
Those He Left Behind

Mona is living a decent life with her older brother, Ken and their friends. However, that would all change the day Ken gets sucked into a mysterious portal. Now, Mona has to figure out what happened to him and if he's even okay.

Conor_Hehr · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The Weird Guy From Another World

We found ourselves walking outside with Sheldon. The atmosphere was very awkward. This weird guy was the only clue we had as to what happened to my brother. Unfortunately, it seemed he couldn't tell us much about Ken. For a while, we all just walked in silence, unsure of what to say. Eventually, Sheldon spoke up.

"Are you guys even alive?" he asked.

"On the outside, yeah." replied Matt.

"What?" I said, "You have something to say?"

"While I can't tell you how to get to my world," responded Sheldon, "I can tell you a bit about the spider."

"It's from your world, isn't it?" said Matt.

"How did you know!?" responded Sheldon.

"You pretty much said as much earlier." I replied.

"I did?" said Sheldon, "When?"

"I-It was… when you… w-were…" started Vera.

"Huh?" said Sheldon.

"Youweresurprisedthatspidersaren'tthatbiginthisworld!" exclaimed Vera.

"Oh, right!" said Sheldon, "I guess I did say that."

"Don't you have anything useful to tell us?" I asked.

"If you've got anymore I can write down," said Justin, "I'd appreciate it!"

"When did YOU get here?" I asked.

"I've been here this whole time!" exclaimed Justin.

"Since that spider's from your world," I said, "do you have any idea why it got here?"

"Not really." responded Sheldon.

"God, you're useless." I complained.

"It probably found a portal like I did and went through." he said.

Eventually, everyone split up and I was left alone with Sheldon.

"So, uh… you live in a cardboard box?" I said.

"That's right." he responded.

"Are you okay like that?" I asked.

"For now." answered Sheldon, "I don't really need anything else."

"Why don't you come to my house?" I said, without thinking.

"...Are you sure?" he said.

"I'd have to ask my parents first," I said, "but it would be better than you living in a cardboard box."

"I appreciate the offer," said Sheldon, "but I think I'll be fine."

"So um… since that spider made it over here…" I started.

"Are you worried?" he asked.

"Of course I am!" I yelled, "If something that dangerous made it over here, it could happen again!"

"You're right." he said, "If it does happen, I'll fight."

"Whatever." I said, "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah." replied Sheldon, "Don't die!"

After that, I ended up going home and found my mother just waiting by the entrance.

"Who was that guy?" she asked, "Did you get a boyfriend!?"

"No!" I exclaimed, "It's nothing like that!"

"That's a shame." she said, with her head down.

"That's enough." my father said, as he appeared next to her.

He was a bit taller than her, but his face had more wrinkles in it. He had really short gray hair on the top of his head, green eyes behind his glasses and I could tell he had just shaved his face.

"I didn't give you permission to date anyone," he said.

"Well, I'm not dating anyone." I said.

"Then who was that boy you were with?" my father asked.

"You never complain when I'm with Matt." I replied.

"Because we know Matt." he said, "He'd never get a girl to date him."

Even knowing what kind of guy Matt was, that comment did make me feel a bit sorry for him.

"Anyways," I said, "that guy's the only one that knows anything about what happened to Ken."

"Is that true?" my father asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Don't get your hopes up." I said, "He doesn't know that much."

"What does he have to do with Ken?" my mother asked.

"When Ken went through that portal, that guy was going the other way." I said, "He doesn't know a way back to where Ken went though."

"So he's from another world?" my father asked.

"I guess." I replied.

"I'm a bit curious," my mother said, "where is he staying?"

"He said he's living in a cardboard box."

"What?" she responded.