
Servant of Set Thor Part III

"You heard the news?" Looking up from his plate of food, Thor watched Bareo sit at the table. "Some strange shit is going down recently."

"Like what?"

"Well for one, that war that the northern kingdoms were preparing for has ended before it even began," Bareo muttered sourly, understandable because that was a big score. "Should have stayed in Stygia if I knew that and there's no way I'm going to get back south in time to gain anything from it."

"I'm not going south either." Thor pointed out.

Bareo dismissed that comment with a wave of his hand, looking around the strangely full tavern. "On top of that, one of the mountain ranges in Hyperborea that shared a border with Brythunia was destroyed. Apparently, a miniature sun or something along those lines was spotted, completely destroying the mountain. Now all those monsters and so on have seemingly disappeared. The vanguard force that the northern kingdoms sent encountered nothing that matched the stories."

"Probably because they were made-up," Thor suggested, continuing to eat his meal.

Bareo shrugged. "Possibly, but I doubt a simple story would have gotten the northern kingdoms this worked up." He then leaned in closer. "Apparently though, a few days after the mountain was destroyed, something fell from the sky and struck the ground. Since then, some people have said they've been hearing strange voices in their head."

That instantly earned Thor's attention. "Where did this thing fall from the sky?"

Bareo recoiled slightly, caught off guard by his sudden interest in the conversation. "Wait, you don't believe that do you?" It was then he noticed the look upon his face. "Wait, have you been hearing voices too?"

Thor's silence was more than enough of an answer, the hardened look he give demanding answers.

"Alright, okay." Bareo acquiesced. "It's in Zamora, so we'll have to go south. It'll take a few months but we should get there. But I imagine by the time we get there someone will have already claimed it."

Thor then got to his feet, heading straight up the stairs to his room, Bareo remaining behind, watching him go in bemusement. He then just shrugged, reaching over and finishing off the food on the plate. 'Maybe whatever's there will have some profit that can make up for this failure of a trip.'

-X- Line Break -X-

'Come to me. Come to me.' Staring down at the bag beside him, Thor listened to the voice in his head, it joined with an entirely separate voice this time. Two different voices rang in his head constantly urging him to reach out for them.

It had been like this for months now, not a moment of peace, no break. They were chipping away at his mind, slowly driving him crazy, the voices constant and without pause. Reaching out with one hand, Thor looked upon the helmet, the voice belonging to it growing louder and louder, drawing out the sound of the other voice.

He then dug inside, fingers resting upon the helmet and pulling it out holding it in both hands. As soon as he had it there, the voice quietened, disappearing leaving only the new voice that rung in his head left.

This was the only way to quiet one of them, the voice of the helmet going quiet when he held it in his hands. At times, he would sleep with it, a need to have just a peaceful night sleep-driving him to such extremes. He knew it was not a good thing, that whoever was connected to this helmet was manipulating him, but he couldn't help himself.

Thor on many occasions would go days without sleeping, forcing himself to stay awake, but he couldn't do it forever. He needed sleep, to let his mind and body rest and recover. In moments like those, he would do just that, take the helmet and hold it as he went to sleep.

Now though, even when doing this, there was still another voice left.

Enviously, he watched Bareo snore away, completely unperturbed.

-X- Line Break -X-

Coming to a stop at the top of a hill, Thor and Bareo looked down to see the huge crater laying in the field below. Many people had gathered around, looking down in curiosity, trying to see if they could spot what had formed such a hole to form.

"Zamorians?" Bareo turned his nose up as he looked upon them in disgust.

"You don't like them?" Thor questioned, resting the battleaxe upon the ground and leaning upon it. He was tired, the constant travel and lack of sleep were draining his body of what little energy he had left. Hopefully, though, he could find the source of the noise from below and stop it.

Bareo shook his head. "It's less that I hate them and more that I hate their society. Tribal people that live in caves. They have no money, no wealth to steal."

"I see." Thor nodded his head, taking a closer look upon the people to see that Bareo was right. Besides the odd few people here and there, that was no doubt from other kingdoms. The vast majority of people were dressed in furs, wielding wooden clubs and other basic weapons. It was no surprise that they had constantly conceded territory to their much better-equipped neighbours, the Brythunians.

"Shall we head down and see what all the fuss is about?" Bareo questioned, Thor nodding his head and with some effort, hefted the battleaxe onto his shoulders and the two made their way down the hill.

-X- Line Break -X-

"Well, this is just fantastic." Bareo snarked, crouching down behind a pile of dead bodies, peeking out to see the absolute chaos taking place around him. Beside him, Thor did the same, copious amounts of sweat and blood clinging to his body as he breathed heavily.

It had been going so well, they went down and had a look down the hole only to see that it was practically bottomless. Or at least, appeared to be, there had to be a bottom at somepoint. But they hadn't been able to think on that further because the Zamorians at that point grew tired with the amount of 'invaders' in their lands.

It started off when a large tribe of Zamorians, or as many referred to them as, cavemen came down from their nearby mountains to the north. As soon as they arrived, that started attacking, pushing killing and pushing people down into the depths of the hole.

After that, people ran for cover, those with weapons fough against the Zamorians, some even attacking one another. It was a complete mess made even worse when more Zamorians, rival tribes joined the fray resulting in this huge conflict that they currently found themselves stuck in.

"We...we need to get out of here." Thor breathed out, muscles and body exhausted.

Bareo looked around, seeing little chance of that happening. They had some cover right now, everyone else so busy fighting and killing one another to focus on them. "That's going to be easier said than done. And you're too exhausted to be much help."

"Thanks." Thor snarked back.

"To be honest, this can't get much worse. Might as well wait for things to die down a little." It was in that moment the ground began to rumble, the fighting slowly coming to a halt as everyone looked around in confusion.

From the hole, hundreds of strange creatures burst out from the hole and began to drag people to the hole and throw them over the edge. Seemingly faced with a new more dangeorus threat, the humans once fighting against one another united together and began to fight the creatures.

Thor shot a reproachful look to Bareo. "What?" Bareo question. "Okay, that had nothing to do with me. That's purely coincidental."

Merry Christmas everyone, as you can see I've released a few chapters as a Christmas gift. But due to the situation last year, a lot of stuff we had planned for then is being done this year. So, I won't have much free time to do any writing so I won't be updating again till the New Year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.

Carrots123creators' thoughts