

The field was tense. One could smell the tension miles away like a stench. The nurses surrounded a bleeding warrior.

Edgar cleaned his sword and sheathed it, he had taken it too far.

"You've gone too far- my lord" the prim butler said as he came to the spar grounds upon notice.

"He was unprepared. Not the men I need in battalion right now " Edgar replied calmly

"What bothers you " Nicholas asked

"Nothing " Edgar replied after a glare at the aged man

"It is something " He Prodded

"You know me too much Nick " Edgar breathed out as he handed the cotton back to his hand boy and strode away from the scene. Nicholas in tow.

"The child. Her father has upset her" Edgar said

Nicholas could not effectively hide his snort.

Why would that bother the Sol king of all pressing issues ?

"I see... And that bothers you" Nicholas asked

"More than I like. She is a child. It is only expected that she may bend to please Cedric " Edgar replied

"And Cedric's wished are? " Nicholas questioned