
Three Wishes In Another World

There was an american otaku who prayed to be isekaid every day for 20 years, never missing a day. He was tired of his life, and was enamoured of the countless adventures in his favorite anime. He couldn't accept his boring life, unable to see reality. And finally after 20 long years, his prayers weer answered. The dimensional god was moved and granted him 3 wishes in his new world, what will happen I wonder?

CrowMonarch · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Duels, Gifts, and Cores

{Eldritch POV}


Utter Fools.

They had a chance, but they didn't take it. Only 92 orcs were left alive, all second stage. The orc lord stands before me now, with my undead surrounding us. Saphira circled us from above, but she won't interfere. I will end him myself.

I launch 2 fireballs at him, one coming at each side of him. In an instant, he takes out his sword, a claymore he got from killing some human knight. He slashes the fireball to his left and ducks under the right one. It's too late however, because when he looks back at me i'm gone.

Using my shadow step spell, I moved four of my ten paces to the left, outside his effective range should he attack my previous position. I moved three paces closer, then put an ice shield on the other side. He attacked it, and then I launched a fireball at him from behind.

I took my remaining 2 paces back, and was rendered visible once more. The fireball struck true, burning his back and launching him into the shield. As he was about to recover, I made the shield evaporate and he fell down, with another fireball coming at him.

He roared and a red aura formed around him. The fireball did no damage, and then he charged at me.

Tch, that move is so annoying. It's the only reason he can fight me at all. I retreat as he wildly charges. He will be immune to damage of a certain degree for 3 minutes, then the aura will fade. If master were here, this brute would already be dust!

As I retreat, I'm constantly creating ice shields to block his path, but it doesn't do much. Damn, my mana is running low. Hes catching up, FUCK. Will I lose here? After getting a lord so powerful he can wipe out mountains? No, NO! I REFUSE!

I actually step towards him! His eyes widen for but a moment, then he striked down at me with his claymore. Just before the strike lands, an ice shield appears between us, and the recoil sends him back. I can see it, his flickering aura. His eyes betray the panic he tries desperately to hide.

Before he can charge at me, I surround him with ice shields from all directions. He slashes at the front one, over, and over again, his red aura fading by the second. Just as he breaks it, his aura fades.

Then his eyes glow bright, reflecting the fireball coming at him. He falters, his body unable to handle the strain of his ability.

Then his head becomes charred remains.


Oh shit, oh fuck, hes mad, oh fuck.

|M-my lord, please forgive me, but I must. My memory is failing me, and I can't think of a better alternative power!|

"I told you to negotiate, not apologise. Don't test my patience."


|My lord, I want a derivative of a power that has a precedent, but the derivative itself was never used.|

"And the power itself? What exactly do you want from me, Vulpes? Im Waiting."

Holy shit, he called me by my name! Is that an improvement or worse? Dammit can't tell!

|I want the power to activate the 8 inner gates from naruto in someone of this world. As in, give the ability to use it to anyone I wish.|

"Why? I want to hear your reasoning."

A good sign? I mean i'm not dead yet so...

|I have an immortal body, so defence becomes pointless, and with hakai at my disposal, my destructive potential becomes nigh infinite. Speed is also unnecessary as I can fling out my destructive Ki at the same speed as Beerus. Thus, only one thing left was needed.|

Okay, here we go! I got this!

|A king needs soldiers, strong soldiers! Soldiers strong enough to defeat all my enemies without me needing to do jack shit! What is so great about being an overlord? YOU DON'T GOTTA DO SHIT! My minions can do everything and I can chill in my palace with whatever I want! To achieve that, I need something to boost my allies.|

"That all makes sense, but why the 8 gates specifically? What's behind that specific choice?"

|Its a comprehensive boost. From speed and strength to durability and reflexes! It boosts everything needed and the price isn't that bad apart from gate #8. With my body especially, gate #8 would be spammable! Its perfect, although I may be forgetting some other options.|


Shit, please come on god, accept. Silence is the fucking worst in these situations!

"Very well, I can grant you this, but there is a price, naturally."

|What must I do? I'll happily do anything in my power!|

"Oh please, what can you do for me? Remember the difference between us, and think about how foolish you sound. You don't need to do anything."

|Then what's the price my lord?|

"These wishes make your life too easy. I will bring another human from your world, giving him 2 wishes with your same restrictions. His mission will be to kill you and stop your reign. I hope you have fun, haha."


And then I was back on my throne, my last wish granted. This should be a grand occasion, but only one thing came to mind.



Eldritch came back with the core and I allowed him to start the refinement. It would take a month, but it would allow him to get one step closer to evolving. He needs 6 more cores after the orc lords, and we have 92 orcs for this.

After having them fight in one on one duels for a while, I ended up with 9 orc lords and 2 leftover orc warriors. I had them kneel with destructive aura before digging out the 9 cores. I saved the 3 leftover cores and looked at the two orc lords leftover. Well, I do need to experiment with the 8 gates, and here they are.

Let's get started. I need to be as ready as possible for my enemies arrival.

I swear to never know defeat.

did you think it would be that easy? Hell nah, rival time

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