

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

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24 Chs

Chapter 12

Eren awoke in a cell.

He gave half an effort to raise his hands, but the binding around his wrist was of great weight. If he was in prime condition, it wouldn't have been a problem. However, he knew he exerted much energy in the past battle. Not only did he transform three times, even if one was a partial, he still used a lot of energy in the exchange. He beat down at least more than thirty Titans, stopped a cannon from obliterating him, Armin, and Mikasa, and went on to lift a boulder probably ten times the weight of his tanks.

All in the span of the same day.

So he wasn't all too surprised that he had awakened with a headache and a parched throat.

Although it felt like his head was going to explode, he lifted it up to observe his surrounds. Just as he surmised, he was in a prison cell. Shackles placed around his wrist, he laid on a bed somewhere underground. He came to the conclusion he was underground due to the fact that there was no natural light and, logically thinking, he wouldn't be able to transform.

As he sat up, he was meet with four people. Two of which were Military Police guards and the other two were Scouts.

He knew they were Scouts because not only of the emblem they sported but of who they actually were.

Erwin Smith, Commander of the Scouts along with Levi, said to be humanity's strongest warrior.

Eren would have given a smirk if it wouldn't have made him look bad. He was glad he warrant such attention already from such prominent people.

"Eren Yeager." Erwin spoke up, drawing the boy's attention towards him. "Do you know where you are?"

Eren scrunched his eyebrows in thought. Not to the question, but rather what it implied. Erwin was trying to make small talk to him. It only took a fraction of a second to understand what he was doing. Erwin was trying to be disarming, a tactic used when interrogating someone.

People were more willing to talk if you weren't an asshole to them.

"I assume underground?" Eren asked.

"Yes." Erwin confirmed. "It seems you are coherent. Now, I don't mean to sound rude, but is it alright if we jump straight to business?"

Eren gave a nod as he would prefer if they moved things along.

"Good." Erwin never lost his passive face, even as he brought up a key. "This was found on your body, does it hold any significant purposes?"

"Yes." Eren responded. "It's… a little fuzzy, but I recall my father giving it to me. Saying to take back wall Maria, and use the key to enter the basement."

"I see." Erwin gave a brief nod as he thought about what Eren said. "And is there anything important there? Have you been down there?"

"No." Eren lied. "I never went down, as my father was sure to keep me out. As for what is down there… Well, it is anyone's guess."

"You seem oddly calm." Levi interrupted. "Calm for someone who can transform into a Titan."

"Levi…" Erwin warned, but was ignored.

"So tell me, you little shit." Levi spoke as he walked up to the cell. "How is it that you are so calm and calculating about all this?"

Eren bit back a curse. It seemed like he was being openly questioned as to why he acted the way he did. Calm, collective, as if he knew he could turn into a Titan all along.

Which was true, but he wasn't about to reveal that to the Scouts.

While he had plans, their involvement was minuscule, to the fact that it would be more burdensome just to explain the situation then it would be to have them in the know.

Plus, he couldn't fully trust them. While he had a deep respect for the Scouts for the sole reason they desired change, it was not enough to divulge information that not even some of those of the Rommel estate knew.

"What do you want me to do?" Eren countered. "Freak out? Start flipping things swearing all the while? I can assure you that I have no knowledge of how I got this power, but I do know one thing, it is a power I can use."

"Use for what, if I may?" Erwin asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" This time, Eren elected to wear a federal smile. "To eradicate all the Titans."

The present company seemed to freeze as they processed Eren's words. It was only broken by Levi.

"I like you." He said. "Hey Erwin, don't worry about anything regarding the brat. Just take care of the political aspect."

Eren almost laughed at how easy it was to pass their test.

He was aware that they came here to discern his motives. They most likely received background information in a way of interviews and written documents. Orphaned by the Titan attack, avidly claims his distaste for them to the point of verbally claiming he would join the Scouts, it would be believable that his one true motive was to kill all the Titans.

Far from it.

While he would slay all Titans, they were simply a consequence to the larger plan. Well, it appeared this would do.

After Levi's approval, Erwin jumped right to the point in explaining the situation.

It appeared that Eren had been asleep for three days. In that time, every able military body had been assigned to clean-up Trost. It was also during that time that the higher-ups were gathering to prepare for one thing.

Eren's trial.

Since Eren was in the military, his trial would be that under the militia rule.

The trial was for one sole purpose. To either paint him as an enemy to all mankind or be shown as the savior that would free them from the Titan menace.

The Military Police would act as his pseudo prosecutors, while the Scouts assumed the role of his defense attorney.

However, through the speech of Erwin, Eren discerned what this hearing truly was. It was to decide what the military would do with him.

It wouldn't be like the legal court systems, no, this was more of a meeting.

The Scouts and Military Police would explain why they needed Eren and the supervisor of all military branches, Dhalis Zachary, would decide the outcome.

In other words, it was like Eren was a piece of equipment, and the military was debating on which branch should have him.

In any case, it seemed like the Scouts would win the meeting, in Eren's perspective. Erwin Smith seemed like a smart man, so he would most likely have a plan to ensure the Scouts would have custody of him. Besides, the Military simply wished to dissect him and then dispose of him. Any sane leader would see the benefits of using him as a weapon, rather than a research subject.

Regardless, the hearing—because Eren refused to see such an event as a trial—would take place in just a few days.

Looks like he would be stuck in here for a while.

Armin hadn't eaten his food. He just simply bore holes into it with his eyes. Too deep in thought, he didn't realize he had been addressed by Mikasa until the aforementioned person shook him from his stupor.

"Ah!" Armin looked up in surprise. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I asked," Mikasa spoke in a hushed whisper. "What do you think would happen to Eren?"

No doubt the question had been on her mind, but with Armin seeming so preoccupied with his own brooding, it never seemed like the right time to ask. However, her patience ran out and she finally asked Armin what he thought.

"I'm… not for sure." Armin said hesitantly, still obviously distracted. "I think they will decide what to do with him during that trial, but it will most likely be akin to a debate on which branch of the military gets him."

"... And what do each branch want."

"From what I heard, the Scouts want to use him as a weapon, a spearhead for their expeditions. The Military Police claim him to be a danger and wish to examine him for research and then dispose of him. The Garrison is indifferent, but I think Pixis would side with whatever outcome best supports the existence of mankind."

Mikasa gave a nod, somewhat understanding what Armin said.

"So… Is this what you have been thinking over the past few days?"

Armin's eyes widen as he felt bile rise up in his throat.

Three people stood as they watched a comrade die. Four, including him.

They could have saved him, but his screams indicated that they left him to die.

And the timid boy saw the whole exchange.

And he did nothing.

The question hit him harder than it should have.

He had seen them. Three people he considered friends, brothers and sister, go out of there way to kill someone. He didn't know why. But he had suspicions. But what truly made him sick was that he did nothing

"Mikasa Ackerman! Armin Arlet! You are to report to the trial of Eren Yeager!" A voice broke Armin from his thoughts as he looked at the messenger.

It made sense they would be there, as they were witnesses themselves to the events.

However, such things were far from his mind, as past events rolled through his head. He sought an answer to the question he wrought. All the events that had happened, going through them, and linking them all up to what he witnessed at the end of the invasion of Trost.

He tried to ignore the logical answer that was there for his question, as his human emotions tried to dismiss it.

However, he knew deep down just what this implied.

And the course of action he decided he would take was to confine in Eren. Although Eren had helped him become less timid and have more self-esteem, the events that had transpired were out of his capabilities.

He needed to act.

But he didn't want to, in fear of the consequences.

So, he would selfishly ask Eren.

Eren expected his treatment to be no worse than what it was. It was an unexpected surprise that the people who escorted him were Scouts themselves. He would have thought they would have treated him with the utmost caution, and not even allow those who supposedly wanted him to live any closer than they could allow.

Despite the strange… actions of the two Scouts, Hange and Mike, he listened to what the female of the group had to say. She pretty much summarized what Eren already knew.

The trial was more of a hearing to decide what to do with him.

Regardless, as they neared the doors, she left with a piece of parting information.

"Just remember, this is a hearing to decide on what to do with you. Any negative behavior will reflect badly on you. So while the others may tear into you, don't let it rile you up. Good luck!"

With that said, the door to the courtroom was opened, and Eren was led inside.

As he was taken to the center of the room, he noticed the people that had gathered around. Most were military personnel, but on the side of the MPs he saw a few people of the wall religion.

A cult that worshiped the walls as if they were gods. Eren despised such baseless lunatics, so it was somewhat of a surprise that they would allow them into the hearing.

He knew they had a somewhat large influence, but enough to even affect military matters? Perhaps there was more to them that let on. He would have to consult with Rommel on the matter and hold an investigation.

Moving on, he noticed that both Armin and Mikasa had come as well. Eren shouldn't have been surprised, as they were witnesses to the events that transpired. However, he couldn't help but feel it was prudent to allow children in here.

Despite himself being one, but that was only in body.

Soon he was brought forth to the center of the room, forced to kneel down as they placed a large, heavy iron bar over his cuffs, preventing him to move from his position.

He briefly entertained the notion of what would happen if he would transform, but dismissed it as childish musings. Now was not the time to calculate how easy it would be to kill everyone here and get away with it.

A door in front of Eren opened up as a large man stepped out. It must have been Dharlis Zackary, as the silver hair bespectacled man made his way to sit in what would have been the Jury's booth if this had been a real trial.

"Alright." He gave a slight groan as he sat down. "Let's get this started."

Zackary grabbed a few sheets of paper, reading them as the crowd waited in silence.

"So this hearing today is to decide who retains custody over Eren Yeager?" Zackary commented out loud as he sat the papers down. "Right then, let's start with the Military Police, why do you believe you should gain custody over this individual?"

Nile Dok, the commander of the Military Police, stepped forward as he began his scripted speech.

"We believe Eren Yeager to be too much of a threat and unknown. If we are to gain custody, we would perform tests on his body in research to better understand just what the Titans are. Afterward, we would dispose of him, considering he is a large threat to all mankind."

Thinking of only the now, Eren mused. It wasn't an all bad conclusion. Eren could transform into a Titan, for all everyone knew, he could have been an enemy. Only helping them to gain their trust.

"Hmm." Zackary just gave a short hum in response. "The Scouts?"

"Yes," Erwin stepped forward this time. "We believe Eren could be a vital component for the survival of humanity. His powers, as demonstrated at Trost, have the ability to recapture wall Maria. With that said, we desire for Eren to join the Scouts and help us in the expeditions."

Another well thought out conclusion. Using him as a tool that would guarantee victory for the Scouts.

Either case, it was out of his hands to decide his fate. While he hated leaving things to chance, it was a different thing to leave the thing with someone of cable hands. He just hoped he was right in putting a little faith in Erwin Smith.

Regardless, he would have to do nothing for the remainder of the hearing, just simply sit and listen.

"Eren Yeager," Or so he thought, until Zackary called upon him. "Tell me, what is your desire? What do you wish to do?"

Eren gave a raised eyebrow at how Zackary was treating him. He hadn't expected for him to participate at all, so it was somewhat of a surprise.

Nonetheless, he held strong and answered back without delay.

"I was born and raised in Shingashina. I was there when it fell… and when my mother was eaten by a Titan right in front of me… My only desire is to kill those bastards."

No one said anything as Eren finished. He would have smiled if there was no one looking at him. A good sob story to back up the desire to wanting to only kill Titans. He would have mentioned something about seeing the world but realized it was taboo to speak of such matters.

"He's just playing at our heartstrings!" It seemed the wall pastor had decided to speak up. "Such a heathen and monster has no way to feel sympathy towards us! He lies!"

Baseless accusations, is it? Eren would have derailed them, but remembered his place. He would only speak when spoken to.

So he remained silent, not even bothering to recognize that the man had spoken.

"Pastor Nick," Zackary, however, did speak up. "Please refrain from any needless outburst. Now then, Eren, we will be questioning you on a matter of a few things."

Eren expected this. It was true he played no role in the outcome, as any question he had to say would have to be the truth. Really, he doubted the answers he would provide would have an effect on the outcome of this trial…

Ah, Eren looked up and caught Erwin's gaze for a brief moment. So that was how things were going to play out?

Eren was right to put his trust in the Commander of the Scouts.

"Alright," Zackary began. "I'll ask a question, then the Military Police, and then the Scouts.

"First off, I am curious, how did you get this power?"

"I don't know." Eren responded. It was true, as he didn't know at all how he was able to transform into a Titan then eat his father and then gain the ability to shift to a human and Titan. He had theories, but he didn't know.

"Curious," Nile Dok said. "You don't know how you got the power but how to use it so efficiently that you were not only able to plug up the wall but defeat over twenty Titans?"

"Are you praising me for my efforts or asking me a question?" Eren gave a slightly hidden jab at the man, calling out how Nile had verbalized what exactly he had done in Trost.

"Just answer the question."

"I mean, the only way I can describe being a Titan is like being human but larger. I just took what small hand to hand combat I had in training and applied it to mindless beast."

Nile stepped back in irritation, seemingly content with the response, just not the feeling it produced.

"Eren," Smith spoke up. "Is it in your best interest to help humanity?"

"I would hope so, because I consider myself part of humanity."

"False testimony!" The rigorous pastor burst out. "Such blatant lies! He can obviously transform into a Titan, so how can we consider him to be a human!"

"Pastor Nick is correct." Zackary spoke for the man. "How can we believe that you are human?"

Eren stopped to look into Zackary. If he wanted things to play out as Erwin intended, then he would have to choose his words carefully when it comes to open-air questions like these.

"... If we follow the logic of the Pastor, then wouldn't we have to bring into question everyone's own humanity? What defines it and how can we determine other people to be 'human'? As for the question, there is no finite answer, as you would only have to believe that I am human."

Zackary seemed to dwell on the words of Eren. Honestly, Eren never intended to get philosophical. He only wished to dissuade people from asking open-air questions, as he would obviously answer with an open-air statement.

"I see…" Zackary seemed to come to a conclusion. "The Military Police?"

"Yes." Nile once again stepped forward. "Your father went missing during Shinagashina. It has been proven that he was near the interior when the break-in happened, however, he has since gone missing. Do you having anything to do with this in any regards?"

Nile gave Eren an accusing look. Obviously, he thought Grisha had something to do with this. His hunch was right, as Eren's power did somehow come from Grisha. However, there were a few faults with the unsaid accusation.

"I don't know what happened to my father." Eren said, doing his best not to smirk. "After all, the case regarding the missing person report I filed for the Military Police was never closed."

Nile bit back his lip as he retreated from the obvious sting regarding his branch.

"Smith." Zackary drowned on. He seemed bored already, even though ten minutes hadn't passed.

"Eren," Smith gazed indifferently at him. "Do you believe that you can recapture wall Maria with your power?"

The room was already silent, but if it hadn't been then this question obviously would have made it.

It was a big deal, as the thought of recapturing wall Maria was nothing but a mere dream with the presence of the Titans. However, Erwin revealed one of his cards. If he could prove that Eren could retake the wall, then Eren would be transferred without a doubt to the Scouts.

"If I were to join the Scouts, then I would be able to seal wall Maria with sufficient material."

"As if we could trust word of mouth!" Nile broke out. "How can we trust such statements! We have no proof that this boy, this monster could ever recapture the walls!"

"Huh?" Levi, much to people's surprise, spoke up. "Isn't Rose proof enough?"

Since it was not Smith, Zackary, or Nile that spoke, but Humanity's strongest warrior, it gave the impression that anyone could speak up. And so they did. The courtroom that was used as Eren's hearing exploded into sounds. People arguing whether Eren should join the Scouts or be killed due to his danger.

It was starting to get out of hand, however, he noticed two things. One was the fact that Zackary was waiting patiently, however, he wouldn't wait for long. What for, Eren had already guessed.

He was waiting for him.

The second was the stare of Erwin Smith. It was at that look that Eren new he would have to break character.

Eren gave a slight sigh.

"Are you all idiots?!" Eren screamed out, causing the courtroom to fall under silence.

"Are you all so blinded by fear that you can't see what is before you?! I've done what no man has done in over a hundred years!" They all seemed shocked by his outburst. Good, keep the momentum going. "If you are all so concerned about whether or not I can reclaim the wall, don't be! Put your faith in me, put your trust! In return, I'll carry your burden to seal the wall, I'll carry the burden of making sure that those who died didn't do so in vain! I'll-"

As Eren concluded once he saw the shift in the corner, he was met with a boot to the face.

It was quite understandable what Erwin wanted him to do. An outburst, show that Eren was defiant. Then have that defiance crushed in a show. The actor, Levi, would be the star of it, showing that he could keep Eren under control.

Although not particular of being beaten over and over again—Eren was pretty sure he saw one of his teeth fly out due to that last kick—He knew it was a necessary action if he was ever top join the Scouts.

"That's enough." Levi said in his usual bored tone. Turning to Zachary, he spoke in a nonchalant manner. "If you're worried about the brat, I am severely insulted that you think my skills to handle him wouldn't be enough."

It was a testament showing just how brave and strong Levi was. Everyone was afraid of him in one way or another.

"I see." Zachary mentioned as he closed his eyes in contemplation. "Then, I have come to a decision.

"Erwin, you mentioned taking him on an expedition? I will allow Eren Yeager to join the Scouts for this one expedition. The results will determine what to do with Eren. Is this acceptable?"

It was more of a common courtesy that Zackary mentioned that. His mind was already made up. It was only natural that everyone bowed their heads and nod.

Although beaten and bruised, Eren couldn't help but give a slight smirk.

"Sorry we had to be so rough." Erwin mentioned as Eren was being patched up by Hange. "Although I am glad you caught on to what we were trying to do."

"Showing that I can be restrained by presenting a force that can contain me." Eren rattled off as he gave a slight wince to Hange's prodding. "A simple yet effective way is to show that you can control an unknown by simply keeping a leash on them. Ah, forgive me, but I am not to keen on acting like a dog."

Eren directed the last part to Levi, who sat on the other side of the couch he was currently on. Although Eren said this while facing Levi, it was more of a statement towards Erwin.

'I won't be a mindless drone that goes along with every order.'

"...I see." Levi speaks up as he gives a sideways glance. "You don't hate me for what I did?"

"... Well, I don't like you, but I certainly don't dislike you. At least your boots were clean, otherwise I might have more of a disdain for you."

Levi simply turned about face and looked away. Eren had practically stated that he was fine with the beating, but Levi could have pulled his punches. In either case, what mattered was the result was in their favor.

"So, when do we began the next expedition?"

"A month from now." Eren and Erwin didn't lose time talking about business. "You will be training with Levi's personal squad as well as conducting… experiments with Hange regarding your ability."

"Yes!" The bespectacled scientist spoke up. "I can't wait to try out all my theories on a Titan that has intelligence! Not only that, but I also got those two Titans we captured in Rose! Ahhh~ The amount of work I have to do it going to be fun~!"

Eren couldn't help but look at the woman skeptically. It will certainly be interesting how this was going to pan out over the course of the month.

Not only that, but Eren had to contact Rommel in regards to some aspects of the plan. It was regrettable, but this recent attack meant they had to move up their time table.

Hopefully, all preparations would be meant by the time the plan truly unfolds.

He couldn't help but feel like complete and utter scum as they watched the fire burn away the corpses of their comrades. Armin reflected on past events. The trial had ended with Eren joining the Scouts. Although present, he and Mikasa played no role. Well, he had to hold the mentioned girl back when Humanity's strongest warrior decided to make Eren his punching bag, but other than that, he did nothing.

And it hit him hard.

The fact he did nothing and that he has been doing nothing.

He gave a wary look to three individuals. He knew what they were and what they possibly could do, but what did he do? Nothing.

He looked at another person, knelt by the bonfire. Tears leaked from that individual's eyes as he grasped a bone of one of their comrades.

Jean. It hit him the most when they found Marco dead. It was a wake-up call for him, in a way, because afterward he said he was joining the Scouts.

Armin had to wonder, if Marco was still alive, would Jean have joined the MPs still? Well, it didn't matter. What ifs were what ifs. Things people could only think about, scrutinize, and despise.

What if he had done something back then? He could have saved Marco. But in the process, wouldn't he had gotten himself killed? Was it not him that allowed Eren to be eaten because he froze on the spot? It was quite humorous how he even still froze on the spot as he saw Marco lifted up to be devoured.

He never changed.

He was still the boy who got beaten over and over again.

Could he change? A snake could shed, but are they not fundamentally the same as before the shedding? Could he become something to be proud of? Someone with no regrets?

Should he confront them?

No, a confrontation without any contingencies was just pure stupidity. Yet, it disgusted him that he knew and still allowed those who caused such atrocities to still walk around.

He hated it.

But above all else, he hated himself.

Thank you for reading. Also, for those of you who may have missed it, this was the little story I gave for Rommel's story.

I was of average intellect. My father was a noble whose industry was well-known throughout the land of the walls. He was beloved by all, as he was fair and just. However, such accomplishments did nothing in the face of fate. It was tragic for me to realize that my father was dying of an unknown disease.

However, it was even more terrifying to realize that I would inherit everything as I was the sole heir. At such a young age as well. It was my way of coping with the grief that my father was currently giving me.

I am glad that my father has Grisha Yeager, a renowned doctor that has kept him alive when the others said he would die long ago. It was because of that man that my father was able to teach me more and how to still be upstanding and hold the Rommel name in honor despite his early passing.

I cried when he died.

However, it was no time for me to dwell on such emotions. I have to move forward if I desire to grant my father's wish. I was only twelve after all.

Things… weren't going so well. After the passing of my father, many of the other nobles leap at the offers that he previously occupied. Our clients, people who had trusted father, decided to jump ship when they realized his young and inferior son was at the reins.

It was… infuriating, to say the least.

Here I was, trying my best, but was met with mediocre results. The clients that did remain were not satisfied and would soon leave, I had no doubt.

So, I had to have a renovating new idea. It was then that it hit me when I had seen the Scouts leave for an expedition. One of the wagons had hit a rock. The wheel itself moved, but the wagon remained steady. How was it that these wagons could do that but normal ones would shake when hit by a rock?

I did some research into that, and it turns out that the Scouts wagons were equipped with special material. Why it wasn't used for common purposes was simple, it was made of rare material and the design itself was a military secret.

So I naturally had my men steal the plans.

The blueprints were simple. Simple enough that we could reverse engineer it and apply our own touch and call it our own.

It wasn't necessarily stealing. No, it was innovating an already created object.

With the design set, made, and tested, I began preparations for a party. It would be there that I would reveal this to my clients. No doubt, they would be astonished by such feat that all that left me would come crawling back.

Now, I have a list of clients but it is, embarrassingly, small. Should I invite some other folks? I suppose I will. It can't hurt to have those who helped me during my journey towards this destination.

Ah, I'll definitely have to invite Dr. Yeager. I heard he had a family, perhaps they would enjoy the chance to attend such a festive?

"It seems that Rommel boy is up to something."

"Indeed. His activities have bolstered. He has recently sent invites out to attend a party."

"If he's anything like his father, he is a future liability. This may be his debut in which he steamrolls the competition much like his father did."

"What should we do?"

"Isn't it obvious? We end it before it can begin.