
more C-ranks

okay...the fire is nice the clear night sky is nice too but soon, most likely tomorrow, the other three are going to make their first kills.

hearing shuffling from the tents I look back and see kakashi coming out of his tent.

coming next to the dire he sits down next to me.

"can't sleep?" I ask not looking away from the night sky.

"Yeah, I don't know how to deal with kids making their first kills"

taking out a scroll I unseal a bottle of sake, I bought this one when I transformed into an older man.

"...how did you get that?"

"that's not important, want a shot?"

"aren't you too young for that?"

"old enough to kill, old enough to drink"

shrugging He extends his hand and takes the cup that I offered him, pouring myself a cup I drink slowly until kakashi asked me a question.

"you're not interested in seeing my face? usually, people would look at me when they offer me something to drink or eat"

"if you don't want to show me I won't force you, I'm sure you have a reason" I answer with a shrug "like giant lips, or a sunburn that you are ashamed of" I add with a chuckle.

"...you have no idea how many assume that"

after two more cups, I stand up and head to my tent.

"see you later sensei"


"wolf, in position"

"raven, in position"

"This is the scarecrow, hold your position and attack on signal"

right now I was in front of a little bandit camp, about 12 of them, sasuke is the opposite side of the camp from me, and naruto and sakura are with kakashi.

it's sundown, and I guess we will have to wait for about another hour.

after waiting for about 20 minutes, one man was walking out into the trees.

"This is the scarecrow, Wolf, take out the man that man after your done we attack"


dashing towards the man careful to not make any noise, I jump down behind him as he's taking a leak...okay ill wait.

after he's done and has zipped up the opening I cut his head off.

returning to my position I channel chakra to my legs ready to jump in.

"This is wolf, Task complete"

"get ready we're going in 10 seconds"

as the seconds ticked by, I took out the wolf mask from my pouch and put it on.


dashing into the camp I swing my sword at the nearest bandit, I flick some kunai at the man standing a little further away.

two down, I see sasuke stabbing a kunai into someones back and naruto using a wind jutsu and sending it at a group of 4.

and kakashi going through hand seals for fire jutsu and sending it at the langers tent before it hit I saw three men come out of the tent and get consumed by the flame instantly.

I look over at sakura and see her hesitating, the last two ware rushing at her so I decided to use substitution.

switching places with sakura I block the two swords coming down on me.

at that time I send my lightning chakra to my sword and slice through their weapons, taking their lives at the same time.

with that done, I sigh and look over at sakura again who was shivering, and so were naruto and sasuke, their adrenaline rush wore off and they start realizing that they had just made their first kill.

sheathing my blade, I look over at kakashi, he's looking at me.


he stares for a moment longer and then speaks.

"get sakura, I'll get the other two."

nodding and walking over to sakura, I knock her out by hitting her on the back of the neck.

picking her up, I walk over to kakashi.


it has been a day since their first kills and they're still down in the dumps.

I kept watching until naruto stood up and walked over at sasuke, and decked him in the face.


was I'm the only thing me and kakashi could get out before they started fighting.

Sakura wanted to interfere, but I put a hand on her shoulder, she looked over at me as I shake my head.

they were not using chakra, not using weapons, not any jutsu, they were just punching each other.

after a few minutes, they lay down on the ground breathing heavily, eyes closed and faces bruised.

I sigh as I look over at kakashi.

"you know I thought I would just take them for a drink after we got back and talk about it, the last thing I expected was this"

"Yeah, this is first for me too"

"you know some medical jutsu? they are going to need it"

"on it"

ah male bonding, such a wonderful thing, they are going to wake up and be best of friends now.

...yeah, that's not happening.


walking into Konoha we head straight to the hokage tower, to report.

after a few minutes of standing and listening to sensei retelling all the events that happened on the mission, we were free to leave.

as I was walking out of the tower I saw team 10 coming in, deciding to say hello to Shikamaru and Choji, I walk over.

"Hey guys, how have you been?"

that caught the entire team's attention.

"oh, hey Haruto, I heard you were on a mission," said Shikamaru, hands still in his pockets.

"yeah, a C-rank, but we're back and Free for a few days, so wanna play shogi in the evening?"

"sure, come over to my house, my mom asked why you weren't visiting anymore since the academy"

"*nom* hey Haruto, has your sensei thought you anything interesting?"

asked Choji.

"oh? yeah some water and lightning jutsu, and he helped me to progress with my kenjutsu after some D-rank missions"

we ware continue talking for a little while until they had to go report to the hokage, I guess they are getting an important mission...as important as they get for a genin.

after that little interaction, I decided to go to my apartment and take a good long nap, who knew traveling could take so much energy.


done, I after this I'm going to do another C-rank mission or do the wave arc, still haven't decided yet oh and a little warning after the wave arc, I'm changing some things.

P.S: Should I get him to join the twelve guardian ninja for the daimyo for the three-year time skip?