It was over, she was free.

So why the sudden fear? Why the unease?


Eventually, the flames gave out and her faint heart started to beat extremely fast. What was happening to her?

She coughed violently, so violently she had to use her hand to cover her mouth but when she retracted it, blood had stained her palm. She stared in horror and she tried to scream. No one would hear her anyways, she was all alone and far away from the city. But what was she to do?

Quickly, she ran back to her cabin and turned on her phone. Thar was all she needed to do, the rest would be handled by those who monitored her daily.


She coughed again, and she ran to the table to take a glass of water. It was a mistake. Her eyes began to blur before she could reach the table, and her legs could not stand on the solid ground. In seconds, she was on the floor and blood began to drip from her nose and the corners of her eyes. Once again, she tried to scream. It was impossible.

Her throat felt like it had been set on fire. She tried to take deep breaths as she laid on the floor but by the time she inhaled the first puff of air, her chest constricted and she began gasping for air. Her brain had stopped processing what was happening, and as she laid on the floor, she could not feel any part of her body.

She could not hear anything, only a ringing in her ears. After a few seconds, a figure began to form. It took the face of a man, and he was smiling at her. There was nothing comforting about the smile.

But she couldn't move, all she could do was stare.

The man's eyes softened and he opened his mouth. 'My little dove'. That was her breaking point.


The screams she tried to release converted into tears, and the salty liquid mixed with the blood that formed at the corners of her eyes and trickled down her face.

She had deceived herself.

She wasn't free from her past. But hopefully, she would be free of death.
