
Til Kingdom Comes - The Banished Prince Vol 3: The Prophecy

PaperbackWriter · Fantasi
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7 Chs

3. Tripping Once More

When I heard she calling me my full honorific, I can't help but flash her my signature smile as I greeted her, "Hiya, Heidi my dear. Where are our twins?"

When Crystal heard me calling Heather as 'my dear' and asking her about 'our twins', she can't help shake her head and looked at her husband, "You might have clobbered him good... Now this laddie here also known as HRH Prince Audemars is now rambling and calling Heather here and asking about their twins. When did they ever got married, eh?"

Old Jack and Old Kayla were laughing at the sides as they helped me up to mye now, HRH, let us take a look at you to make sure you do not have any internal injuries that could aggravate your health in the future."

I shook my head and said my thanks to the two old folks they had helped me up. Its alright Old Kayla, Old Jack, I feel fine and better for now. I don't feel that I have any broken ribs at all. But... Could I ask a question?"

"Sure, HRH, tell us what you need to ask then."

I let out a long sigh before I began, "Have you ever felt that part of the time we are experiencing now had been experienced before in our lives? What I mean to say is that this current time was actually the past and we had already been together for about more than 2 years already?"

Everyone listened to me and was surprised at what I had said. After realising my true identity, no one poked fun at me except for Gwen who insisted that Ben had clobbered me well until I had begun to spout nonsense.

"Hahaha. Do you believe me that in a few days time, a big black dog would come visiting us and would be sticking with us till the years to come?"

I still remembered the time when we were eating some fish when Sir Blackie made his first appearance and was watching us and crawled a few steps ahead inched his way until he had his first bite of the smoked fish.

The rest of them looked at me in surprise and never thought much of what I had said because they had travelled for 2 days, dragging an unconscious me behind them in a makeshift stretcher after being knocked out cold by Ben.

As far as I remember, it's the starting of the end of Winter in the year 1440 and Spring is just around the corner, although the frost on the ground had nearly completely gone now.

According to the best of my knowledge, it's a Saturday, March 28th of the year 1440.

"Gwen, could you pass me the leather pouch that had a few hooks on a twine? Let me lure in some fishes for our lunch. It's already nearing lunchtime, right?"

"By the way, Old Kayla, there's some wild winter wheat growing on the southernmost side of the river there about a mile or so, fashion something like a basket to bring the spikes in and we could have some grains for our food."

"Besides, Gwen here could set up some traps to catch some red jungle fowls and also some game which is quite abundant here in the forest. The only thing is that we would be aking our domain so we need to be about half a mile away from this river onwards."

"With Crystal here, I don't think we would be short of livestock as we would be having more food than we could imagine with the arrival of Marcel the Merchant, some new residents as well as the Irish Travellers."

When I spoke of the future events that not even was happening or being formed in our minds even, at the moment, they knew that I might have lost my mind somehow. But Gwen was surprised to find out that I knew about the leather pouch that held the fishbones as hooks and some twines as well.

Old Kayla was surprised to find out that I could direct them where to find some winter wheat that was growing and also knew about the red jungle fowls that were living in this area.

For the past 2 days when they were taking turns to drag me along on a stretcher, they didn't even hear or see any existent of red jungle fowls.

They also heard the name of Marcel the merchant being mentioned and never knew that I would be able to name him since the merchant had stopped coming to Darlington for more than 6 months prior to the siege.

"Hehehe. At the meantime when Gwen goes trapping, Crystal could make some chicken coops made from the stripping of the bamboo bark they could be found on both of the northernmost and southernmost sides of the forest's edge."

"My dear citizens of a newfound land and settlement, please put your trust in me and to Heather as well. We will build this little settlement of ours bit by bit and we would be joined by many others as well."

"Within a few months, we would have banana plantations here, cane sugar as well and on the other side we would have a small vegetable garden patch as well as a herb garden."

"Here in this spot, we would have our domain where we all would live together in the future, overlooking the residential lots as well as crop fields across the river, a windmill to grind our grains and a water wheel to supply our water from the river to the livestock and farmlands."

When they heard me blabber on, they felt that I truly had lost my mind and would start to foam at my mouth when suddenly I felt something heavy pounced on me that nearly knocked my breath out and said, You can't change fate and destiny...! Now go back to where you came from...!"


I haven't finish narrating about this interesting episode and had to be pulled out of reality and into some kind of dimension.

"What a weird way to travel through my dreams, even though its the most unorthodox way by all means. First was a kick, followed by the merciless mace, and now it is like a body press on a wrestling match..."

I thought inwardly as the wind was knocked out from my body as I lost consciousness once again and would never know when I would be back at my comfortable settee or midway through the months of the development of our town...!

Follow the rest of the story here:


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