
Chapter 113: Apocalyptic Zombies (18)

Jessica looked at her ID card.

Identification also has the function of recording the cost of living. There are several sources of living expenses for the base, such as basic contributions, cleaning the streets, and a little more advanced, fighting zombies outside the base...

Of course, we can sell things in exchange. Business is essential in every era.

They were newcomers, so they were each given a hundred points to live on.

Jessica turned to look at Momo, "Are you used to being here?" Is it uncomfortable being around people?"

I think zombies hate this kind of atmosphere.

Like humans hate being surrounded by zombies?

Jessica looked at the teenager worried, but he only blinked his gray eyes and shook his head at her.

Jessica poked his dimples and led them out the door to get something to eat.

Just out of the door, walked through a corridor, but came towards several big men, after seeing them, someone laughed: "Hey, little girl!"

"The little girl has a boyfriend?" Another person laughing down the road.

Jessica frowns, and does not pay attention, pulling from the momo walked quickly, but not through a few people, they become more and more laughing: "Hey, this girl is still shy, run what ah..."

One of them reached out to catch her, Jessica frowns, and before she can use her powers, the person next to her suddenly pulls her back a step, and the teenager raises his long leg and kicks him in the abdomen.

It did not look serious, it seemed to be a very random kick, but the big man flew backwards like a sandbag, hit the iron fence heavily, and the solid defense was knocked down in an instant

Everyone just stared at the scene.

The stranger looked back at the girl. Jessica smiled at him and turned to look at a woman hurrying toward her.

The woman looked at the scattered iron fence, looked up at the young man in amazement, watched for a few seconds, and then hurriedly let someone put the big man on the stretcher.

She gave the boys a stunning look and whispered hurriedly to them, "Come with me."

Jessica held the little zombie's hand and narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering whether the other person was interested in Momo's abilities, or had discovered that she was a psychic power.

Although he did not just shoot, but the fluctuation of mental force is still a little, this woman seems to be in charge here, it should not be an ordinary person without powers.

If you are a high-level psychic, you should find a momentary fluctuation of psychic power.

Followed the woman to a room, the woman hurriedly said a wait, and then quickly walked out of the room, leaving only Jessica and Momo.

Jessica looks around. This place is a study, but I don't think people come here very often...

He suddenly hooked her finger in a small way. Jessica turned her head to look only at a pair of slightly aggrieved gray pupils. His pale lips pressed slightly, looking at her innocently and cautiously.

Jessica was stunned, grabbed his hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

The young man stared at her quietly for a moment, made sure she was not angry, then pressed his lips together and lowered his eyes.

Jessica understood his mood, can not help but hold the young man's waist, head on his arms, "not angry, rest assured, not angry with you."

She looked up and kissed the boy's pale chin.

The little zombie smiled a little and gave a soft cute sound, obediently held by her.

Just then the door was pushed open.

Unexpectedly - the woman who walked in was not the smart or calm woman Jessica had imagined, but a middle-aged woman with a greasy face, who stared away as soon as she came in.

Jessica frowned.

She thought the two of them had been summoned, either because her psychic fluctuations had been discovered, and the other had recognized herself as a psychic power.

Or the ability of Momo is too strong, so it was noticed by the top of the base.

But now it's clear that's not the case. The middle-aged woman on the other side of the door, has been staring at the stranger to see non-stop, a double color squint eyes, almost want to stick to the teenager.

It's definitely not because of anything.

- If anything was discovered, it was probably the incomparable beauty of the Lord God...

Jessica silently teased a sentence in her heart, looking up at the middle-aged woman with a greasy face, slightly speechless, moved in front of the teenager, slightly blocking people behind her, she smiled:

"Excuse me, what brought us here?"

The woman has been staring at the stranger, until this time to hear Jessica's question, only finally reluctantly to look away, looking at Jessica.

Jessica thought she was talking to herself and had narrowed her eyes, ready to hear what she had to say, but the woman only looked at her, then looked away, and continued to stare at the teenager behind her.

Jessica: "..."

Momo from the sight of others, but there is no reaction, still standing quietly, gray pupils without god.

This guy can almost disguise himself as a sculpture when he's quiet.

When he didn't move, the middle-aged woman kept staring at him, pulled out a piece of paper, and asked kindly, "What's your name?"

Momo did not speak.

Jessica raised her eyebrows, "My name is Song Chu, his name is Mo Li,

As soon as the words were exported, the middle-aged woman on the opposite side frowned and said, "I didn't ask you."

"..." Jessica narrowed her eyes slightly.

"He has a bad voice and can't speak."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman showed a surprised expression, and looked at the young man's eyes with more and more pity. She finally turned to Jessica, but apparently not in a good manner:

"Who are you and he?"


The middle-aged woman's face did not look good, but did not show more unexpected looks, just looked down the file, and said: "I am the second leader of the base, you can call me Chen leader."

She doesn't seem to have the courage to lead a base.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?"

As if to add to her momentum, she also knocked on the table, "The residential area is forbidden to fight and injure people, you have just violated a lot of rules, if I had not asked someone to bring you here in time, you would have been arrested by the inspector."

She spoke with pride.

Jessica took a quick look and was pretty sure that the woman was a connected person.