

ZTKYT · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Tick-Toc Chapter 6

*somewhere in Sukook city* A man in a suit and tie ran down the street in a panic. It was late, sometime passed 7, it was dark, the street only illuminated by street lamps, the man was sweaty, covered in sweat.

His tie has been ripped at the end, his suit cut up, stained with blood, his blood. The man ran down the street groaning in pain and still squealing with panic in his voice. He made it to the ghetto side of downtown, the alleyway market, lines of salesmen, and vendors all sitting on blankets with their products spread out.

"SIR, PLEASE, TAKE THIS OFF MY HANDS", the man in the suit said to the closest salesman, the salesman shook his head no while scooching due to the man's appearance.

The man approached another man after getting rejected some more, "Please, take this off my hands, I'll pay you" the man in the suit exclaimed, he continued to throw a glowing purple stone with a handful of assorted bills and sped off.

The vender could do nothing but accept, although frightened, he gave the stone a look, saw its vibrant glow with its unique etchings, he knew exactly what to do.

He closed up shop, he simply lifted up his blanket and tied it up with all the items in it.

The alley was about 18 to 20 feet wide, around 6 feet of walking space since salesmen and vendors were on both sides of the alley so the size of the room varied.

As he walked down, he couldn't see the end to an almost endless alleyway with many twists and curves, as well as leading to other alleys. He took 3 right turns into another alley specifically at a randomly placed wall light, which led him to a door.

The door was dirty, and slimey. He knocked twice, the door opened, an older man opened up, "hey old friend, you got something for me?" The man said as he welcomed in the vendor.

They both walked down the corridor to reveal a way nicer and clean shop, but not any shop, a crystal and stained glass shop.

"what do you got for me friend" the older man said.

"I was given this by someone random, he wanted to get off his hands so bad he payed me" the vendor said.

"man he must be in big trouble" the man said chuckling to himself,

"let me take a look here", the vendor passed it to him,

"hmm, you know just by looking at it, it seems very unique, it could be stolen and someone was looking after that guy you know?",

"well it's in your hands now", the vendor replied,

"not just yet, I don't take any junk, assuming you want to get paid for this''. The older man put a finger width flashlight to the stone, attempting to see inside the crystal, but the light went out.

"strange" he said while mumbling to himself, he then went to check under a microscope, it was like nothing he's ever seen before, "well it's definitely unique, how much did he give you for it?" The man asked,

"he gave me about 2 for it" the vendor replied,

"well how about this, I'll double it and some, I'll make you six hundred today instead of 2 how about that?". The older man said while taking it out of the register.

The vendor paused, considered, and before he said his answer, the man intervened,

"I'm giving you more than any stone you've ever brought here in the past 3 months, and I'm doubling your money, remember what I do for you", the vendor tapped the table with his finger while thinking,

"you've got a deal, I have no clue what I'd do with this thing anyways I ain't no gem expert".

"Pleasure, doing business with you" the man said with a stern voice,

"it's late, get going home I've got to get home to the kiddos as well" the man said while turning off everything.

The older man and the vendor exited the main door of the building which led to the Main Street, they parted ways and the crystal merchant was wearing a trench coat.

He took out the crystal on his way home to give the crystal another look, it shined bright even on this dark night, illuminating his hand, it then fizzed with a small static shock which was too small to feel.


the man said with a smile realizing he has something no one else did.

Shenn-Lee had taken a stop at a local inn, it wasn't high quality seeing how he had no cash flow income, and had to ration whatever pocket change he has.

Luckily this timeframe allowed modern American bills and he happened to be in america,

"with the the radar saying the stone has stopped in a remote location after moving all night, it's safe to say those time crawlers haven't got to them" he said to himself positively,

"bad news is, it's probably in the hand of a civilian, which could put them in danger" Shenn said.

his expression changed, Shenn had been running all day, and hasn't been able to find this crystal, he was tired especially after using his abilities.

"I'm gonna knockout" he said to himself as he fell back on his low quality spring mattress, "at least it's better then nothing".

The older gentleman arrived at his home, lights on all over, he put on a big smile and unlocked the door, and immediately the sight of 3 boys playing with each other were in view.

"daddy!" The kids said simultaneously, hey little ones he said with a calm voice waiting for the embrace.

A woman presumably his wife entered the entrance hallway along with the kids as they jumped into him,

"how was the shop today? Any luck?", the women said with intrigue,

"nothing today, it was slow", the women sighed,

"but I found something real special, bought it for four".

The women's face lit up but not with joy, with confusion,

"what could you possibly need so bad to spend 400 on? We need that money!" She exclaimed.

"listen honey it's gonna make us rich I promise, but for now, someone's gonna hold it for me". The man walked away from his wife, and passed the 3 kids, to a bedroom down at the end of the hall.

He knocked…., no answer, knocked again, then it opened, it was his 4th kid, a girl who appeared to be 12, "oh hey dad" she said being surprised,

"hey princess, daddy got a very important crystal today" the man said,

"is it another fake amethyst again?" She said doubtingly,

"nope, dads gonna sell this one big time", he opened his coat pocket, he then pulled out the vibrant crystal.

she saw it and immediately took it from her dads hand. "Oooooo, this one's extra pretty" the girl said in awe, but then the man swiped it from her hands,

"nuh uh uhh", he said with a smirk.

"Hey I thought you said I could have it",

"let me put on a necklace first", he pulled out a necklace with a small vice on it, it clipped onto the stone easily and fizzed up again.

"Here you go princess, just for you", the man said as he put it on his daughter's neck,

"I love it papa, you're the best!". Later that night, as the girl slept, something watched her from her window, it growled sniffing around, it knew what it was after, another time crawler….

some world building, not major but I added this chapter for context for the next show down with the time crawlers. The next chapter will be right back to a Shenn Lee focused chapter, but once again, his own safety will not be the only thing he has to worry about….

ZTKYTcreators' thoughts