
Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse

Ex-Pro gamer Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly thrown into a real life game world filled with monsters, quests, and deadly scenarios. Will he be able to survive, and what secrets does this game hide under it’s already dark undertones?

g0d123 · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The World of Scenarios

It was a regular day; the sound of the train calmed me as I rode home. It helped me forget the past and feel at ease.

My name is Yoo Joonghyuk, and I am a retired E-sports player. My team was an incredible one, all of our bonds stronger than glue and our skill unmatched; or so I thought.

In the finals of the biggest tournament in the world our team lost, and to top it off my "friends" blamed our loss on me, I thought things couldn't get worse. I was wrong, I was kicked of the team and now I hop job to job but I can't keep one.

That brings me today, on the train heading home from an interview, this job was my last chance, if I was not hired I'd be kicked from the house and forced to live on the street, it was safe to say my life was hanging on these results.

Then I got an eerie feeling, one I hadn't felt before, and suddenly the train came to a stop. "How odd" I hear from next to me, "The train doesn't have a stop in a mile" I looked around and noticed a spark of electricity floating through the air, perhaps this was the cause of this sudden halt. But I was quickly proved wrong as a small horn appeared from the spark.

The spark eventually grew into a hole as a small creature began emerging from what seemed to be the void. It closed the hole behind it and levitated in the air before speaking, "Hello Earthlings, you may be unaware but Earth has exited it's Trial Period and is now transitioning to it's Paid Service."

A man spoke up, "Um, Excuse me this train was supposed to arrive at the next station soon, could we continue this sometime else?" Pause. The creature snapped it's fingers and the man's head immediately blew up, blood and brain splattered all over the train car, it made me light headed, I dropped to my knees trying to suppress the urge to puke.

The creature began to speak again, "That is just an example of what will happen if you try to disobey my orders, but don't worry my first task isn't hard." A blue screen appeared in front of all the people.


Main Scenario 1


Clear Conditions:

Kill One or More Creatures

Time Limit : 30 Minutes

Reward: 300 Coins

Failure: Death
