
Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock

In the chaotic aftermath of a sudden black hole collision, Ryu, a poor orphan who clawed his way into becoming the leader of the Black Dragon yakuza, is thrust into the fantastical world of Resonance, a world where people awaken unique superpowers named resonances. Reborn as Atlas, heir to a prestigious lineage, he awakens the power of Time Manipulation, a coveted S-Rank Resonance that allows him to bend the very flow of time to his will. But Atlas soon learns that his true power lies not in manipulating time, but in the enigmatic Emperor's Pride residing within his soul. This insidious entity grants him immeasurable strength, fueled by the awe and reverence he commands. Yet, it hungers for complete control, constantly attempting to wrest control of Atlas's body to reveal its true face, an entity consumed by absolute pride and utter disdain for all other beings. As Atlas grapples with this corrupting influence, he is drawn into the escalating conflict between the Harmonious Convergence, a faction dedicated to preserving balance, and the Eclipse Order, a shadowy organization harboring a sinister plot to reshape Resonance in their twisted image.

Throne_of_time · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Kaito kenshin

Atlas's eyes narrowed as he watched Kaito, a flicker of recognition sparking within him. There was something familiar about the intensity in those eyes, a depth of pain masked by an icy resolve. He had the same look when he was an orphan struggling to survive in the streets of Tokyo.


Ten-year-old Kaito stumbled through the dense forest, his small hands clutching a basket overflowing with wild berries. He hummed a cheerful tune, his thoughts filled with the warm smiles that would greet him upon his return to the village.

But as he emerged from the trees, the cheerful melody died in his throat. The village, once a haven of laughter and life, was now a scene of devastation. Smoke billowed from collapsed huts, the air thick with the acrid stench of burning wood and corpses.

A monstrous figure, towering over the remains of his home, let out a deafening roar. Its grotesque form, a fusion of reptilian scales and jagged bone, was bathed in the crimson glow of the setting sun. Tears, hot and tinged with an unnatural red, streamed down Kaito's face as he watched the behemoth crush the last remnants of his village under its massive claws.

"No..." Kaito whispered, his voice barely audible over the creature's triumphant bellow. He collapsed to his knees, his heart filled with a grief so profound it felt like a physical wound. "Mother... Father..."

His father's katana, a gleaming blade that had always seemed so large in his small hands, lay forgotten in the dirt beside him. As his tears mingled with the earth, a spark of defiance ignited within his broken heart. The searing pain of loss twisted into a burning hatred for his own weakness.

With trembling hands, Kaito retrieved his father's katana, the cool metal a comforting weight against his skin. He vowed then and there to become stronger, to hone his skills until he could stand against any foe, no matter how monstrous.

For six long years, Kaito lived in solitude in the forest, surviving on what he could hunt and gather. Day after day, he swung his father's katana, his young muscles straining with each repetition. A thousand swings turned into ten thousand, then a hundred thousand, his determination fueled by the burning embers of revenge.

Finally, at the age of sixteen, Kaito emerged from the forest, his once small frame now lean and hardened. He entered the city with a steely gaze, ignoring the looks of disdain and pity from the citizens.

And when his Resonance awakened, it was a sight to behold. A rare, mutated A-Rank Resonance, the first of its kind: Sea of Swords. A devastating ability that manifested as a swirling vortex of spectral blades, each one honed to a razor's edge by his years of unwavering dedication.

The people that had once scorned him now bowed in awe and reverence. He was no longer just Kaito, the orphaned boy from the destroyed village. He was Kaito Kenshin, the master of the Sea of Swords, a force to be reckoned with. The Radiance Academy opened its doors to him, welcoming him into its prestigious Genius Program.

But even as he reached heights that others would never dream of, the memory of that fateful day, the image of his burning village and his slain family, remained etched into his soul. His thirst for vengeance had not been quenched, merely tempered by the fires of ambition. He would have his revenge, he would slay every behemoth in this world.


The announcer's voice drew Atlas back to the present. "Next up, Class 3-C versus the rising stars of Class 2-B!"

Tension filled the arena as the teams entered. Class 3-C, seasoned and confident, faced Class 2-B, brimming with raw potential.

The battle ignited with elemental fury. Stone met water, lightning clashed with wind. Class 3-C, disciplined and coordinated, pressed their advantage, while 2-B fought with fierce adaptability.A sonic blast from a 2-B Sound Manipulator disrupted 3-C's formation.

Seizing the moment, a 2-B Illusionist veiled the arena in deceptive mirages, disorienting their opponents.Capitalizing on the chaos, the Sound Manipulator unleashed a piercing shriek that shattered 3-C's defenses. The illusionist's phantoms delivered the final blows, securing victory for Class 2-B.

The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating the underdogs' triumph of raw talent and unwavering spirit over experience.

The crowd's jubilation for Class 2-B was cut short by a dismissive scoff from Baldur. "Fools," he boomed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Celebrate all you want, but these weaklings are destined to be crushed by Class 3-S in the next round"

Elara, her brow furrowed, retorted, "They showed spirit and won. Isn't that something to be celebrated?"

Before their exchange could escalate, the announcer's voice boomed through the arena, silencing the bickering. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, Class 1-S face off against Class 3-A!"

A hush fell over the crowd, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. Whispers of speculation rippled through the stands."Can those freshmen really hold their own against third-years?"

"That S-Rank kid, Atlas, might be their only hope."

"This is going to be a massacre!"

The match began, and Atlas moved with the grace of a predator, his movements a seamless blend of Kyokushin Karate and time manipulation. He effortlessly weaved through the incoming attacks of the 3-A students, all of whom were at the peak stage of Nascent Mastery, his footwork a mesmerizing dance of feints and dodges.

"Is this the best the third-years can offer?" Atlas taunted, his voice echoing through the hushed arena. "Perhaps you should consider retiring."A surge of anger fueled a 3-A student with a B-Rank Fire Manipulation Resonance, who unleashed a torrent of flames towards Atlas.

With a flick of his wrist, Atlas activated his Temporal Acceleration, his body blurring as he moved through the inferno unscathed."Too slow," he mocked, reappearing behind the student and delivering a lightning-fast palm strike to the back of the neck. The student collapsed, their Resonance flickering out.Another 3-A student, wielding a C-Rank Wind Manipulation Resonance, attempted to bind Atlas with swirling gusts of air.

Atlas, however, simply stepped out of the way, his nonchalant expression never wavering."Predictable," he commented, his voice laced with boredom. He retaliated with a devastating roundhouse kick, sending the student flying out of the arena.

The remaining 3-A students, their confidence shaken, attacked in unison, their Resonances flaring in a desperate attempt to overwhelm Atlas. But he was a phantom, a blur of motion that defied their senses. He effortlessly countered their attacks, his strikes precise and devastating, each one imbued with the raw power of his S-Rank Resonance.

One by one, the 3-A students fell, their Resonances extinguished. Atlas stood amidst the defeated, his breathing steady, his expression unchanged. It was a flawless victory, a testament to his overwhelming power and mastery over both martial arts and time.

The arena erupted in a deafening roar as the crowd witnessed Atlas's awe-inspiring victory. Waves of cheers and applause washed over him, a symphony of admiration that resonated with his very being. The Echoes of Approval surged through him, an intoxicating tide of power that pushed his mastery to its limits.

His body hummed with energy, his senses heightened, his mastery over time expanding with every cheer. And then, in one exhilarating rush, he felt the barrier shatter. He had broken through to the late stage of Nascent Mastery.

The crowd's cheers momentarily faltered, replaced by a wave of stunned silence. An old man's voice boomed through the arena, his words echoing with a mix of awe and disbelief. "He just broke through! Mid-battle! The boy achieved late-stage Nascent Mastery!"

The announcement sent a fresh wave of excitement through the crowd, their cheers reaching a fever pitch. But amidst the adulation, Atlas's vision flickered his eyes momentarily turning a brilliant gold. He knew this feeling, the sensation of his control slipping, his body moving on its own accord.

At first, he was calm knowing that he take back control easily like he always did, but as He tried to assert his will, to reclaim his body, his efforts were met with an unyielding resistance. Seconds ticked by, each one a agonizing reminder of his dwindling control.

A dozen seconds passed, and Atlas's composure finally shattered. Yet, outwardly, he remained a statue of serenity, his face a mask of cold indifference.Then, as if sensing his desperation, the corners of his lips twitched, curling into a sinister smirk. Emperor's Pride, had taken the reins. The vessel was his.