
First wave

A few hours before the wave I gathered a few troops and some volunteers who want to go with me, what looks like Holy Crusaders, and some random guys in white robes with pointed hoods and their members with a burning cross.... fuck it come one come all so ill take them, "Alright you guys know the game plan" One speaks up "Watch everyone die... except the nonracist villagers grab them and send them to the incoming stadium and 'fuck the rest with a rusty spork?' ." I nod sagely. "Yes that is pretty much it.. also the vampires will be using their speed to grab all of the villages that are getting attacked and abandoned what else anyone? anyone?" a small guy who looks like a dam tank covered in armor Waving his arm around, like a school kid. "Anyone...Ok, you there" I point at him. "YES...um, we burn the BLASPHEMASSSS..." followed by all the Priest yelling and hollering I just shrug "You, do you? I was talking about looting the bitch into the ground taking everything and leaving nothing behind!" "YEAH!!!" everyone is very enthusiastic. I smile at them. "Alright I will summon you guys from my world while you are there enjoy the refreshments...." "YEAH REFRESHMENTS.." I think they are just yelling at what I say. "Alright, off you go.." "GO". fuck it off they go.


I am sitting in the church listening to the Priestess talk about some random stuff and the Hour Glass glows red and starts to pulse "Good luck Shield hero.." I nod and get ripped through space and appear in a semi-forested area looking around I see the other heroes and their parties They look up at me "Who the fuck are you" one of the said I smile and walk away. after walking a good distance I pull out a lazy boy and sit down.

Opening a portal out come to some Marines, random Demi-humans who wanted to come they all set up around me and get to clearing out monsters who come too close. Then I bring out the vampires and they take off to loot the residents themselves and the resident's property's good ole scorched earth policy or just pirates. Behind them comes the Holy Crusaders who just yell holy scrips while running toward the capital..... then comes random guys in white robes with pointed hoods and their members with burning crosses. They are just doing whatever they do bringing out a keg and starting partying... Yeah, this is going to be fun.

I and some members sit there talking, just drinking and watching the show. Bow hero shooting stuff with a bow I knew he was a premature shooter *snot* "Boo you suck, learn to shoot" I holler while he is just standing there and shooting. Sword hero stabbing stuff with as much skill as a child "You suck" I am pretty sure he just stabbed a party member. The spear hero just sitting there trying to look heroic it might help if he was doing something and beside him is the whore sitting hugging his arm, I wonder if he takes it up the ass from her. It would not surprise me the way he is limping. I yell out "Hey whore, did you sell your party member into slavery?!" The battle stills and everyone even the monsters look at her in disgust. She looks around in panic "Liar you have no proof!!!" she yells in a panic "How about the bill of sale in your pocket?!" she in a panic looks in her pockets "HA see no bill of sale!" I laugh "HA you looked though!" she goes pale and looks at the spear hero for helping his dumb ass believe her "Liar she would not do that she is kind..." I just start laughing my ass off me and my marines are holding each other. Then some of the random guys in white robes with pointed hoods and their members with burning crosses members just look on in distaste "That is bad not even we like slavery" "YEAH we just like excuses to party" "heretic" and a whole slew of other insults this distracts them from the fight and they get attacked by the hoard of monsters. I think some monsters walk away from them.

The battle is going good... is what I would say if they did something besides being, looking, and acting like fucking dumbasses. The battle should have lasted an hour but we are going into the fourth hour, hell my guys have killed all of the monsters away from this 'battle' we have 'borrowed' all of the residents and all of their property anything that cannot be taken is burned. Hell, the Crusaders are going after the Cultists and their head priest. From the reports, there are a lot of hangings, and some of them went full Dracula not the vampire part the 'Impaler' part. Shit wild but who am I to judge let them get it out of their system.

As we watch the hero does some damage to the Boss which is a Chimera. It is doing a lot better than in the novels and anime. looks cool also maybe I can capture it...after it continues to kick the dog shit out of the heroes. Hell, they have been chugging potions like they are going out of style. I and my group are watching the fight and every time one of the heroes gets hit we cheer, but if the heroes get a hit in we booed it confused the hell out of the boss monster. After a while, he starts putting on a show for us. The heroes look miserable, I may or may not be throwing rocks at them randomly while yelling 'heads up' or 'duck'. Sometimes I would just yell it to make the dodge.

Finally, after a while, they go in for the killing blow, but I hop over and use a killing move and yell "POCKET SAND AH CHA CHA." blinding them and grabbing the Chimera and sending it to some of the stronger cages with the trainers. I go back to my spot acting just as surprised as them acting as they killed it we give a standing 'boo' for them being the good audience. They come over to do something I do not pay attention to. The Spear hero tried to force his way through my marines the gave him a nice once over, knocking his head into the ground. As we wait the priests and others come back covered in blood and organs "Had fun?" They nod "Yes reminds me of a nice Sunday afternoon." "Well... Ok, let's head back to Silver. Everyone here?" I already sent the vampires to my world. We do a head count "yes" I send them back to my world as soon as I can. Now that I am alone a shadow popped up in front of me I guess they thought I was alone and more approachable. "We request you to come with us to the capital." "Well, when you put it like that all nice like fuck off...." I stunned them and appropriated away if they want to talk they will come to me.

Appearing in the courtyard of the Church letting everyone out we start a fucking raging I pull out the good stuff pass it out and walking into my Strip club yelling "Drink until you drop anyone sober is a bitch." and no one was sober at all the next day.

A/N: A little show some looting and a party what else can you ask for with a wave?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter Thank you for reading.