
The Links of Mana

- Links of Mana, you say? Alpheus asked.

- Indeed, young lad. It's through questioning that I've managed to formulate this theory.

- The same questions you asked me earlier?

- Exactly! At first glance, one might simply think, 'It's a mystery that cannot be solved.' But remember, young lad, there's always an answer to any question, always an explanation for any dilemma.

And it was after lots of reflection that I said to myself: “what if everything was linked? What if mana, as we know it, is just one, regardless of the number of people who manipulate it, regardless of the distance? It would explain so much. Like why the message parchment always finds its intended recipient."

- That makes sense, but there's still a problem. If all the mana in the world is linked, then why do we talk about different types of mana in mage books, and why can each person only master one specific type of magic depending on the Primary Laws?

- You're very smart, young lad. That's a question I've pondered myself. And once again, after lots of reflection, I formulated a second version of my theory: 'there is indeed a connection, but it's within the limits of mana types.' For example, there's a link between all mages who use spells from the Law of Life and Death. This link is unique to them and different from the link between mages who use Space-Time spells.

- Okay, I see. But it still remains a 'theory', from what I gather. Alpheus shrugged.

- Yes, but we're about to confirm it right now. The most challenging aspect of my work has been finding a way to confirm this theory. That's what drove me to delve into all sorts of calculations, to the point of forgetting the world around me. But finally, I've found a way.

- Hmmm?

- Come closer, I'll show you. Said the old scientist, gathering various objects from his workshop.

He picked up two empty cups and two roses pulled from their pots.

- Let's begin our experiment with these cups. As you probably already know, mana exists all around us, in every being indiscriminately, whether living or not. Owen said, bringing the cups together. "The Links of Mana we speak of apply between these two cups. But what's interesting is that the same link can exist between a cup and a book. Because although they're different objects, they have the same type of mana. Unlike roses, for example, which are living beings and thus have a different mana."

- Okay... but what about this method to confirm your theory? Alpheus asked, curious.

- I was getting to that. The only thing I lack is a way to highlight these links. But I think I can now create a small device that can do so, hence the importance of my research.

- Hmm?

- Come on! Follow me, I'll need your help. Owen added, heading towards another room at the back of his lab.

Unlike the first room, which resembled a typical laboratory, this one looked more like a workshop for crafting various objects. There were numerous shelves filled with a wide selection of scientific materials serving this purpose.

- It's time to get to work, young lad. It'll take us some time, so we better start right away.

Alpheus agreed by simply nodding.


Meanwhile, in the mansion at the distant corner of the city:

- Tss... it was time magic. How is that even possible, damn it? Elias said, his face filled with frustration after throwing a bottle of alcohol against a wall in the living room where he was. "A kid, a damn teenager who masters time magic. I still can't believe it."

- It's indeed impressive, sir. This young one could be dangerous. Replied a man with an imposing stature.

This man, like his master, was an elf with black hair, dressed in a suit of the same color, resembling a bodyguard.

- Dangerous? Probably. The hefty bounty of 1000 gold coins on their heads starts to make sense. We shouldn't underestimate them; if we don't eliminate them as soon as possible, they'll grow in power and become uncontrollable. That's certainly what the King of Valley and the Grand Council of Mages have realized.

- How will you proceed, sir? Asked the man in the suit.

- Well, my dear right-hand man. We'll wait for the right moment, no rush needed. Go, gather the men at the hideout in the black market and start the preparations.

- Right away, sir. Elias's right-hand man replied, bowing before exiting.

He was now alone in the room, and other thoughts continued to come to his mind:

‘Yet again today, you continue to stand in my way. And now you're using two oblivious kids to protect yourself against me. But, it's all futile anyway. I can promise you that I'll get my hands on those damn researches. And the glory of that theory on Links of Mana that I myself developed will rightfully be mine.’


Meanwhile, as the black market leader began to take action, Atlas was sitting in a hospital waiting room several hours ago now.

Bored to death, he decided to share his boredom with a child sitting across from him with his mother.

The child, playing with a small wooden figurine supposedly representing a muscular man, didn't understand why his toy suddenly started twerking.

In complete bewilderment, the little boy began to cry, showing his mother the malfunctioning figurine. So, not wanting to get caught, Atlas stopped his telekinesis before letting out a big sigh.

‘Look at what I've been reduced to. I'm bothering kids to pass my boredom. Well... it's still a bit funny.’ he thought, smiling slightly.

After about thirty minutes, a doctor finally came to inform Atlas of the situation.

- Good evening! Said the doctor to greet him.

- Good evening!

- I have good news for you. We managed to stabilize the girl's condition; she's out of danger.

- Thank you so much! Replied Atlas, getting up from his seat. "Can I visit her now?"

- Yes! I'll take you to her room.


Arriving in Asha's room, Atlas was somewhat surprised to see her.

- Hmmm! It's like she never had anything wrong. He exclaimed, looking at the flawless face of the young girl. She didn't even have a scratch.

- I understand your surprise. Despite the significant amount of blood coming from several places on her face, we found that none of her internal organs were damaged. We don't know the origin of all this blood, but it was probably the work of very powerful magic.

- It was the work of an illusion mage, I guess.

- Illusion magic!? Throughout my career, this is the first time I've heard of an illusionist powerful enough to cause such damage. But it confirms my thoughts; the injuries she suffered were actually only mental.

‘I can't even imagine what she must have seen, for her to come so close to death, all because of mental wounds,’ Atlas thought, hand on his chin.

- Normally, the time it will take for her to recover depends on her mental strength. But usually, patients with mental injuries take about a week to recover. But given the extent of her injuries, it could take longer.

- Thank you so much, doctor!

- The pleasure is all mine. Replied the doctor, then left, leaving Atlas alone in the room with Asha.

*Sigh* "I don't even know why I'm doing all this, when you tried to kill me this morning. Have you enchanted me with your surprisingly innocent face and incredible beauty?" Atlas asked, sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"I don't know why either, but your story intrigues me. Why do you work for this vile man? Why does he want to kill your father so badly? Moreover, what could he possibly be researching? Ahhhhh... so many questions without answers. For the sake of my curiosity, I must unravel this affair. Anyway, after saving you from that psycho, I only have one choice if I want to get that famous map. I'll have to confront him, beat him, and steal it from him."

It was getting late, so Atlas decided to go to bed. He laid his sword beside him and removed his cape.

"Well, it's time for me to get some shut-eye," he said, sitting back in the chair with his arms crossed and closing his eyes.

‘It should be fine if I position myself like this to sleep. I've experienced worse sleeping positions. Like the time I had to sleep standing up for my training.

Anyway, it's better if I sleep like this. Sitting makes sleep lighter, so I can easily react if we're attacked. We must expect anything from now on.

If the merchant could find out that Asha betrayed him, then he might also know where the old man's hideout is and probably has the means to know where we are right now. If everything goes well tonight, we should take advantage of tomorrow to prepare a move against him.

He might want to take action on the Day of the Dragon. Since the streets will be crowded with people, they can take advantage of the commotion and distraction of the people to act discreetly. We're on his turf, so it's best for us to attack him before he's ready and attacks us.

He could also plan to attack us in the middle of the night. Or maybe he will wait for us to come to his territory. We will have to think about these eventualities and prepare for them.

Hahaha! It probably shouldn't be the case, but all of this excites me. I feel like a great fight awaits me.’



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