

When Selene finally woke. She was scared, afraid the morning would bring reality. That the Lord would leave her cold and unwanted. Alone.

"What makes you sad so early child" came the hard voice

Selene could not hide her smile. She threw her hands over the Lord that sat but her bed. Naked

"Do you have a wish to not walk again?" He asked as her soft body pressed to him. Arousing hia insatiable passion

Selene turned pink and pulled away

"My Lord" she said

" Call me Edgar while we remain alone child" he said

"I am not a child" Selene snapped angrily, the name had become permanent

"You are, you have not seen the winters I have or nearly the summer. You are a babe. A child" the Lord replied and pulled her to him. Caressing her hair.

"Do you wish to break your fast in bed?" He asked

" No..my Lord. I...the servants, they would speak of this..of us" she stammered

"They should. I have waited long enough to have you " the Lord replied

Selene frowned at him fondly