
Three Wishes In Another World

There was an american otaku who prayed to be isekaid every day for 20 years, never missing a day. He was tired of his life, and was enamoured of the countless adventures in his favorite anime. He couldn't accept his boring life, unable to see reality. And finally after 20 long years, his prayers weer answered. The dimensional god was moved and granted him 3 wishes in his new world, what will happen I wonder?

CrowMonarch · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Conversation and Subjugation

"Saphira, work with Eldritch and deal with the orc whatever. Kill him and let Eldritch eat his core. After that, subjugate any orcs that are willing, and slaughter the rest. You should be able to handle this by ourselves right?"

"Right away my lord!"

And with that they're gone. Im sure they will be fine, and if not oh well. Now, for the important stuff. Ill head back to my throne for now, and then I get to do the most stressful thing i've ever done and will do.

I'm gonna attempt to negotiate with god.

As I rest on my throne, I contemplate. I am practically unkillable, so defense is not an issue. My offensive power needs no elaboration, Hakai is inevitable. Now, what do I need?

Speed? No, they can't outrun me if they all just kneel before my destruction Ki. Intelect? All plots and plans are worthless before absolute power, just look at Madara and Aizen. Wait, I think I got it. I'm going to be an overlord, a god, and a king.

A king naturally needs strong subjects.

I need to be able to offer something, and my soldiers need to reach a certain standard. So, this leaves me with my last wish, and I need to able to strengthen my subordinates. Whats a comprehensive ability that still gives enough of a boost to be effective? I got it!

The 8 Inner Gates from naruto! But, do they even exist in this world? Chakra doesn't exist, but neither does Ki, but hakai works. It should be possible for me, but how can I give it to people?

There's no precedent for someone creating the 8 inner gates for someone, in naruto is had always been there. Damnit, its perfect. Its strong enough to let Guy absolutely fuck up 10 tails madara, and almost end his whole career! Since im immortal, I can spam the 8th gate too!

FUCK! Think man think! Ok, Lord Naruto is benevolent, he might grant my wish even if there is no precedent. There's only one way to find out. Damnit, im probably forgetting so many better options, but I want a naruto power, to represent my one true god.

Here goes nothing.

"Lord Naruto, I wish to have a conversation about my third wish."

Before I knew it, I was once again in that vast expanse of stars, and before my was my only god. I kneeled, naturally.

"Speak, i'm in a good mood right now. You don't have to talk out loud, ill just read your surface thoughts. It's beneath me to pry into your mind deeply."

|Lord naruto, could you perhaps explain your choice of world? Why not the world of bleach or one piece?|

"Well because it would be too easy, you were, after all, a 5th dimensional existence."


"Oh right, let me explain. Your kind are a 5th dimensional existence, and all the worlds of anime and fiction, became real. Your imagine alone created many worlds between 1st and 3rd dimensional levels."

|Holy shit, that's insane!|

"The important thing is, a lesser being can never harm a higher being. For example, even if I sent you to naruto, even if kaguya, naruto, sasuke, hagoromo and the 10 tails attacks, they could do nothing. There attacks would never do a single thing."

|What about if you put my soul in a body belonging to that dimension?|

"Your body could die, but your soul would live one. Your soul would be able to take over any body you wish, they would be unable to fight back. Like I said, It would be too easy. The world I sent you too was another 5th dimensional world. Not higher or lower."

|Can I ascend to higher dimensions?|

"I can't answer that, V̴̙͊̓͆͆͘͠e̸̩̪̮͈̼͓̘̬̒̔̒͝ͅẙ̷̩͇̦͍̭̦̝̜͇͓̀̉̓͌͌̇r̵̹͕̩̦̜̟̗̦̺̟̊̓̔̌̆̄͌͆̾͠ǒ̷͖̱͖̪̲̭ñ̷͎̣͙̯̘̿͗̀ would kill me if I reveald higher dimensional secrets."


"Oh right, you can't comprehend the name. I was referring to the 9th dimensional god of law and punishment. As one of the Primeval gods, I would most certainly not escape. But that's enough for now, what of your third wish."

|Ah, a-about that. I wish to negotiate with you.|

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha, oh its been millions of years since a lower life form tried to negotiate with me. I'm not trying to demean you, but as a 9th dimensional god, you are indeed a lower life form in every aspect of the phrase. Very well..."

"Speak, 5th dimensional worm".

Oh shit. I fucked up didn't I.

{Eldritch POV}

I shivered in joy at the order me and Saphira received.

My first assignment without master! I must do it to perfection. I hope this lizard doesn't get in the way. Oh, should I refer to her with her name, it WAS given by the lord after all.

Wait, she should be below me. I was given a title and slot amongst The Four Lord, as the Lord of Death. She received no such title. I will refer to her how I please until told otherwise. My lord generously said to allow me to eat Gelt's core, so soon i'll be above her in power as well as status.

Its all thanks to master.

"Eldritch, what was that monstrosity, out new master? How did you meet him?" Saphira spoke out.

HMPH, the nerve!

"How dare you call the lord HIM. You worthless lizard, you will now refer to him as; My lord, Your Majesty, or Divine Lord. Do you understand?"

She pauses, before turning to growl at me in anger, I could even make out the glow of flames in her maw, faint as they were.

"Listen close, Lizard. I was gifted a name and title from the great one! I was made on of The Four Lords, branded as Eldritch, the Lord of Death! I stand far above you, a mere mount. Know you place, or do you think you can escape the lord wrath?" I looked at her in disdain.

She pauses yet again, before lowering her head and asking again.

"Forgive me, but my question remains. Please answer, Lord Eldritch." She says in as polite a tone as a wyvern can muster.

Oh well, she adapts quickly, so ill forgive her. She does serve the same master, after all.

"As long as you know. The master entered my lair, killed all my summoned minions, entered my chamber without a scratch, and showed his absolute confidence and disdain. I knew then, what had to be done. I was smart enough to show my worth and beg to serve, and know here I stand, about to claim a 3rd tier core for myself."

I looked forward in pride! I served an absolute existence and was gifted enormous status! Soon, even power would be gifted to me!

There it is now. We are close enough to make out the fortifications of the orc camp. Hehehe, the time as come. I augment my voice with magic before speaking.


My summoned undead stomp and solute.


My minions howl in excitement.


Saphira flies up and roars, a jet of flame erupting from her maw.


Silence reigns for but a moment.


Then hope gives way to despair and carnage replaces peace.


do you prefer a chapter a day or mass uploads after a few days of no chapters? Just answer in the provided space above in the form of a coment. Damn, worded that pretty fancy. Anyway, just lemme know so I know what to do.

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