
Chapter 64


Nico arrived at school only to find people gathered in front of the big screen for announcement.

' I can't believe she's leaving."

' If she hadn't gotten involved with the crowned Prince, all this wouldn't have happened. What was she thinking?"

I heard the students murmur stuffs between each other and they stopped the moment they saw me. I looked up at the screen and it was boldly written 'GIANNA AND MASON WILL NOT BE WITH US FIR THE REST OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR."

' Happy now?" Zoe snapped at me and when I turned to her, she glared at me and walked out on me.

I quickly rushed to my car and started the engine as I drove to her house.

I slammed the car door and hurried to their front door, I knocked on it continuously and rang the doorbell but no answer. The place was quiet as if it had been abandoned for days.

' Excuse me…please have you seen Ms. Han and her…"