
Chapter 81 Your Golden Finger Has Arrived!_1

"Are you up for checking out the furniture mall this afternoon?"

"Maybe next time—I'm a bit tired today."

Yang Dong forced a smile, exchanged a few words, and hung up the phone, then tossed the cell phone casually onto the writing desk.

She sat on the tree stump stool, looking out the window and drifting into a slight daze.

Suddenly, an itchy sting spread across her arm. She looked down to see a small mosquito perched on her fair skin, greedily sucking her blood.

Instead of choosing to smash it with her palm, Yang Dong simply waved her hand to shoo it away.

June was the height of the mosquito season,

The mosquitoes were indeed numerous lately, and quite bold!

Bai Tan, lying nearby, started to complain internally. Just then, it spotted the same little mosquito flying towards it, seemingly still hungry.

Mosquito, you dare to mess with me? You're asking for death!

Bai Tan struck like lightning, trying to kill the audacious mosquito with a swipe of her paw, but it seemed as if the mosquito had foreseen this and performed an evasive maneuver to dodge the lethal blow.

This mosquito's got some skills!

Bai Tan was taken aback and became earnest.

A cat and a mosquito engaged in full martial combat within the room.

In the scuffle with the mosquito, Bai Tan got bitten, but the mosquito did not escape the cat's claws and was killed by a swipe of her paw!

That's it? That's all?

Kid, you think you can compete with me?

Ah, so itchy~

Bai Tan stretched out its paw, scratching the spot where the mosquito had bitten.

As it was comfortably scratching, a familiar voice suddenly resounded in Bai Tan's mind:

"Bai Tan, I trust you've already saved Yang Dong. Your next mission is to ensure her safety."

That voice is so familiar!

It was Dr. Qin's voice!

The white cat instantly recognized the voice's owner, who had tasked it to save Yang Dong and now tasked it to protect her,

"Wait a minute, I'm just an ordinary cat!"

"No, from now on, you're no longer just an ordinary cat."

Returning to reality, Bai Tan saw Yang Dong, who had been fine a moment ago, reaching into a drawer to take out sleeping pills again.

Being saved was just an accident; death was the intended outcome.

After being saved by Bai Tan, Yang Dong had thought for a long time.

Days of contemplation didn't clear her mind but rather deepened her confusion.

Life had entered a dead end; she saw no hope. There was not the slightest change in sight; things would not improve, only get worse.

My fate is sealed. It's time to go.

She picked up the glass of water and the sleeping pills to attempt suicide once again.

Just when Bai Tan could hardly resist jumping to stop her,

Yang Dong suddenly put down the glass, because white subtitles appeared before her eyes:

Do you want to truly live?

Do you wish to know the true meaning of life?

yes or no!

Without hesitation, Yang Dong chose 'no'.

It was a ruse by Sophon.

The Trisolarans had some sort of scheme in mind, but it didn't matter to her anymore.

The system AI was dumbfounded, not expecting this deviation from the script.

Thanks to the host's brain being quite bright, it reacted swiftly, and the database had hundreds of contingency plans.

The system understood Yang Dong's thoughts; it might fool the average person but not her—she was too smart for that, and as a fundamental physicist, she knew Sophon couldn't possibly have such miraculous abilities.

"I am not Sophon. I am a super system developed by Dr. M under his guidance, and he has chosen you."

This statement gave her several key pieces of information: the system was artificial, and Dr. M was behind it.

The most crucial point was that this mysterious system could directly converse with her in her mind, and her every thought could not escape the system's surveillance. As a physicist, she knew that Sophon would not possess such a miraculous capability.

"You can trust Dr. M! He is a great scientist!"

"The system is dedicated to advancing the Civilization Level of humanity, developed by Dr. M of the Multi-Universe Republic. The secrets of the system are for the holder to discover. The host can only communicate with the system through thought. Now, regarding the features of the system, the host may begin asking questions."

The system's main interface, a white panel, appeared in her mind, just as if it were an image she had imagined.

[Scholar's Black Technology System]

Host: Yang Dong

Gender: Female

Field of Science: Fundamental Physics

Blueprints: None

Points: 0

Missions: Not claimed

Yang Dong quickly adapted to the system. She voiced an internal question:

"System, what are blueprints?"

The system offered an explanation:

"As the name suggests, blueprints are self-explanatory technical diagrams. From a tiny high-tech chip to an interstellar battleship, given the objective conditions for production, products can be realized following the steps outlined in the blueprints."

"What are points for? How can I get them?"

"Complete missions to earn points. Points can be exchanged for super technologies in the system's marketplace, with other uses for the host to discover."

"System mall?"

The panel began to change, displaying a dazzling array of technologies before her eyes, each accompanied by a description.

Crab Boss's Secret Coffee Recipe: The coffee Dr. M loved to drink.

Brain Platinum No. 1: Can improve human IQ for one day, exchange points: 5

Brain Platinum No. 2: Can permanently improve human IQ, exchange points: 50

Brain Platinum No. 3...

As Yang Dong perused the system mall, she came across five types of Brain Platinum, each more expensive than the last, with correspondingly stronger effects.

She continued browsing.

Super Explosive Grenade: Dr. M's modified version, a powerful grenade, exchange points: 20

Electronic AR Glasses: Essential for learning, a high-tech auxiliary tool, with this, you'll toss away your Nokia, exchange points: 20

Cancer-targeted Drugs: Can treat cancer to a degree, exchange points: 20

Bionic Robot Technology: Hope you don't use it for weird things, exchange points: 100

Elixir of Immortality: Borrow another five hundred years from heaven, points: 500

Anti-Intelligence Particle Technology: Are you still worried about omnipresent Sophon? Points: 1000

Carbon Nanotube Battery... Electromagnetic Railgun... Plasma Electrolaser... Heavy Fusion Engine... Antimatter Engine... Curvature Drive Technology... Galactic-class Battleship...

Technologies like Elixir of Immortality and Anti-Intelligence Particle Technology were very tempting to the eyes, but the points were so expensive they drove one to despair.

Current Points: 0

Knowing she currently had zero points, she closed the system mall in silence.

Even the cheapest coffee recipe was beyond her means...

Regaining her senses from the shock, Yang Dong took a sip of plain boiled water and fell deep in thought.

Every technology in the system mall could be described as black tech, and even the simplest-looking coffee recipe was probably not just plain coffee.

Those costly technologies could even allow humanity to take a giant leap forward, stepping directly into interstellar civilization.

Black Technology System, Dr. M, Multi-Universe Republic.

The secrets and origins of the system deeply piqued Yang Dong's curiosity. Apart from physics, she had never been so interested in anything or anyone.

"Who is Dr. M?"

"Sorry, the system cannot provide detailed information about the creator."

Though she had anticipated this, she couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed.

"What is my current mission?"

The mission appeared on the panel in front of her.

[Current Mission]

One, acquire Qidian Company, completion will award 5 points.

Two, establish a high-tech company to lead the development of the human world, points will be issued based on the level of completion.

"How are rewards issued when I exchange points?"

"After the exchange is completed, the corresponding technology blueprints and technical information will be directly transmitted to your memory."

"Can I reject a mission?"


The system's voice echoed in her mind, "Newbie gift pack has been credited, do you wish to claim it!"

This system was quite domineering, Dr. M probably was as well.

"Claim it!" Yang Dong thought silently to herself.

In an instant, she felt the world change. The effect of the gift pack was evident; she felt significantly better, her brain much clearer. Even her perception of the external world, sensitivity to receiving information, and memory improved.

She tried mental calculus with calculus equations, taking half the time she used to.

It was real, at least it seemed so now.

Yang Dong sat for a while, taking roughly ten minutes to digest what had just happened.

Suddenly, a question came to her, and she frowned lightly, whispering in her mind, "System, can you be discovered by others?"

"Host need not worry, the system is directly bound to your brain, and no one can detect its presence!"

If initially she had some doubts about this being a plaything of Sophon, by now she had come to believe about seventy percent of what the system said, created by Dr. M of the Multi-Universe Republic.

Although she was unclear why Dr. M had chosen her, she had become the host of the Black Technology System.

The scholar's Black Technology System, whether it was an alien conspiracy, an April Fool's joke, or her own brain malfunctioning, she had accepted the mission and would regardless attempt to see what would come of it.

With that thought, Yang Dong could hardly wait to stand up. The white cat followed behind her as she walked out of the room, stepping onto a seemingly endless path.

It was then that Qin Ming had really saved her, at least giving her a glimpse of hope.

Hope sustained life, visualization of cakes could satiate hunger, dreams of plums could quench thirst.

On Ding Yi's side,

At this moment, Liufen Yi sat disappointed on the sofa, having been politely rejected by Yang Dong, and his mood was further soured by recent happenings in the scientific community. He stood up to fetch a few cans of beer from the fridge to drown his sorrows.

Just as he opened the fridge, a mechanical female voice suddenly rang in his mind, making Ding Yi startle and stand frozen in place.

"Ding! System activated!"

Before he could react, a white panel appeared in his mind:

[Earth Security System]

Name: Ding Yi

Gender: Male

Race: Human Race

IQ: 200

Combat Power: 5

Dr. M's Evaluation: Your software compared to your hardware is like Lyu Bu riding a dog. As the future Earth Security, you are still very weak and can't even protect yourself!