

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

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Chapter 17

Although none of the veterans said so, everyone knew that the scouting expedition had been a failure. They said a new variant, a female Titan, had collapsed the right wing and proceeded to the middle where Eren was located.

Christa wasn't particularly smart, but she knew something was odd about those three Titans. The Colossal, the Armored, and now the Female. A part of her connected the dots that told her if Eren could transform, shouldn't those three be able to as well?

If that was true, then did that mean they were humans as well?

Regardless, a part of her recognized Eren and was afraid of him. She hated to admit it, but a dark side wanted Eren to fail in his fight with the Female Titan.

She shook those thoughts from her mind in a visible manner. Just because he found out her secret didn't mean he deserved death. In a very roundabout way, one could say he was trying to help her.

To show those who told her she would be better off dead wrong. To live to something worthy of potential. To be… Historia rather than Christa.

The sudden movement of Shasha caught everyone's attention as she frantically yelled how she heard large like footsteps.

It took only a few seconds for a veteran to come through the window to confirm what they all had feared.

Wall Rose had been broken through.

"Titans have invaded wall Rose!" The news came from one of Rommel's men. He seemed frantic, out of breath from the run he had just done.

Rommel, who was sipping tea, immediately spit it out in disbelief, causing him to choke.

He was currently having a meeting with Scott and Hugo on how to proceed next with Operation Kalvarienberg, that was until one of Rommel's informants burst in with that message.

"Begin to mobilize all units. We can't stand by and allow innocent people to die while we have the means to swiftly end the threat." Scott wasted no time in giving out orders.

"I concur." Rommel said as he wiped up the remaining tea off his mouth. "I think it will also be a good debut, prepare-"

"Redact that." Hugo interrupted and told the informant before he could leave. "We are to follow The Führer's orders when it comes to a situation like this."

"What?!" Scott spoke up in anger. "The Führer isn't even here! How do you expect us to follow his orders?!"

"By following the protocols that he set out for us." Hugo mentioned as he began to walk towards the door. "In the event of a Titan invasion—if still working in secrecy—we are to take all equipment to our last base within wall Sheena. We must maintain our element of surprise, it is foolhardy to rush to the aid of a few may doom the many later on."

Everyone in the room seemed reluctant to follow such an order. Rommel recalled that conversation with Eren and the reasons he listed. It was just as Hugo said, if they were to rush into this situation, they would reveal their cards. In doing so, they could be vulnerable to attack by other forces rather than have the surprise they were desperately hoping for.

"Well, it just says equipment." Hugo stated. "Nothing says there is something preventing a specials forces from helping out here and there. Like the Kräfte, you could say."

With that said, Hugo left to prepare Utgard castle for evacuation.

"Scott." Rommel began.

"Already on it." Scott was already out the door.

Rommel laid back into his chair as the string of events came crashing down on him. He was glad he had such great men under him that didn't hesitate other the prospect of Titans invading Wall Rose.

"Sir," His informant spoke up. "I suggest you be the first to leave, or at least leave with the tanks as a convoy."

"Not happening." Rommel shocked the man. "I'm not leaving until everyone has vacated the base."

Rommel wished he could turn and look out a window, but was unable to as the main portion of the base was located underground. They had tunnels all over Utgard castle that they would use as avenues for escape. Regardless, the ruin like castle made a perfect cover up for their activities.

Rommel just hoped that the Titans would ignore this portion of the vast land within the walls.

And a part of him wanted them all to descend upon this place so they could eliminate them swiftly.

He never knew that aide from so long ago was actually The Führer. It never once crossed his mind that the man who prepared everything that they had was actually the same age, if not younger, as him.

"Jeremiah." The Führer spoke to him. Currently, they were within Stohess district. Jeremiah, in response to Operation Kalvarienberg, was sent to protect The Führer and follow every order he had. Although, considering the news, he heard of Eren Yeager and bringing into account what Eren Yeager could do, Jeremiah severely doubted that The Führer needed his protection.

"I heard you became the leader of the Kräfte." Eren continued. "How does that fare?"

Jeremiah knew that The Führer was well aware of just what was going on with the special elite force, but a part of him realized that he was just making small talk in present company.

"Excellent." Jeremiah stated without hesitation. "All the members training are going off without a hitch. All of them are at Utgard awaiting for the final phases of Kalvarienberg."

"Good." Eren said as they came to the end of the hallway they were walking down. Opening the set of doors, they entered the room.

What greeted him were some of Rommel's men. He could tell they were his by the coat of arms they sported. Rommel's coat of arms was unique ever since he inherited his father's noble estate. Regardless, it was the girl and what appeared to be a reporter that he recognized that didn't belong to any of Rommel's industries.

"Peaure," Eren spoke to the reported. "Did everything go alright?"

"Yes!" Peaure spoke with the utmost pleasure. "My seniors have always been held back in regards scoops like this. I'm really glad you contacted me about this!"

"Of course, just remember our deal."

"Of course!" Peaure said as he exited the door.

With a sigh, Eren took the seat that Peaure at previously occupied. With a somewhat amused look, he looked at the tired girl that sat across from him.

"So, how is it going?" He said with a slight smirk.

"... I think I'd prefer torture rather than that man's persist badgering about… that aspect of our… made up life."

All Eren did was give a short snort.

With that done, he stood once again, looking at Jeremiah.

"Your orders are to protect this woman with your life. Anyone that means her harm is to be eliminated immediately."

"Yes sir," Jeremiah said. "But if I may… who is she?"

"My lover, of course."

Things were going as plan. The news reporter, Peaure, would ensure that the fabricated story of love would discreetly be released into the public. He had warned that reporter of the corruption, so he would without a doubt publish it anonymously.

With that done, they would gather all the information they could out of Annie. However, before they could have done that, there seemed to be a hiccup with the plan itself.

"Wall Rose… has been breached?"


"What do we do?!"

A Scout had burst through the door during a meeting of the higher-ups and relayed the information that Titans were within Wall Rose.

Naturally, word spread fast. Preparations for the refugees were being sorted. It was during that time that Eren allowed the first phase of Kalvarienberg.

"The charges are set." One of his aides whispered in his ear as people began to cope with the current situation.

"I hate to add more stress to this situation but…" Eren slightly hesitated. "Blow them."

With that word said, the aide left.

Shortly after, there was an explosion on the wall, resulting in a few chunks to fall off. The pieces that fell revealed to the world how the walls were truly made. It revealed the face of a ginormous Titan.

"She no doubt has information on the subject, it's best if we look into it!" Eren vividly remembered Nile Dok from his trial as he spoke in the congregation of current leaders.

"Annie Leonhart is in our current custody." A well-trusted aid of Eren spoke on the behalf of the Rommel name. "I assure you will we gather the needed information."

"Erwin." Nile turned his attention to the Commander of the Scouts. "Care to explain why you gave custody of this girl to the Rommels?"

"In exchange for information and… suggesting guards to turning a blind eye when Mr. Yeager was being escorted, we came to the deal that allowed us to handle Ms. Leonhart." The aide responded in Erwin's stead.

"Ridiculous." Nile scoffed as he left. "Whatever, we currently have the Garrison forming lines of defenses and evacuating the civilians. However, I do want that information."

All the aide did was nod and left.

After the meeting of the Higher ups, Erwin began preparing the Scouts for combat as they were to go out and secure Wall Maria.

However, before they did that Erwin pulled Eren aside, giving him a chiding glare.

"Care to explain the reason as to why Hange is currently busy?"

No doubt, the man knew.

"Is this referring to the Giants within the wall?" Eren responded slyly.

"You told me before, over a month ago when we first met. You told me all the information you had. Your theories about the king, your evidence of how the walls were made, and your involvement in the Rommel industry. Now, care to explain just why apart of the wall was blown up to show just what was inside?"

"Tell me, Commander, who is the enemy?"

Smith twitched his brows at the statement.

"I currently see three. How many do you see?" Eren continued.

"The Titans, those outside the walls, and…" Erwin responded as he looked around them. "Those within."

"There is only one way to find those who had hidden from the public eye so efficiently." Eren said as he began to walk away. "They have to reveal themselves of their own accord. And when they do, we strike."

They found nothing.

There were no holes within the wall where the Titans should've come from. They had gone around, a few even coming into contact with Titans, but when they arrived at the wall to find out where the hole was, they were met with nothing out of the ordinary.

"There's an abandon castle nearby." One of the veterans of the Scouts spoke up as they merged with the other group. "We can rest there and figure out just what the heck is going on in the morning."

"I don't understand." Connie spoke up as they moved to the silhouette of the castle. "How did they get in if there was no hole."

No one spoke about it, or how they found Ranknorock village completely destroyed without a drop of blood. The fact that the horses were still there and a Titan that could clearly not move gave rise to suspicion.

A suspicion that no one voiced.

Regardless, the decision had been made, so they headed towards the castle. However, upon reaching what could be considered an entrance, they were met with five figures already there.

There first thought was that they were bandits that had not received the news. They did quick to tell them, however, it wasn't until one of the other veterans came up close and recognized one of the men still standing there.

"Erwin Rommel?" The Scout asked with a befuddled face.

Rommel was surrounded by two of his guards, armed with guns far superior to the ones the MPs employed. With him was Scott, who also elected to say behind until all personnel evacuated. Finally, Titus stood in the far back, decked out with the new and improve Mk 2 verticle maneuver gear.

"What is it? You're Scouts right? Why do you have civilians with you, shouldn't they all have been evacuated already?" Rommel gave question to the four men and women in uniform.

"Huh," One of the Scouts spoke up. "Oh, they're Scouts as well, but, well… The reason they are in civilian clothing doesn't matter right now."

"Whatever," It was Titus that spoke up. "We have to move, while the Titans are resting."

"About that," One of the Scouts spoke up. "Our horses are weary and we really need to rest. We just searched the entire wall and we couldn't find a hole."

This put a pause to the current members of Rommel's industry as they processed the information.

"No hole…" One of the guards muttered.

"How did they get in?" Scott pondered.

Rommel elected to say nothing.

"...Titans stay asleep at night, right?" Rommel already knew the answer but said it more to clarify the situation. "If so, then I suppose we can allow you to stay here for awhile."

Scott seemed surprised by such a prospect. He locked eyes with Rommel, wondering about the facilities underground. A simple nod from Rommel told him to trust him.

He hoped they stayed away from any of the entrances that led to the basement. Well, they required a key to get in regardless, so any hope of them finding it would be null.

"The foundation and interior are a little rugged." Rommel said as everyone began to tie up their horses. "We were planning to do something with it before the this whole Titan escapade happen. Still, if we wait till morning, it would be safer as the Scouts no doubt have some task force coming, I would assume."

Rommel lied smoothly as he came up with a solution as to why they were there.

"I have a question." One of the Scouts in civilian clothes, a tall girl, spoke. "How does one of your men have vertical maneuver gear? Isn't that only for military purposes only?"

"Oh?" Titus rose an eyebrow at the girl. "And after we so graciously allowed you to seek shelter here. You ask such tasteless questions?"

The girl rose her hands as she gave a half-hearted shrug.

"Just wanted to make sure we weren't dealing with criminals. After all, this place was rumored to be a hideout for bandits."

"Whatever," Titus didn't rise to the jab. "There is a reason I have this gear. Maybe in the future you will be glad to know."

And so, both the Scouts and those of Rommel's industry settled in for the night, hoping above all else that nothing would disrupt them.

How wrong they were.

Eren gave a snare in disgust. There were a few things that revoked such emotions such as disdain and hate out of him, but the person Annie described did both.

"A Shifter that can turn other people into his personal army of Titans just by injecting his spinal fluids in them?!" Eren didn't raise his voice, but it was a pitch higher than his normal voice.

"Yes." Annie responded. "I don't know how, but it's not like they would tell me anyway."

Eren sat down at the table as he brushed a hand through his hair.

"And… Is it possible that he could infiltrate the walls and, say, turn a village into mindless Titans to run rampant without punching a hole in the wall?"

All Annie did was give a nod.

Eren stayed silent for a moment, before standing up and promptly kicking the table.

Giving a sigh, he bent over and picked the object that received the brunt of his rage up again. Annie didn't react, besides having an amused smile.

"I didn't know you could get worked up like that."

Eren chose to shoot her a glare in response.

"How can you even combat such a weapon? They could just blanket the area with gas that contained his spinal fluid."

"Well, the serum only affects Eldians, so people like Mikasa and that runt that's called humanities strongest would be fine."

"Because they are a different race?"

"Hizuru, I believe."

"Really? What an original name."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Not at all." Eren gave a shrug. "Just genuinely surprised at the names of races and all. It's unique. Regardless, about this shifter, does he have any weakness that can be exploited."

"Weakness?" Annie gave a shrug. "Just about any other Shifter out there. He has an ape-like figure with long arms. He can harden, but not like my crystal."

Eren cupped his mouth with a hand as he tapped the table.

"What do you think his object would be to attack all of a sudden."

"...It's been five years without any real progress from our end. I assume that Marley is anxious and sent him to discern the situation. He probably used this attack to gather information on us."

"Good." Eren gave a chuckle. "That false information may prove to be fatal."

"False? What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that the current equipment that is being deployed and used by the military within the walls is not the best technology those people of the walls can produce. I assure you, you will find out one way or another.

"Now then, I've gained a lot from this conversation. Thank you, I assure, you'll see your father again."

Eren got up to leave, but a weak reply from Annie stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey…" She hesitated for a few seconds, but continued regardless. "Do you… Do you believe I am a bad person? After everything I told you, explaining the situation, what do you make of me?"

For the first time in a long time, Annie's cold-hearted eyes held emotion in them as they were brimming with life. Directed right towards Eren.

Eren stopped, turning around to face her.

"I won't tell you what you did was good. Although you were told we were nothing more but mere demons, you still slaughtered innocent lives regardless of incorrect information. But…"

Eren trailed off. He had no right to call her evil, considering the things he did and is about to do.

However, in this moment, he wanted to speak without any barriers, without any ulterior motives to hinder him.

"But, I believe you are following your own heart. For me, at the very least, that's the best thing you can do. So, don't dwell on it too much. Just simply look towards the future. To redemption."

With that said, he left. All he could do was tell her what he did in the past, despite all the atrocities and regrets that were there. To simply trust in your heart and goals and look towards the future.

"Heh," Annie gave a light giggle as the door closed. "I bet he thought he looked cool after saying something so cliche and leaving."

"So, you're one of Mr. Rommel's elite guards?" Reiner spoke to Titus. After they had all entered the aging castle, the adults of the group went up to the tower where they could survey the land. This left the younger ones of the group to stay down and rest. Granted, Titus was specifically told to stay down here as he was probably the most capable, barring Scott, from taking down everyone here. After they had all introduced themselves, they all went to do specific things. Some slept, while others simply sat. Titus elected to stand in a corner, observing everyone with narrowed eyes.

"Seems like we are the same age."

"What of it?" Titus gave no indication he cared as he leaned up against the wall. The brats were starting to get to him. "Regardless, I am older than you."

"How do you know?" Ymir took to always be an annoyance to Titus.

"You guys should've been around twelve when you joined the 104th? I was fifteen around that time." Titus decided to entertain them, if only to shut them up.

"Who said we were all twelve?" Ymir gave a smirk. "In fact, what if I told you I could be the oldest one in the room hands down?"

"Considering you look like an ugly, aging woman, I'd believe it." Titus rose to the bait with a jab of his own.

"Huh?!" Ymir rose to her feet. "Wanna say that again."

"Guys!" Christa yelled as she got up to stop Ymir. "Can you find a different time to rile someone up like that!"

"C'mon!" Ymir walked forward. "His arrogant attitude has been bugging me all night. Just one punch and I'll put him in his place!"

"As if!" Titus quickly drew his swords. "In fact, I'll let you get the first hit, so when I wipe the floor with your ass, I can call it self defense!"

"Will you all shut up!" Connie surprised everyone by shouting as he stood up. "While you guys are dicking around, I'm trying to figure out how my village was destroyed and why there was a Titan, a Titan, that welcomed me home! It spoke to me! Not only that, it looked like my mother!"

It was at that point that Connie turned into a sobbing mess, no doubt the day's events taking a toll on his body.

Everyone stayed silent at that, the only sound being Titus sheathing his swords.

"Ugh, are you a dumbass?" Ymir gave a sigh. "You're imagination is overreacting. You just think that because you're worried. Do you really think your dense head could really believe all that? The fact that humans could turn into Titans. Jeez, you really are an idiot."

She meant in a way to lighten up the mood. It seemed to help Conne, as he gave a chuckle, telling himself he was just an idiot that was making things up.

Titus elected to say nothing, only leaning back on the wall.

Only to suddenly jump off it has he was shocked to find that the wall shook. Everyone saw his confused and wary attitude as he looked at the wall strangely.

"What's wrong?" Ymir tried to tease him. "See a spider that scared you?"

"Shh." Titus rose his hand to silence them.

It didn't work as Shasha woke up immediately with a scream.

"I hear footsteps!"

No one said anything at that statement, simply waiting.

Then, they felt it. The slight vibration that was associated with each booming footstep.

The adults that burst open one of the doors confirmed them.

The Titans were moving at night.

"I'm curious as to why we chose Utgard Castle?" Eren spoke to Hange as they rode towards their destination. Currently, a group of Scouts they could muster together were currently heading towards one of the lands that were under the Rommel name.

"It's abandoned and home to bandits I've heard." Hange responded without missing a beat. "It's close to the wall, so we should be able to use it as a temporary headquarters to seal up the breach."

It was a little concerning that they were heading to one of the main secret bases for the production of tanks, but it mattered little. By now, Rommel should have evacuated the entire facility. Even if they did happen upon one of the secret entrances, they would find nothing.

"Regardless, how was that Pastor. Nick, was it?" Eren feigned ignorance of Pastor Nick. He knew him well to be one of the main cult leaders of the Wall Worshipers. He even recalled how he attended his trial.

"He seemed to know something. So far, he left me off with a name of a person who would tell us the secrets."

"Historia, right? You asked about her before we left." This time it was Armin that strode next to Eren and Hange. "Before, you described… well, what we need to do now is decide what to do when we meet those two…"

He was referring to Reiner and Bertholdt. Hange had taken them aside, describing the situation. After they had received a report, and considering Armin's eye witness account. Reiner and Bertholdt were the Armor and Collasal Titan respectively. They were given details on to stay ignorant of their identities.

That is, until they could secure them underground like they did Annie.

"Yes." Hange replied. "However, it is troublesome that no one in the 104th is under that name. They most likely are under a new name."

"I say we cross that bridge when we come to it." Eren responded. He recognized this path, they were closing in on Utgard Castle. "In any case, we should deal with the current situation at hand."

"I agree." Hange spoke. "For now, let's finish up this business with the Titans and figure out how they got in."

"T-That's insane…" Connie slowly tumbled to the ground as those who witness the Titans moving at night described how many there were. "D-Didn't Squad Leader Mike deal with them?"

"He has the skill to deal with multiple of them." Nanaba spoke up. "But we lost count of over forty Titans. We four will deal with them."

She was referring to the only Scouts with Vertical Maneuvering gear. While the Scouts were discussing just what to do with the Titans, Titus shifted his way towards Rommel and Scott.

"We should leave before things get problematic." Titus whispered to the group as to not be heard.

"And leave them all to die?" Rommel questions with a glare.

Titus looked at Rommel with narrowed eyes. He switched his view to Scott, who was impassive as ever. Finally, his eyes landed on the two guards. They had glares of dedication, not even flinching or trembling at the thought of Titans just mere meters away from them.

Titus gave a sigh, he adopted a less defensive pose. Turning around, he walked towards the four veterans discussing how they would do things.

"Hey, I can help out."

"Not a chance." One of them spoke up. "These are Titans. We know you have some training with the gear. However, we can't allow you to deal with such monsters."

"Alright." Titus agreed. Not that he wanted to help them anyway, but a quick glance at Rommel suggested otherwise. "I can stay down here and deal with any Titans that get through one of the doors."

"Well try our best for that not to happen."

With that all said, the four veterans went up the stairway to partake in battle.

The beast of a Titan that had an appearance similar to an ape gave a slight groan as he watched the four humans slay Titan after Titan.

He had expected people of phenomenal skill that could no doubt suppress Titans, but for there to be so many? There was that one gentleman that he first met. The man he took the gear from, resulting in his demise, was skilled enough that he slew ten of his Titans. He thought that the thirty he had left would be enough, but then another group came in.

They weren't actively trying to run from the Titans, but sweeping through and eliminating.

He had dealt with one of them personally. The beast Titan would never admit it, but he believed the only way he won was because of his experience. Regardless, those elites that were affiliated with a different faction served someone know as 'The Führer'. The Beast Titan discarded this information, thinking it useless to get involved with the politics of these walls.

He had wanted to take the soldiers gear, noticing it was smaller and far faster than the previous one he snatched. However, another group of elites showed up. The Beast Titan had to send the rest of his meager force just to get away from them.

With that, all his Titans were killed.

It was irritating to no end, but he was anything if not pretentious. He and the Marley soldiers that accompanied him ambushed a group of Eldians that were seeking refuge from Wall Rose in light of the new 'invasion'.

One hundred souls were soon blanketed in a gas cloud made out of his spinal fluid. Within mere moments they were turned into mindless Titans that would serve him.

And thus he renewed his assault.

And yet…

It seems that those elites of The Führer's faction weren't the only problem.

As he sent Titan after Titan towards that castle he knew where some of those Eldians resided, he saw how they fell each one by one. He had the thought of toying with them, now however it was a matter of pride.

So, as he reached down and ripped off a part of the wall he stood on, he lifted his hand and aimed towards the castle.

And threw.

Even this much was too much for the Scouts, it appeared. Titus couldn't help but think that the amount that had gotten in were ridiculously high. Weren't these guys suppose to be top notch veterans? Regardless, he would handle them.

The only problem with these 2-3 meter Titans was that Titus couldn't fight with any advantage with his vertical maneuvering gear. The space being too narrow, he had to rely on his skills in swordsmanship.

As the Titan burst through the door, mouth opened in an unnatural snare, he was glad for the support of the two guards behind them.

Loading a new bullet that Hugo design, they opened fire towards the Titan's knee. Normal bullets would have shattered upon any contact, barring the eyes, but these bullets found their mark true. Not only did the bullet penetrate the kneecap of the Titan, but it went right through and shatter the complete bone structure that held its calf and thigh all together.

The bullet that Hugo had dubbed the T-bullet was made out of the same metal that formed the swords that Titus was currently wielding. Such a thing would have never been possible if they never got control of the Industrial City which allowed them the access of all the materials they need.

Titus gave a smirk as he recalled his first ever mission. Slicing through the nape of the downed Titan, he wondered how much he and everyone has changed. It was only he and Jeremiah left of the original special ops group. With a few new recruits, who were sent out to fight the Titans earlier, things had gotten a lot more lively.

But now wasn't the time to think of such a thing, as another Titan came rushing through the door. Gritting his teeth, he slashed the outstretched arm that was coming from him. Spinning from the moment of his slash, he thrusted his sword forward as it came into contact with the Titan's jaw. Having his sword embedded all the way through his mouth, to the point that it came out on the other side of its head, he gave a strong heave with all his strength and slammed the Titan into the ground.

However, the arm Titus failed to account for came reeling up. Intending to slap him away much like a fly, Titus knew he couldn't block or parry such a blow. He would have to take the hit. Despite that line of thought, two bullets came whizzing by, tearing at the flesh known as the Titan's arm.

With only a string of meat holding the thing together, it slowly crumbled to the floor. With no defensive or offensive natures on the Titan anymore, Titus wasted no time dislodging his sword and creating a clean cut through the nape of the Titan.

This went on for some time, with only brief breaks of rest as it took some time for smaller Titans to find their way here. However, after Titus' sixth kill, a large explosion shook the entire castle.

Scott, going up to find out what had happened, came back with a sour expression on his face.

Two of the four Scouts that were handling the outside had been killed.

Dawn was almost here and the Scouts had doubled their efforts towards Utgard castle. Not for any reason but the sheer fact that they were following large footprints that indicated that there were almost a hundred Titans.

Perhaps it was an exaggeration, but there was no reasonable explanation for why so many Titans were congested in one specific area.

Except that Eren knew precisely what this was and the indication of what exactly happened.

The Beast Titan that Annie had mentioned could do such a thing. Regardless, if there were tracks leading towards Utgard castle, it meant there was someone there.

Hange believed that the Scouts that were reported trying to find the hole in the wall must have taken up refuge at the shelter.

However, Eren feared that Rommel had some noble idea and was deploying the tanks in the area to fend off the Titans. Honestly, if Eren knew there was this many Titans, he would probably do the same.

However, when the Scouts arrived at Utgard castle, they were met with something that left even Eren with the slightest bit of shock.

Titus stood at the top of the building, beaten and bruised. Blood dripped down from his head from a hit he took from a Titan earlier.

After the report that their main fighting force had been cut in half, Titus was ordered by Rommel to go up top and fight off the Titans with the help of the two Scouts.

Scott and the two guards would handle any that got through. Titus wasn't the least bit hesitant to leave the small Titans to Scott. He had heard the man had wrestled a Titan to death during the invasion. Considering he was his teacher, Titus had enough faith in him for the situation to be considered handled.

After dealing with many of the Titans with the help of the Scouts, it soon came apparent who would win this war of attrition. Having taken wounds and supplies from their sheaths and canisters depleted, there was nothing Titus could do as the Titans swarmed the now defenseless Scouts. Titus tried to reenacted one of the heroic actions, Nanaba if he recalled, of swooping in and killing the Titan that held the Scouts.

But there were just too many. Killing the one that held one led to just another one to achieving its prey. Soon, Titus was to slow, and both Scouts were devoured.

Now, as the sun rose behind him, he noticed that the Scouts who were dressed in civilian clothes had come up to watch the final battle. Looks of horror were etched upon their face as they realized their hope of survival was snatched away with the veterans that held it.

Titus shifted his gaze to Rommel who had accompanied the young kids up. A glance told Titus all he needed to know. Scott and the guards were still down there in case any other Titan would come through.

Meaning, Titus was the only one with combat capabilities to fend off the current horde of Titans.

He counted twenty more. After slaying so much, it appeared more than the original count had shown up. It was the only explanation as to how there was still so many left.

"Are…" Connie spoke up. "Are we going to die?"

Titus said nothing as he simply gazed at the crowd of Titans below, trying to find any avenue of attack he could take.

"Of course not." Oddly enough it was Ymir that stepped forward. Despite some protest, she joined Titus on the ledge and looked down towards the Titans.

Giving off an uneasy smile, she grabbed the blade that Titus held.

"Mind if I use this?" Ymir said. Titus only rose an eyebrow at the fact her hand didn't hold the hilt, as if trying to take the sword, but the sharp edge use to cut.

Despite no answer from Titus, Ymir still used it how she intended.

By sliding her hand on it and inflicting a wound upon her palm.

With that happened and done, she shocked everyone by dropping off the ledge.

And shocked them even more by transforming into a Titan.

There was only rubble left of what was once known as Utgard castle. A few Titans remained from the destruction of the base, but they were easily dispatched by the skill of the Scouts.

No, what had everyone in shock was the fact that the Titans were attacking another Titan. Meaning that the Titan was probably a Shifter.

It just came as a shock that Ymir was the Shifter. Eren had suspected her one time, but her behavior towards everything eliminated most suspicion of her. So his shock came in the form of a raised eyebrow.

But what came next was also truly shocking. He had known Christa and Ymir were somewhat close. However, it was what Christa revealed to Ymir that had even Hange pause.

Christa said here true name was Historia.

It was truly divine fate that the girl known as Christa Lenz was actually the Historia they were looking for. The Eren of the past would never actually believe such a thing as divine fate, but after his resurrection and meeting with a Demon, he was open to suggestions.

But it didn't matter. What counted now was that most, if not all, of the Titan invading force had been destroyed. Eren had yet to relay the information of the fact that a Shifter could convert other humans into Titans and control them, but he figured now wasn't the time to lay such a bombshell after the revelation of both Ymir and Christa's true identities.

What mattered now was the two people that they had to detain underground.

Eren was not naive. He knew that at their current power, the Collasal held the most advantage in the fight. Armor could be penetrated, but the beast that was higher than the walls could blow away any bombardment with that special ability of shooting out steam in a large burst.

So as they drug themselves up to the wall for safety out of the reach of the Titans, Eren continued to be surprised with how much this world was shocking him in one day.

He had been pulled aside by Reiner, wanting to discuss something with him. Without raising any suspicion, Eren complied.

Only to be completely flabbergasted with what he said.