
Thunder over Thunder

K'agosk is a great painter but because of his rival who earned millions of dollars because of his arts K'agosk was disgusted with that his works were good but nobody wanted to compare K'agosk's arts so he decided to sabotage the arts of your rival.

DaoistjPPxt0 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


L'isaisa grabbed a controller while I got onto the couch. "Which channel do you want?" I questioned, looking up from my spot on the couch. "Whatever you want." she said, not looking away from the tv screen. I picked the random channel and started playing a random game.

After about twenty minutes I noticed that she was still glued to the screen. I got tired of waiting and called her name. "Hmm?" she mumbled distractedly, not even noticing me speaking. "Can you please turn your attention to me?" I said impatiently. "Oh, sorry." she apologised sheepishly. "What were you watching?" I asked, gesturing towards the TV. "Just a random show that came on." she said dismissively. I scoffed lightly and turned my attention back to the tv. Just as I had assumed; the show was stupid, nothing special. I watched her continue watching the show for quite some time. I kept watching her as she seemed to become increasingly restless. Soon enough she was standing up from her position and pacing around the small space between the sofa and coffee table. She looked so frustrated, but what surprised me the most was when she grabbed a piece of paper from her purse and scribbled something down.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I recognized that handwriting almost immediately. It belonged to mom. She must've left something there for us. I didn't have any time to think. As soon as I realized what was happening I snatched the paper from her hands and stuffed it in my pocket. "Sis," I said hesitantly, glancing nervously at her. "Can we go now?" "Sure." She replied, clearly confused. We both got to our feet and made our way down the hall towards the front door. Just before we reached the doorway we stopped, turned around and looked at each other. "Do you think… Do you think I should tell mom about what happened?" I asked hesitantly. "No," she said firmly. "Don't worry, it's fine. No one knows yet anyway. Let's see how it turns out. If everything goes well we will tell her, but if not… Well, it's not worth worrying about right now. Besides," she added after a pause, "it's better this way. You understand, right? I want to forget about all of this, about dad, and everything that happened to us.