
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul. This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image.

Throne_of_time · Fantasi
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35 Chs

The Radiance Academy

The transition through the portal was a disorienting experience, a whirlwind of colors and sensations that left Atlas feeling momentarily breathless. As he regained his bearings, he found himself standing in a bustling plaza, the heart of a city that seemed to defy both gravity and imagination.

Sanctum, the hidden island that served as the headquarters of the Harmonious Convergence, was a marvel of architectural ingenuity and technological prowess. Buildings of gleaming metal and iridescent crystal soared towards the heavens, their surfaces reflecting the soft glow of the floating city's luminescent core. Air cars, resembling sleek manta rays, glided silently through the air, their anti-gravity engines humming a gentle melody.

Magnus, ever the seasoned traveler, led the way through the bustling crowds, his stride confident and purposeful. Atlas, still wide-eyed with wonder, struggled to keep pace, his senses overwhelmed by the sensory overload of Sanctum.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Magnus remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The Harmonious Convergence spared no expense in creating this sanctuary for Resonators."

Atlas nodded in agreement, his eyes darting from one marvel to the next. He had read about Sanctum in books, but the reality far surpassed his expectations. The city was a testament to human ingenuity and the potential of Resonance to reshape the world.

Their path led them through a series of grand arches and meticulously manicured gardens, the air filled with the sweet fragrance of exotic flowers. As they rounded a corner, Atlas's breath caught in his throat. Looming before them, seemingly suspended in mid-air, was a majestic structure of white marble and shimmering crystal. Its intricate spires and ornate balconies seemed to defy gravity, bathed in an ethereal light that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

"Grandfather," Atlas whispered, his voice filled with awe. "Is that what I think it is?"

Magnus smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Indeed, my boy. That is the Convergence Citadel, the seat of power for the Harmonious Convergence. It is there that the Council meets to decide the fate of our world." He paused, his gaze lingering on the awe-inspiring structure. "And it is there that I, as the Radiant Pillar, take my place among the council."

They continued their journey towards Radiance Academy, their footsteps echoing through the sunlit pathways that snaked through Sanctum's verdant gardens. The air hummed with the harmonious energy of countless Resonances, a subtle symphony that resonated with Atlas's newfound power.

As they approached the imposing entrance of Radiance Academy, two guards, their eyes keen and alert, stepped forward. Recognizing Magnus, the Radiant Pillar, they offered a respectful salute and opened the ornate gates without hesitation.

Magnus turned to Atlas, a warm smile gracing his weathered face. "This is where your path truly begins, my boy. May the light of the Luminos guide you." He clasped Atlas's shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. "Balian, take care of him. Ensure his safety at all costs."

With a final nod, Magnus turned and walked away, leaving Atlas and Balian to enter the hallowed halls of Radiance Academy.

A young woman with bright eyes and a welcoming smile approached them. "Welcome to Radiance Academy, Atlas Luminos," she chirped. "I'm Elara, your personal guide. Please follow me, I'll show you to your accommodations."

As they walked, Elara explained the various facilities of the academy, from the sprawling training grounds to the expansive libraries filled with ancient tomes on Resonance theory and history. "As a Genius Class student," she added with a touch of awe in her voice, "you are entitled to special privileges, including a private manor within the academy grounds, complete with personal servants."

Atlas's eyebrows raised in surprise. He had expected comfortable accommodations, but a private manor seemed excessive. He had always been a simple man, his tastes more aligned with the austere lifestyle of the yakuza.

She then handed him a sleek, silver ring. "This spatial ring contains your uniform and all the necessary materials for your studies."

Atlas examined the ring, its surface shimmering with an intricate pattern of runes. He slipped it onto his finger, feeling a surge of energy as it activated. A holographic interface appeared before him, displaying the contents of the ring, including a crisp white uniform with gold accents and a gleaming silver badge in the shape of a stylized sunburst with a single star at its center.

Elara led him to a secluded courtyard, where a majestic villa nestled amidst fragrant blooms and tranquil fountains. It was a haven of peace and tranquility, a stark contrast to the bustling city beyond the academy walls.

He nodded his thanks to Elara as she continued, "The Genius Class program will begin in fifteen days. Until then, feel free to explore the academy and familiarize yourself with the surroundings. You are the only student currently residing here, as your enrollment is a special circumstance."

With a final curtsy, Elara excused herself, leaving Atlas to explore his new home. The villa was impeccably furnished, with spacious rooms, high ceilings, and breathtaking views of the surrounding gardens. It was a far cry from the cramped apartments and dimly lit alleyways of his past life, a reminder of the vast gulf that now separated him from his former existence.

After settling in, Atlas decided to venture out and explore Sanctum. As he strolled through the bustling streets, his attention was drawn to a nearby cafe, where a crowd had gathered around a holographic news broadcast.

"Breaking news from the Ignis continent," a stern-faced reporter announced. "The Ninth Pillar of the Harmonious Convergence, Kael Ignisborn, is currently engaged in a fierce battle against an early-stage transcendent Behemoth that emerged near the city of Cinderfall."

"Kael Ignisborn, head of the revered Ignisborn clan, wields the A-Rank Resonance: Magma Manipulation" the reporter continued, "an ability that allows him to control molten rock and lava. He's using it to create fiery barriers and redirect the Behemoth's attacks, but the creature is proving to be a formidable opponent."

The image on the screen flickered, revealing a scene of chaos and destruction. A massive creature, its body wreathed in flames and its eyes glowing with primal rage, rampaged through the city streets, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

Atlas watched with bated breath as Kael, his body encased in a shimmering obsidian armor, fought valiantly against the monstrous beast. The battle was intense, the ground trembling with each clash of their powers. It seemed as though the Behemoth was gaining the upper hand, its fiery attacks pushing Kael back.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers. The image on the screen showed Kael, seemingly on the verge of defeat, backing away from the behemoth, his movements precise and calculated. As the behemoth gave chase, it stepped onto a patch of ground that suddenly turned molten. The behemoth let out a roar of pain and surprise as its legs sunk into the magma, momentarily immobilized.

Kael seized the opportunity, leaping onto the Behemoth's back and driving his obsidian-clad fists into its thick hide. He channeled his Resonance into the creature's body, causing its internal temperature to rise rapidly. The Behemoth roared in agony as its flesh began to blister and melt.

With a final, desperate surge of strength, the Behemoth, on the verge of death, exploded with power, throwing Kael off its back. Kael, battered but alive, didn't pursue, his attention focused on the civilians caught in the crossfire.

The reporter's voice filled the cafe once more. "Kael has managed to severely wound the Behemoth! He is now focusing on evacuating the civilians. It seems he is unable to deliver the final blow without endangering the lives of the innocents."

Atlas let out a sigh of relief as the Behemoth retreated, leaving behind a smoldering ruin. The news report continued, explaining that the Convergence was dispatching reinforcements to ensure the creature was contained.

The cafe buzzed with nervous energy as patrons leaned closer to the holographic display, their eyes glued to the unfolding scene. Whispers and exclamations filled the air, a mix of fear, fascination, and admiration for the Ninth Pillar's unwavering resolve.

"That beast is enormous!" a young woman exclaimed, her voice trembling. "How can one man stand against such a force?"

"The Molten Pillar is no ordinary man," a grizzled old Resonator chimed in, his eyes gleaming with a warrior's spirit. "He's a master of Magma Manipulation, a force of nature in his own right."

Theories about the Behemoth's sudden attack began to circulate, fueled by the anxiety and uncertainty gripping the crowd.

"I heard whispers that the Eclipse Order might be involved," one man muttered, his voice barely audible over the din. "They've been stirring up trouble lately."

"Or perhaps it's the growing instability between the realms," another suggested, his eyes darting nervously around the cafe. "They say the balance between light and darkness is weakening."

A somber-faced woman, her Resonance a gentle aura of healing energy, sighed. "These attacks have been growing more frequent lately. It's as if the beasts and demons are becoming bolder, more desperate."

"Could it be a sign of the impending prophecy?" a young scholar whispered, his voice trembling with fear.

Atlas listened intently to the speculations swirling around him, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea that his awakening could be connected to the increasing frequency of attacks sent a shiver down his spine. Could his S-Rank Resonance be a catalyst for chaos, a beacon that drew the monstrous races towards human settlements?