
Those Who Remained

Dafa_Zain · Realistis
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3 Chs


Going to Switzerland for vacation, met some old friend, ordering those delicious chocolate and raclette, reminiscing about past. That was my original plan until that damn phone call woke me at cold night. I flinched a little maybe from the cold wind or maybe from my urge to throw away my phone and ignore this call. I decided to follow the later option, after all what are they gonna do? Gave me some pay cut for insubordination? Relieved me from work for 3 month at max? I had enough of that. I will not let my vacation to be ruined by some baldie who spend the rest of his life sitting on the same desk, doing the same paper work while kissing the shoes of whoever is on the top. I switched my phone to silent mode and slept without any worry of it.

As scheduled I went to Mon Repos Park by the morning. Outside of my apartment there were many cabs waiting for tourist like me. I looked at how much money I have and decided to take a walk instead. The park is not too far away only about 1.2 miles and maybe around 30 minutes of walk.

I didn't know if it's exclusively on Geneva but I saw more apartments than houses since my first visit to Switzerland. Maybe the price of land was getting expensive and apartment was the cheaper alternative or maybe there was a restriction from government that dictate how many houses could be built around this area. Nevertheless, I had to say whoever design the architecture here have a good sense of aesthetic. The apartment of course have the same standard block design like all apartment in Europe but the small garden in balcony turned the grim apartment into enjoyable sight. The most outstanding architecture could be found on the majority of the houses, the characteristic of vernacular architecture really shows the uniqueness of each house owner. The best one I've seen however combined the Romanesque and Post Modern architecture making it a sturdy house with simple design.

I stopped for a moment admiring the amalgam house from the front direction. I was wondering how it looks like from the side and so I decided to postpone my schedule for this personal amusement.

The house was surrounded by black fence that have spike in the shape of fleur de lis. The height of the fence was around 3 to 5 meters, made it hard for any trespasser to jump above it. On the ground I could find a cable purposely shown to be connected to the fence indicating the fence might be electrical or had trespasser alert system attached to it. Luckily I could see the side of that house from gaps between the black fences which I must noted, the placement of the fence made it tricky for me to found a good angle for this house viewing.

Compared to the impression I got from the front, the house sides was not really special. The material for the granite stone in front must be too expensive for the owner, so much that they decided to just use fragile bricks and cements material for the rest of the house. I'm not judging but by the looks of this house, I could tell that the owner was a person with no taste in good quality. It's a shame really, I was really looking forward to this vinni vieta type house.

I reached my jacket inner pocket, pulling hand grip strengtheners that had blue strips on it handle. It was cheap, one that could be bought in garage sale for 4$. In my line of work it's usual for your personal possession to be lost or confiscated so a hand grip strengtheners with decent price was a waste of money. When I went to East Asia, I saw how the Muslim there will recite Koran to clear their mind from worldly desire, that instance could also be found on Japanese monk that recite sutra. My boss did not allow me to have attachment to one religion so instead of chanting holy scripture, I used exercise to tire myself to the point where I will forget all my stress and anger for a while. Hand grip strengtheners especially was one useful exercise tools that had good portability.

I held it as tightly as I could and pressed it.The sensation it's like crushing chicken bone with your bare hand, crunchy and fragile.

The sun heat started to annoy me. Now that I think about it, what time is it?It's supposed to be morning where the sun is…. damn must have kept him waiting.

Better get going


As promised I came to Mon Repos Park and I could see him still patiently waiting for me in one of the bench that face the park entrance. His fair skin was getting red from the sunburn and frustration, he was fiddling his phone with his right hand and his left hand was tapping the bench like an annoyed customer in restaurant, I'm afraid if I made him wait any longer, he would scolded me for hours.

Keep calm. Act natural. Just treat your late arrival as accident and play it as a joke.

I waved my hand to drew his attention and shout "Hey there Phylos, kept you waiting huh?"

Phylos as you might have guess was not a normal name. He was a native of Switzerland but his parents were an immigrant from Greece and China. On the surface he might looks like your average middle class worker guy but his ambition was the one thing that made him exceptional from all others. Born in poverty his parent strictly taught him the art of trade and deception and in just a few years he had become one of the most influential person in the world. For someone who valued his life and safety, I still wonder to this day why he till choose to hang out with me.

"And do you have any excuse for your late arrival? You know I could spend the time I waste waiting here for something more profitable."

"Yet you still wait for me. Don't be so stiff like that or else girl won't like your attitude."

"You know that I'm married right?"

"Oh is that so? Congratulation then. I want to give you some reward but I'm dead broke right now."

"No need for that, my wife will hate your classless reward anyway. More importantly answer my question before why did you come late!?" Is he angry or just annoyed I couldn't say for sure.

"The usual, in the middle of road some grandma ask me for direction and she is a bit deaf so I took my time to explain it slowly. I spend maybe 15 minutes explaining it before she forgot the route and ask me again. Then just my luck a police officer came. I ask the police officer to show this grandma the right direction…."

"Okay stop right there. Tell me then did you gain anything while doing that?" When Phylos ask this question he always meant something real that could be converted to money.

"Yes I get 20 dollar and some candy." There goes my last money but gotta keep this story convincing.

"Oh so you got dollar from some random old lady in here where we use franc as currency."

"That's right. What a coincidence the grandma is just happen to be an American tourist like me."

"Coincidence hmm. So fate was the one that make you late. I'll forgive you for this occasion," Phylos was a very religious person. He believes every decision influenced by fate was a sign for him. "I did forgive you but there must be some compensation here, give me half of that money you just earned" greedy bastard.

"You'll get your 10 bucks later. Now tell me for what occasion have you called me here?'

"Did you remember what happen 12 years ago in Macau?"

"You know I always hate your habit of answering question with another question. And what happen in Macau I just vaguely remembered it."

"So you forgot…"

"I forgot a lot of things since my retirement so let's just stay on the topic."

"The reason I called you here is because I need your expertise once more. "

"You know I'm retired right."

"Unofficially retired."

"What's the difference, I will still not take any request."

"A shame really. Guess I will give you some times to think about it." Damn it now he also ruined my vacation mood.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't had breakfast. Know any good restaurant around here? Preferably the cheap one"

"Never change always wasting your money on those unhealthy food. Unfortunately most restaurant in Geneva is a bit pricey for your standard. But if you want I could always treat you if you listen to what I say."

"Fine just let's be done with it." Phylos also wanted me to start working again, guess this vacation is over. I'll seclude myself to East Asia after this.


Phylos choose a restaurant named Falken. The name sounds awfully Scandinavian and I doubted they will served American food in here but a free meal is a free meal.

"Just give me whatever is on the recommendation and some pizzas."

"You come here just to eat the same pizza you eat everyday? At least be a more creative in your choice."

"Fine get me some pizzas and scallops with cheese."

"Actually scallops with cheese is called potato au gratin."

"Did I give a damn about the name just get it for me and I will listen to your rumbling."

"Sigh you've really changed since back then. The old you will talk in more cryptic and polite manners." After saying that Phylos ordered the food and also brought me a lemon juice. After that we just spent the time in silence until the waiter came and brought our food.

"Now that I have filled my obligation of feeding you, please listen to my story. Oh and don't worry about your secret this restaurant and all people inside it except you are my staff. Okay I'll start from there, as you know the World War III has been going on for 6 years and in the middle of these chaos many small country took this opportunity to expand their territory potentially making civil war on a grand scale, of course the world will not just accept it and they need a black sheep to be blamed for all these messes."

"Don't care about that, war will always happen anyway no matter the era." I said as I munched my scallop and tear the pizza.

"Please just listen to it until the end. As I said before the world need a black sheep to be blamed for all these messes and United Nation has been a big target for some times. Many of members and the member families has received death threat, some even get assaulted on public without the police doing anything to catch the culprit."

"That's a sad story but how is it connected to you? You don't strike me as a man who care about anything other than yourself."

"In fact you're wrong. Since my marriage I've changed for the better. Now I act as Representative of United Nation." Whoa what did he say?

"Wait…wait…wait…give me a minute to process it." I put down my food and let out a huge laugh " Pfft…you, the Mr. Ex Mafia become United Nation representative!? Now that's a good joke."

At my response Phylos pound the table and shout "Don't laugh! I've really change for the better and now I really want to achieve world peace!!"

"You…want a world peace?…pftt…HAHAHAHHA!"

"Fine then laugh all you want, but I still need your expertise. As I said before many people target the family of United Nation members and two days ago my wife just receive a small bomb inside her amazon package. Luckily she survived but I couldn't do anything next time someone target her for something even more nastier. I could pay a bodyguard to make sure her safety but it will not solve the core problem, that is war."

"War is something that have no end, do you even know a way to solve it."

"Well yes I do, outside of public eyes the United Nation has proposed to break their neutrality and make their own military unit to stop all the war happening right now. But without your expertise even a big military will fall in no time. That's why please lend me your power once again!"

"No! I'm tired of all the war bullshit and I'm tired of seeing my comrade died in my arm. You want world peace? That's admirable but I don't care. I don't care about this world, for all I know the world could end tomorrow and I will still not give any fuck about it!!"

"Did you really mean it?"

"Yes and is that question even necessary. I'm done Phylos. I will leave now and don't even think about contacting me ever again!"

"You can leave now but you will doomed Khrysak Village if you step out right now."

"You how did you know about it! I swear Phylos if anything ever happen to that village."

"Just calm down okay. Let me explain."

"Fine then talk. My patience is ticking right now Phylos."

"A german scientist has accidentally found the right frequency to access that village, I quickly dispatched investigation unit to get rid of that discovery but do you understand the implication yes?" gulp "If it's been discovered once it's only a matter of time until other scientist or even public know about that village. Surely you don't want anything bad to happen to them?"

"Phylos you sly fox!"

"All you need to do is to help me on my mission of achieving world peace and in return I'll make sure that village remain untouched. How about it not a bad deal eh?"

"Ugh…alright I get it, I will lend you my expertise until your childish dream is realized but in return if anything happen to that village will you offer your life?"

"Of course I will. If it's to secure my wife future then I will gladly offer my life."

"Sigh guess I'm not the only one who have changed. I'll take your offer as long as you protect Khrysak Village and on bonus condition pay me a decent wage."

"Pleasure doing business with you and welcome back Agent Geist."

15th September 2045, Geneva


Prologue end