
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul. This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image.

Throne_of_time · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

The harmonious Convergence's headquarters

The faculty shepherded the excited students of Class 1-S towards the sleek, aerodynamic flying bus that awaited them outside the Academy gates.

The students clambered aboard, their eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and nervous energy. The interior of the bus was a plush haven of soft leather seats and panoramic windows that offered breathtaking views of Sanctum.

As the bus ascended into the sky, the cityscape transformed into a miniature wonderland. Gleaming towers pierced the clouds, while intricate networks of skyways weaved between them. The vibrant energy of the city below pulsed through the glass, a symphony of light and sound that mirrored the students' own exhilaration.

"Can you believe it?" Elara squealed, her voice bubbling with excitement. "We're actually getting body augmentations! I can't wait to see how much stronger my Illusion Weaving will become!"

Leona chuckled, her silver eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm hoping it'll give my Sea of Silver a bit more bite," she admitted, flexing her fingers as if testing the sharpness of her water-metal creations.

Baldur, his booming laughter echoing through the cabin, pounded his fist into his open palm. "Just imagine the raw power I'll wield with enhanced strength!" he exclaimed, his King's Might Resonance already radiating a palpable aura of dominance.

Ethan, the sun-kissed boy with the radiant smile, chimed in, "I wonder if it'll make me even faster when the sun is high. I'm practically a blur at noon!"

Kaelan, the ever-graceful wind manipulator, leaned back in his seat, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'm curious how it'll affect our control over our Resonances," he mused. "Will it make them more stable, or harder to control?"

Anya, her fiery red hair swaying with the bus's movement, scoffed. "Who cares about control?" she retorted. "More power is always better, right?"

Selene, the enigmatic shadow weaver, remained silent, her violet eyes observing her classmates with a quiet intensity.

"Don't worry," Atlas interjected, his voice carrying a note of reassurance. "This is just the beginning. We've proven our potential, and with these augmentations, we'll become even stronger. "

Leona turned to Atlas, a puzzled expression on her face. "Atlas," she began hesitantly, "why are you so... different sometimes? One moment you're kind and supportive, the next you're cold and ruthless."

A shadow of pain flickered across Atlas's face, his eyes clouding with memories of a past life filled with betrayal and loss.

"Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your allies," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

A flashback surged through his mind: Ryu, the young yakuza leader, cradling the lifeless body of his closest friend, a victim of his own misplaced mercy. The tears that streamed down his face that day had solidified into a vow, a promise to himself that he would never again allow sentimentality to cloud his judgment.

The bus descended towards the Convergence headquarters, a colossal structure of gleaming obsidian that dominated the city skyline. Its sleek, angular design exuded an air of authority and technological prowess. As the bus docked, the students disembarked, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous entrance hall.

The receptionist, a poised young woman with emerald eyes and a soothing voice, greeted them warmly. "Welcome to the Convergence headquarters, students," she said, her voice carrying a hint of a melodic accent. "We've been expecting you. Please follow me."

She led them through a labyrinth of pristine corridors, each one lined with advanced technology and intricate holographic displays. The air hummed with the energy of scientific discovery, a symphony of whirring machines and the soft hum of energy fields.

Finally, they reached their destination: a vast, circular chamber bathed in a soft, pulsating blue light. In the center of the room stood a ring of cylindrical augmentation capsules, their transparent surfaces revealing the complex machinery within.

A tall, gaunt figure emerged from the shadows, his movements a disconcerting mix of fluidity and jerky, mechanical precision. Dr. Lucian Aetherius, the head researcher of the Convergence and a world-renowned expert in Resonator augmentation, greeted them with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. His piercing blue eyes, enhanced by his A-Rank Technokinesis Resonance, seemed to dissect them, analyzing their every detail. His hair, a shock of stark white that stood on end as if perpetually electrified, framed a face etched with the intensity of a man driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and innovation.

"Welcome, young Resonators," he said, his voice a low, rumbling growl that hinted at a barely suppressed excitement. "Today, you take a step towards unlocking your true potential. Today, you transcend the limitations of your resonances"

The echoing silence of the chamber was suddenly shattered by a booming laughter that seemed to reverberate through the very walls. Every head whipped around to see a tall, imposing figure striding into the room, his presence radiating an aura of warmth and authority.

It was Magnus Luminos, the Radiant Pillar, the Fourth Pillar of the Harmonious Convergence, and Atlas's grandfather. The very air crackled with the power of his Transcendent Photonic Manipulation Resonance, a dazzling display of light bending and twisting around him like a living aurora.

The workers in the chamber immediately bowed their heads in respect, their reverence for the legendary figure palpable. Even Professor Silas and the students, awed by the sudden appearance of such a prominent figure, followed suit.

Magnus's eyes, twin beacons of golden light, settled on Atlas. "Well, well, well," he boomed, a broad grin splitting his face. "Look at you, my boy! Quite the spectacle you put on out there. You're growing stronger faster than even I anticipated."

Atlas couldn't help but return the smile, "Grandfather," he said, his voice filled with respect and affection. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Magnus clapped him on the back, the force of the blow sending a shiver through Atlas's frame. "Couldn't miss my grandson's big day, could I?" he chuckled.

He turned to Dr. Aetherius, his grin widening. "Don't mind me, Lucian," he said, his voice booming through the chamber. "Continue as if I weren't here. I'm just an old man enjoying the show."

Dr. Aetherius, his composure momentarily shaken by the unexpected interruption, quickly regained his composure. "Of course, Radiant Pillar," he said, bowing his head respectfully. "As you wish."

He turned back to the students, his expression once again a mask of scientific curiosity. "Now, where were we?" he mused, tapping a bony finger against his chin. "Ah, yes. Body augmentations."

He gestured towards the augmentation capsules, their surfaces now shimmering with an array of intricate symbols and runes.

"These capsules," he explained, his voice taking on a lecturing tone, "are the culmination of decades of research and development. They are designed to optimize your physical forms, enhancing your bodies' ability to resonate with the White Core's energy."

He paused, his eyes sparkling with a mad scientist's glee. "The process is relatively simple," he continued. "You will each enter a capsule, where you will be subjected to a carefully calibrated infusion of White Core energy. This energy will interact with your unique Resonance, stimulating cellular growth and enhancing your physical attributes."

He tapped a control panel, and a holographic display materialized above the capsules. It showed a detailed anatomical model of the human body, with various points highlighted in different colors. "The energy infusion will target specific areas of your body, depending on your individual Resonance," Dr. Aetherius explained. "For example, a Resonator with an Earth Manipulation Resonance will experience enhanced bone density and muscle mass, while a Resonator with a Fire Manipulation Resonance will see an increase in their body's heat tolerance and energy output."

He swiped his hand through the air, and the display shifted to show a series of complex equations and diagrams. "The process is carefully monitored and controlled," he assured them. "There is minimal risk of complications, and the benefits are... considerable."

He paused, a sly grin spreading across his face. "In rare cases," he added, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "the augmentation process can even trigger a mutation in a Resonator's Resonance, potentially increasing its rank. But this is an extremely rare occurrence, and I wouldn't get your hopes up."