

kimbell_angelyc · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs





"Ah!! F**k!! Yeah!! Ouch!! Ah!ah!ah!"

"Drive deeper!"

"Oh!! Oh!! Oh!!"


"That's the spot!"

"Screw the hell outta my hole"


The girl moaned as Lucas continued hitting her from the back.

Lucas traced his hand to his front and grab her left b**bs, squeezing the living day light out of it.


Another moan of pleasure left her lips.

Just then, the door opened and Rosie walked in..the files in her hand flew away and she let out a scream.


Lucas pulled out from the girl and pulled back his trouser before turning to Rosie angrily.

"What happened to the normal procedure? Why the hell didn't you knock?"He roared angrily and Rosie glared at the girl who is putting back her clothes hurriedly.

"Am sorry sir,but I came to give you this!"She said and bent down picking the files.

The girl rushed out, and Rosie smiled picking the files slowly....she knowingly Swayed her @ss and Lucas licked his lips.

He's the lord of p*ssy after all and His still horny like mad.

Rosie stood up and took slow steps to him, closing the space between them.

"Like what you see?"She asked in the most seducting voice ever, slowly drawing invisible circles on his chest.

"Don't force it, you're still horny and am here for you!"She smiled bitting her bottom lips.

"You're never tired?"Lucas asked grabbing her @ss and squeezing.

"When it comes to your d*ck,I won't be tired!"She replied and Lucas smirked before slamming his lips on hers.



Alberto could be seen, sitting on the living room cellar with a glass of wine.

He had a picture in his hand as he drank from the cup,it's obvious his crying while staring at the picture.

"Why did you have to disappear? After your promises?"He asked as another round of tears slipped Down from his eyes.

"You promised never to leave I and the baby! But you couldn't even hold him before disappearing! Why?"He asked bitterly as his mind flashed back to the day she left.


"Where is my wife?"Alberto asked the receptionist the moment he stepped foot inside the hospital.

"Who is your wife sir?"The receptionist asked sounding confused.

There's many ladies in the hospital,so how do he expect her to know the wife when his not even specific.

"The lady who gave birth five hours ago!"

"Oh...she is in ward 9..the first ward by your right!"She explained and Alberto nodded before running off.

*WARD 9*

"What do you mean? You where supposed to look after her so what the f**k are you sprouting?"The doctor asked the nurse whose head was bowed.

"Am sorry doctor but I went..."

"What can sorry fix? The fact that the lady vanished?"He asked angrily and Alberto choose that moment to enter.

"Who vanished? And where is my wife?"He asked and the doctor gulped down.

"Actually sir..."

"Don't tell me my wife is dead?"Alberto yelled grabbing him by the collar.

"Calm down Mr Alberto,we need to settle this amicably!"The doctor said slowly removing Alberto's hand from his collar.

"My son?"He asked and the doctor pointed to a baby cot in the ward.

Alberto slowly walked to the cot and carried the little boy,he placed a kiss on his forehead and the baby smiled.

"What happened to my wife?"He asked turning to the doctor with little Liam still in his arms.

"She dropped this!"The doctor said and handed him a piece of paper.

Alberto took it and opened it,just then...the tears came flowing!

She dropped a letter, telling him to take care of the baby and that she might never return,ever again.


"Why did you leave me?"Alberto sobbed throwing the glass cup,and it met with the wall, breaking to piece's.

"Why???"He screamed roughing his hair as more tears flooded his eyes.

The door opened and Livy walked in.

"Alberto!!"She screamed rushing to him.

She made to touch him but Alberto pushed her away.

"Alberto! What are you doing?"She half yelled.

"Stay away from me!"

"But am only worried as a friend!"She replied trying to touch him again.

"Livy!!! I mean it when I told you to stay away! Don't try me!"He replied coldly.

"The door is behind you!"He added and left her.

"You're mine Alberto! Mine alone!"She gritted balling her fist angrily.



Aria came back and dropped the coffee on his desk causing Ethan to look up.

He looked at his watch before looking back to Aria.

"You spent thirty minutes getting a cup of coffee?"He asked and Aria nodded.

"Michael is something wrong with you? Why would you spend a whole thirty minutes getting just a cup of coffee?"

"Sir,I was really confused on which coffee to get..I don't know your taste!"She replied and Ethan scoffed.

He took the cup of coffee and took a sip from it,but spitted it out.

"Why the hell is it bitter? No milk or what?"He shouted angrily and Aria groaned.

"Thought you wanted a coffee..."

"Go get me another coffee!"He said cutting her off and Aria's eyes widened.

"Another coffee??"She screamed and Ethan stood up from the chair.

"You're not going?"He asked slowly.

"No sir but..."

"No buts Micheal! Have you forgotten the deal? I'll give you the salary and in exchange you work for me endlessly or pay back the money!"He smirked and Aria took her bottom lips in.

"I'll go get it!"She replied slowly and left.

Ethan scoffed and sat down.



Adam and Ryan could be spotted sitting on one corner of the cafeteria with a plate of rice and salad.

Just then,Nora walked up to them with a plate of food in her hand.

"Can I join you?"She smiled and Adam nodded, nudging her to seat.

Nora pulled out a chair, close to Adam's and sat down.

They resumed eating in silence while Adam kept stealing glances at vision who was sitting alone like an abandoned soul.

"Ermmm!"Nora cleared her throat and the two looked at him.

"Water"Ryan said and gave her a cup of water.

"Thanks"she muttered

"Here she is.... bastard!!"They heard voices which got them raising their faces from the food.

May and her friends marched angrily towards vision's table and scattered the whole thing.

👥"Not again!!"

👥"They're going to beat her!"

👥"I don't feel for her,she's a lowlife so no room for her in this school!"

"Bastard!! What did I tell you?"May asked grabbing her hair and pulling it roughly.

"Jesus Christ!"Adam and Ryan exclaimed standing up from their chair.

"Am sorry,I came but I...ah!!!!"She screamed when may hit her head on the table.

She pulled her up, dragging her hair to the extent that vision could feel the scalp of her hair leaving her soul.

May hit her head again on the table,she pulled her up and raise her hand to slap her but someone cut the hand midair.

"Imbecile"the person said and the students gasped.



