
Those Who Remained

Dafa_Zain · Realistis
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3 Chs

What We Are Fighting For (Part 1)

7th of January 2046, ???

It was a strange room unlike anything any nation had ever seen, the sounds of beeping instrument complement the modernity of that particular space. On the middle of it a stage with podium on top of it was erected, taking attention of whoever enter this room. 'Thump, thump, thump' the stair leading to the stage was climbed. A woman with sharp eyes was holding a microphone. In front of her a sea of human standing firm looking at her with admiration. She loosened her lips preparing for her speech. She started speaking in a loud voice yet no one get annoyed by it they were bewitched by her charisma.

"For years we have closed our eyes, for years we have been ignoring our primary duty, and why is that!? Is it because we lack the necessary resource? Is it because we lack military strength? NO! It's because we choose to do so! Every year 90.000 people died fighting for war that they hate, the war that every news media criticized as violation of human right, and yet it still continue to these days. Every kids on earth has been normalized seeing news about war on their television that they start treating it as normal occurrence. On top of that the big nation has been funding war since 1946 to raise their GDP, forcing their citizen to fight or lost all the comfort provided by government. Is it the future that you want!? Where your children will fight for war that they do not believe in? Where humanity used their best potential to slaughter each other? It can't happen! We of the United Nation will not absolutely let that happen! Steel yourself ladies and gentlemen for we will show the world our commitment to reach peace without compromise! "

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" The speech of that woman had moved the heart of thousands no maybe millions of people watching it. Since it's release on internet many people had different reaction to her speech, some of them teared up, some clap their hand in admiration, while some were enrage by that woman declaration. Her action had changed the course of history and so 7th of January had become known as International Peace Day


21st of March 2046, Khartoum

In what looks like a temporary military barrack, two infantry cadets could be seen slacking off before their first mission. Both of them wore the same army combat uniform with the color of operational camouflage pattern being a contrast with light beige and dark green. There weren't much differences either in their hair being nearly bald and styled like standard military haircut. Even when they slacking off you could see their rifle were always besides them, ready to used anytime their lieutenant gave order to dispatch. Identical, tidy, and always ready both of them showed exactly what it means to be army.

One of them started to took out their phone and watched a certain video, with low voice as to not alerted their superior. It was a video from some months ago, a video of certain speech. Curious the other ask about the video that was being watched.

"Hey Euler what are you watching?"

"The UN peace declaration, no matter how many times I watched it I will never get bored. You should watch it sometimes too Bradley."

"No thanks, I'm bored just watching it once. What makes the video so interesting anyway? Could it be you're attracted to the woman who did the speech?" said Bradley with suspecting face.

Flustered, Euler drop his phone and awkwardly answer that question in squeaking voice " N-no I'm not watching it for Mrs. Ami."

"Oh? You're not interested yet you even know her name."

"What no!? I accidentally found her name while browsing news," starting to composed himself Euler finally able to talk in his normal voice "I know she's beautiful but she's married you know. Besides I'm watching her video only for the speech."

"Only for the speech? Yeah right," looking at his wristwatch Bradley waved his hand signalling Euler "C'mon it's time to go before someone found us."


22nd of March 2046, Khartoum

On 2004 United Nation made military base on Khartoum in hope of helping Sudan government solved the tension between revolutionary and Omar al-Bashir before civil war erupted. In only a matter of short weeks the United Nation effort were proved to be futile as civilian casualties reached a high count and the military base was closed as United Nation was deemed ineffective by Sudan government. After the declaration of peace in 7th of January 2046 the military base was opened once again and today at 22nd of March 2046, we the member of United Nation Military Alliance would carved a new history. Eliminating the remnant of revolutionary that had become terrorist and human trader was our first mission.

Inside the military base, Lieutenant Rashid was briefing his platoon about the mission detail. He pointed at one of many red circles in map "Our first move would be to set our perimeter especially around the area I marked with red circle," he lifted his finger and now pointed at rivers in the map. "Khartoum had two rivers surrounding it, Nil Biru and Nil Putih. Although our intelligence has proven that the enemy preferred to attacked from land and air, we must not let our guard down around the river. Luckily the current Sudan president, Abu al-Kharam, has approved of our plan and willing to help us. One of our squad would watched the river with The Sudanese Armed Forces while the rest would secure the perimeter," finally Lieutenant Rashid looked at his platoon and ask "Is that clear? If you have any question ask it now." That question was only a formality, everyone in platoon already memorized the plan before they went to Sudan.

So the day had end and the night had come. Under the moonlight Euler was seen checking his equipment and the perimeter he was tasked with. Unlike in world war I where securing perimeter means you would dig a trench and erected barbed wire or wooden spiked around it, in modern combat securing perimeter means you would plant missile launcher and sentry gun, the tricky part would be to hide those huge tools of destruction. In environment like Sudan it was ideal to paint them beige and assimilate them with local environment. In area with a lot of tree we would hide them among the tree. In barren area without any covering we would put a huge fabric on it and placed it in particular way so anyone who saw it would think it was a rock. After conducting maintenance Euler went to the high ground near his perimeter. There he launched 5 military drones to enabled him monitor the perimeter from considerable distances.

Now Euler could rest for a bit in his makeshift camp. He laid down for a while contemplating his decision to join United Nation Military Alliance, he was prepared to be dead at any moment for the shake of world peace. After a while Euler contacted Lieutenant Rashid to report his successful attempt in securing the parameter. Now all he need to do was to wait until midnight, the time when the terrorist group was seen more frequently. The terrorist we were fighting was reported to be Sudan Liberation Army, they had bribed the nomad militia Janjaweed to help them overthrow Abu al-Kharam.

It was not a coincidence why many terrorist in Africa choose to attack at midnight, while the night darkness did help them to do surprise attack, contrasted to day when the temperature was really hot and could reach 40 degree, at night the temperature was around 15 to 20 degree this enable them to used heat missile more effectively to took down heavy artillery like railgun, tank, or even plane. The placement of the drone in this kind of battlefield was also important as the drone would act as our eyes and compensated as for our lack of mobility.

Euler was waiting for any signal from his friend, any sign that the enemy was coming yet he found none of them. The feed he was getting from the drone only show the same scenery. Cracked barren ground, big stone just laying around, short olive tree, some vegetation he never seen, it was quiet too quiet. Euler was getting suspicious so he equipped his thermal vision googles and his suspicion was proven right. Although faint he could see thermal reading that indicated human form hiding among the olive tree.

Euler quickly dispatched one of his drone and immediately filled the terrorist with lead but something felt wrong. After Euler made his action suddenly his drone feed was interrupted indicating the drone was disabled or destroyed. But how? Was it a sniper but it's impossible Euler had already scanned the perimeter around him and found no sign of human except that one which he suspected was used as bait to destroy his drone. Euler thought about all the possibility in split second and in that moment he had terrifying revelation. Euler quickly contact Lieutenant Rashid using his wireless communicator and ask for the authorization to used sonar to scan what was below the ground. For a while Lieutenant Rashid hesitate to gave his authorization but after Euler insisted, Lieutenant Rashid quickly changed his mind.

Around 1945-1975 there was a war waged between Vietnam and America. In that war although America had advantage in technology, Vietnamese used their terrain to their advantage. Hidden trap, poisonous animal suddenly sprang out, camouflage that made them can't be seen. America had to resorted using something that would break Geneva Convention just to survive, agent orange and napalm. But, there was one more secret in the Vietnamese strategy, underground tunnel, just like ant colony they made underground tunnel that would allow them to ambushed and ran away with ease.

The sonar was picking something and Euler was afraid, his thought was proven to be real. There were several underground caves beneath him and his parameter. The number may vary but there could be 100 to 300 terrorist beneath him ready to murder him and his squad at any time.


What We Are Fighting For (part 1) end