
Til Kingdom Comes - The Banished Prince Vol 3: The Prophecy

PaperbackWriter · Fantasi
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7 Chs

6. Yeah, He Is Still Tripping

"What date and day are today, Eagle? I'm sorry to ask but I seemed a bit muddled right now. Seems that I had been revolving around the dead that I had associated with. Sigh..."

Eagle nodded his head and simply replied, "It's Tuesday, 9th of August, Your Majesty. Do you want to call off the remaining eradication of all such beings from our lands, Your Majesty?"

"Yes... Recall back our forces, we need to have a headcount and also assemble our men and plan properly ahead. We can't be blindly going into the enemy frontline and start blasting our way to eliminate every single class of them."

"Please assemble the pioneers and the Priest and Priestess as well so we could have a better understanding of our situation."

Eagle heaved a long sigh when he heard the last sentence from me. "Your Majesty, as you can see, we have no more pioneers with us at all. Old Kayla and Old Jack had passed on 3 years ago a month after the passing of Jack."

"The pioneers had perished on the same day as Her Majesty and His and Her Royal Highness as well."

"We could assemble the Priest and Priestess of you wished to. Would you like to meet them at the coliseum instead? They had been there since their Guild had been bombarded. Luckily there is Priest Stanley which managed to shield their Guild members from being harmed."

"Priest Shelton? Never heard of him before. How many additional Priests and Priestess were added during these few future years?" I wondered to myself and I nodded to Eagle as we made our way to the Coliseum.

"Is my wife and children buried in the burial grounds, Eagle?" I felt stupid asking such a ridiculous question but I just needed to know...! How would I be able to know if I sudden travelled forward to this time from the year 1442?

Once again, Eagle can't help but pulled my arm and brought me to the domain where on the lower floor, near where I had placed my coat of arms shield, there were 3 golden urns sitting on the mantlepiece where I used to put the crown jewels.

On the wall, my old portrait of my parents and me along with Tanya had been removed and it was replaced with Heather and I, along with our beautiful twins that had already grown up.

But something was amiss... The faces over my twins were clouded over, something like it wasn't drawn properly or smudged in a way.

Does the portrait try to tell me something? Why would it be blurred and when I brought the portrait down after climbing on a chair, I could feel that the surface of their faces was really done up in a harsh manner.

Seeing my scrunched up face, Eagle can't help but ask me of what's bothering me since I was touching the smooth surface of my twin's portrait where I felt that it was blurred and can't distinguish any of the features. This includes Heather's as well.

"I don't know, Eagle. All I could feel that this painting was something wrong as I can't feel or see the portrait of my two children along with Heather. Why is that so?"

My answer to Eagle made him jump slightly as he looked at me and looked at the painting and discovered that there was nothing wrong with the portrait but there's ABSOLUTELY something wrong with my head right now.

I touched the urns and carried it to my chest but I felt like the urn was empty. I had the urge to open it up and take a look at its content but I am pretty sure Eagle would have branded me as an unstable minded ruler.

Of course, I have to refrain from opening up the urn. What if I opened it up and someone from inside said "BOO!" to me... Won't I be screaming like a little girl instead?

When I mentioned to Eagle to recall back the army to base, I sounded the opposite since a few hours ago I had decided to launch a full-force attack on all hostile forces, not just around the town but also 5 miles out beyond.

This meant that there was a deployment of thousands of soldiers marching out from all 8 directions and encampment was made for every single mile out.

I placed the urns back in place and climbed back the chair as I hung my portrait back to its original place. I informed Eagle that I would join him at the Coliseum in a few moments as I decided to take a tour and access the damage the gnomes had launched on the domain.

As I peered around the ground floor that was badly hit on the left hand side, it seemed the occupants didn't manage to get away in time and survive. The same goes to the second too adjacent to it. Fortunately, the third and fourth room was unscathed as it housed Eagle and his standby men, perhaps?

I climbed the damaged stairwell and went upstairs where the damage on the upper rooms was truly beyond my wildest imagination.

My bedroom, as well as the twins room, were badly damaged beyond recognition. The blast was aimed at the top and then travelled down towards where I was supposed to be sleeping.

The twin's room was blasted outwards too and it seemed that the twins had separate rooms. However, the three rooms adjacent to one another was blasted outward, leaving the last room intact.

It was as if someone had been through the domain and knew where to direct the force and damage down by the blast. But how could they do it since there were guards on the upper watchtower? Was something dropped from above to create this catastrophe?

I looked at the damage done and tried to access it as much as possible. If this is a dream, I am sure I would be able to avert it somehow.

But how? Fortify the domain? Or simply vacate this building and turn it into an administration building which we may need in the future?

From the looks of it from the outside, this wooden domain sure looked like a building that's worth to be blasted to smithereens. That's what I thought from my own personal point of view.

After going through the twin's room, I discovered several drawings and also picture frames of the twins that they had done. I'm not sure when but it was kind of paint used as the ones from Marcel's.

There were some scrawled drawings that may have come from a three to four-year-old. There are also words like "Daddy and Mummy is the Best" and also "I love Mummy and Daddy" all done up in bold lettering and in full colour.

There was also drawings of rainbows, unicorns, a picture of both me and Heather (I supposed so since they looked short and had the same coloured hair as the original people) and I could say that these caricatures were kind of funny and amusing to look at.

I gathered the scattered drawings and paintings from both rooms and laid them aside near the upturned settee near the balcony.

Spots of darkened red colour were splashed about near the three rooms and I hoped that Heather and the twins didn't suffer much in the future dreams of mine.

I just wished that I could catch a glimpse of their faces when they had grown older. At least I could see how handsome and pretty they had become.

I went through inside the rooms and discovered a lot of medals were hanging on the walls and after I had taken a closer look, those medals were based on athletism and also on archery as well.

I guessed the apples don't fall too far from the tree. Hehehe. Books lined some of the shelves on the wall and I saw that they had already learnt a lot in school and if they were still alive in this dream, they would be entering university after all.

"Sigh... How I wish this was not a dream and I could see my family right now. Well, right now what I could do was to follow the flow and see what the next episode would unfold."

I walked down the stairwell and joined Eagle as we walked back to the Coliseum where the Priest and Priestess had already assembled.


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Thank you very much for your powerstones and your great support...! Stay safe and God Bless.

Follow the rest of the story here:


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