

Back in the scenario…

The dead bodies of the players started to disperse in a ray of white light after ROOT was dragged into the Blast Tunnel.

When these players were asked about this, they all said that… their memory stopped at the moment before they were killed. Then there one second later, they returned to their log in lobby, it was no different from dying in other scenarios. And the remaining players in the city, Wang Tanzhi, Phantom Dawn, Yama, Shiva, Vishnu and Matcha Cookie all logged off from the scenario.

Xiao Tan was the first to do so. When Brother Jue told them to log off from the scenario, as a simple person, he followed the instruction. Even though Matcha Cookie was far from the battlefield to understand what was really happening, but with the reminder from Shapeless Shade, she too swiftly left and did not risk to stay.