
Sorcerer Thor Part II

A name.

Something so simple, something that others fashioned for you, those that gave birth to you. However, to him, a name was something so difficult for him to fashion. He was neither Thor nor Loki, yet he was them at the same time. So did he make an amalgamation of their names or did he do something different?

Even as that question continued to allude him, he kept on feasting on the energy of others. It was an insatiable hunger for power, all those that came to this house all reduced to lifeless husks as he cast the spell that devoured their souls.

In the beginning, he used this excess power, which his body could withstand, to accelerate his growth. The rest, the energy that his body could not safely contain, he at the beginning cast out into the world. But once his body had grown to its physical prime, he then worked upon a phylactery that could contain the excess power that his body could not safely contain.

It was not easy, the body he was born with had been young and even with the divinity of Thor helping to slowly strengthen said body, it did not possess much in terms of magical power. A strange thing considering both Thor and Loki had been part of a race which were gifted with magical potential, even though few chose to pursue said option of study. After forcibly growing his body, he then worked on using that power to create phylactery.

But by that point, people had grown wary of his home, the rumours of people that entered never coming out again spreading rapidly. They were true and of course, they were right to be wary, however, he need them to keep coming to him, he needed their souls to empower him further.

So, he set out, posing as a wanderer much as Odin had done in his past. Assuming the clothes of those he killed, he wandered into the town as a foreigner. They treated him warily, but the charisma and charm of Thor combined with the cunning and silver tongue of Loki made it impossible for them to be wary of him for long.

He moved slowly and carefully, stealing but a few, necessary souls that could give him the power necessary to complete his phylactery and then, once it was complete, he went to work. The lifeless husks of those he had killed, he cut them open and used their blood to draw runes all around the village.

They created powerful magical barriers that kept all those inside stuck there, but they also stripped the souls of those trapped within its borders. A simple and effective way to kill dozens of people in an instant, it just took time to create the runes. But once that was done, all he had to do was then disturb part of a rune sequence that stole souls and then safely step inside the barrier. There he then cast his spell, absorbing the souls into him.

It was a flood of power that his body could not fully contain, but this time he had phylactery which could store all that excess power. But once all was said and done, when he was trapped within a barrier that surrounded a lifeless village, he started using that power to strengthen his body.

His magic was weak, that was true.

But there was a reason why Loki had constantly failed to defeat Thor. The latter was a monstrous beast, capable of withstanding even the strongest of Loki's spells and keep coming. Loki on the other hand was unable to withstand a single full-powered strike from the Prince of Asgard.

Yet whereas both were unable to recognise the faults in themselves, he could see what they couldn't. The exposure of this power to his body would automatically force his magic to grow in little bits and on Midgard, a planet filled with people that reproduced faster than most other races, there would always be an excess of people to feast upon. However, the power he had now, he could use that to strengthen his body, making it move quicker, hit harder and make it capable of withstanding powerful blows.

As a Midgardian, he was physically weak, but he would not stand for that.

His magic would grow, surpassing Loki, he would make sure of it.

But he would also not stand to be physically weak, just like Thor would not have.

Both men's desires and thoughts were part of who he was.

So he would set out and continue to feast.

Midgard was a planet rich with life and he was hungry for more.

-X- Line Break -X-

There was another like her out there, she recognised the signs of someone stealing the life of others. It was exactly like hers, yet the stench of foul magic that surrounded this town she had found was unmistakable, it was no wonder that it had attracted the attention of the monsters that inhabited the nearby land.

She kept herself hidden, her own magic working to disguise herself with her surroundings as she looked down upon the village. The bodies of the villagers drained of their blood, for reasons she could not tell why. However, the beasts feasted upon the bodies all the same, some fighting amongst themselves for the food that laid out before them.

'I missed them then?' She wondered, frowning heavily as she turned away from the village.

A few days ago she had heard rumours of strange happenings in this village. Of people entering into a home and never returning. There were countless stories like that in villages all over the continent, they were hardly new.

She had intended to ignore it until she sensed it, that spike of energy. It was then that she had known something was amiss and so she went in the direction of the village those had talked about. Her curiosity had been peaked, there was something going on, something unnatural.

Hyboria was filled with stories like these, but they had subsided in recent decades. She still remembered the stories her village elders told her before she discovered her power and feasted upon their souls, using them to empower her, just like her mothers family had done when she was young. But she still remembered those stories clearly.

The story of when beasts and monsters took over the lands of Hyperborea.

The story of when a brilliant white light that cast even the sun in its shadow formed in the north.

The story of strange beasts that ravaged the lands of Zamora.

The story of a war between winged Angels and Demons.

She remembered them all and the awe and excitement she felt when hearing about them. Her powers made her believe that she would be a part of a great legend like that, except that was not the case. There were just rumours spread about her, rumours that eventually were forgotten.

However, when hearing of the strange happenings in a nearby village, she had thought that once more she would be able to learn more about this ancient life. Whoever was killing these people had to know more about these ancient stories and whether they were true or not. Perhaps, they could even help her grow strong enough to make people remember her name.

It appeared though that she had missed them.

Whoever they were had disappeared and not long ago, they had to be nearby, that much she knew. She would find them and soon, she had to.

As she slowly moved away from the village, careful that her magic kept her hidden, something caught her eye. A small rundown home, very small, but she saw movement within it. It was not a beast, but something human, like a man.

Curiosity filled her, a nervous anticipation, a wonder as to whether this man could be the person she had come to find. She moved slowly and carefully, coming up to the small cabin and looked inside, bodies were strewn across the floor, fresh bodies, their bodies being drained of blood. It was further confirmation in her mind that whoever she had seen in this house had to be the one she was looking for.

But again she wondered, what he was doing with the blood?

"Who are you?" A voice whispered in her ear, warm breath dancing along the edge of her skin.

She spun around, only for a hand to grasp at her neck, tight and strong, inhumanely so. The man, a handsome one, possessing short black hair and bright blue eyes stared upon her with an amused and arrogant smile. Those very same eyes trailed down her form, staring right through the illusion she had cast upon herself and looking upon her true form with lust and desire.

"I asked you a question?" The man said, grip tightening, but she withheld the urge to strike out. "Who are you?"

She came here for answers and she would get them. "I am Selene. And you? Are you the one to kill this entire village? Steal their souls?"

"If I am? Are you going to be a valiant hero and avenge them?"

Selene shook her head. "No, I came here to learn from you?" She did not know much magic, just a little from what she had picked up from others here and there. Her main power was to steal souls, but even she could not do it on this scale. That was a skill that she did not possess and wanted to be capable of.