
Eternal-Deviant Thor Part I

It was strange.

He could feel the memories of Donar and Vingthor clear in his mind. He could see their lives as Thor Odinson and their lives that followed as an Eternal and Deviant respectively. He could see what made them who they were, their memories and experiences, it was as if he had lived from them both. Yet was also nothing more than a spectator to both of their lives.

All of it was there within his mind.

He was both of them and yet neither of them.

Floating through the air, power gathering around his hands, Thor felt the power within him continually growing and growing. From the memories he had from Donar, that attack he had just used, should have been well beyond his ability. It should have exhausted him completely and yet, it felt like only a drop in a vast ocean. The power within him not lessening but only getting bigger as time passed by.

That alone was a good sign, especially as he looked upon the damage he had done to the Celestials. It wasn't huge, but the simple fact that he had scorched their armour gave him all the confidence he needed.

Powerful they may be, but they weren't unbeatable.

"Celestial." Thor looked towards the downed Celestial which had been attacked by his compatriots. "I don't know what is happening between you and the others of your kind. But at this moment we share a common enemy. Help me and I'll help you."

For a moment, the Celestial did nothing looking to the Celestials across from him. Part of him feared that the Celestials would abandon their feud purely to defeat him. After all, Celestials liked to present themselves as these godly and untouchable beings. He had done what many claimed impossible, harmed them and that fact alone could be enough to make them put aside their differences. However, Thor needed to take this risk because at the end of the day, defeating the Celestials on his own was impossible.

They had not earned their position as the greatest of all races without reason. Even his father, the All-Father had feared the wrath of the Celestials. He having withdrawn his rulership over Midgard after defeating the other Godly Pantheons that had resided here. None of the other Skyfathers had inspired fear in the All-Father, but the Celestials had. Thor would be a fool to not recognise why, but then again, he was never the brightest of the bunch. Despite the caution within him, Thor couldn't help but feel a sense of eagerness.

This was much like the feeling Donar had felt throughout his time as an Aesir whenever he thought of his inevitable clash with Jörmungandr. He was wary but excited at the thought of the battle to come. Of the glorious death he would gain, of the legends that would be sung of his battle as he fought with everything he had in the end of days.

Then, just as Thor prepared to take decisive action and take out the severely injured but still powerful Celestial, it in question turned towards him and nodded his head, never once saying a word. But it was all the confirmation Thor needed, the power around his hands growing exponentially. Raising them up, he once again poured it into a large ball, three times the size of the previous.

Much like the ball being bigger, the bolts of lightning that lanced out were also far larger. Blinding lights of pure energy, hardly taking the form of lightning, no one could even look upon them. Much like previously though, Thor hardly felt exhausted despite the amount of power he poured into that attack.

In fact, he felt rejuvenated and ready for more.

This time though, the Celestials were ready, powerful shields forming to block the bolts. Each one striking against the various shields with immense force that it destroyed the land around it for miles. Some took it outright, engulfing the Celestials behind it in a thick cloud of fire and smoke. Other Celestials positioned their shields on an angle sending the beam deflecting in different directions.

However, Thor had no intention of allowing this to be his only attack, he bursting through and smashed a fist into one of them. It was coated in cosmic energy, a powerful shockwave ringing out as Thor roared with all his might. Yet the Celestial didn't so much as flinch under the force of the strike, almost as if unaffected despite the force Thor put behind it.

However, as he unleashed hundreds of blows on the Celestial, dodging its attempted counter strikes with ease, something became very clear to Thor. They may possess immense power to the point it was almost absurd, but from what Thor had seen, that was their biggest weakness. In all his time, both from the memories of Donar and Vingthor and their past lives, Celestials had never shown skill of arms or physical strength.

Thor had witnessed their skills as a fighter as they beat down upon the lone Celestial and they possessed none. They were just savage beasts who used their surprising strength to battle one another without any form of skill. He intended to take advantage of that as best as he could as this short exchange proved to him he couldn't beat them in a pure contest of physical strength, but their attacks were telegraphed and easy to avoid, something that would keep him in the fight.

The Celestial, Tiamut fired his own energy beams and shattered the already weakened shields in an instant. This opening gave Thor the perfect chance to land a blow.

His fist smashing into the face of one Celestial, a powerful shockwave ringing out. Just like Thor had expected, the Celestials had no knowledge of how to properly fight. He hadn't prepared himself for any follow up strike despite facing two opponents, nor did he have a secondary shield prepared.

They used their great power, attacking from a distance with overwhelming force that no one could defend against. It was smart and the Celestials did very well with the means they had, but they had since grown complacent. Perhaps in the past, they had been great fighters yet they had established themselves into a position of power that none dare challenge them. Their power had left a deep-seated fear within all that they no longer had to fight to prove themselves as the strongest.

They were the strongest now.

The greatest of all living beings.

And so, the need to fight had disappeared, Celestials relying more upon the power they possessed rather than the skills they may have at one time had. However, that was their biggest weakness, success and peace had cost them heavily.

They had never learned or forgotten how to fight up close and personal. The Celestials didn't know how to gain a stable position with their feet, didn't know to properly dodge a blow or go with the momentum. Thor was not as intellectually gifted as his brothers, but he wasn't stupid. He was able to recognise weakness and intended to capitalise upon that no matter the cost.

It was almost amusing to him.

In the memories of Donar and Vingthor, the Celestials were an overwhelming force of nature. Both had feared them above all else, their power so great and terrifying that even the prideful warrior, Thor Odinson had bowed down before their might. However, he was not Donar or Vingthor, he was someone entirely different. He was aware of their memories and feelings attached to them. Yet to Thor, he could act freely without these feelings holding him down.

For the first time, Thor caught the Celestial as he was off-balance and struck, it stumbling back. Thor followed after him, a power haymaker knocking the Celestial to the ground. Around him, Tiamut unleashed blasts of energy from a distance keeping the other Celestials at bay, stopping them from recovering and defending against him, each one shattering their shields and knocking them off-balance.

Thor used this to go around, strong blows enhanced further with cosmic energy, lashing out and knocked them all around. Moving from one to the other at great speeds, not slowing down or stopping for a single moment. He knew that if he did, whatever advantage he and his unlikely ally had made would be undone.

It was a working synergy between the odd pair. Both Thor and Tiamut working in tandem despite the differences between them. However, their fighting styles suited one another.

Tiamut blasting the Celestials from a distance, they creating shields and trying to counter the blasts with their own. Thor used these opportunities to come up close, using his great physical strength to attack them in whatever fashion he could. At the end of the day, a serious opportunity would present itself and when it did, Thor capitalised.

The Celestial he targeted was one that was quite smaller than the others. His armour was not as extravagant and quite plain in comparison. Even the power he possessed while enormous, was less than his compatriots. He was the weak link and Thor recognised it.

Taking out the legs of the Celestial, Thor flew, landing upon its head, hands braced upon it. Then he unleashed his power from within, funnelling it through his hands and directly into the Celestials head.

To describe the sound that escaped from the Celestial. It wasn't a cry or a scream of pain. There were no words either, it was indiscernible and the more Thor tried to figure it out, the less he understood.

The only thing he did know was though, was that the sound was one of agony.

The Celestial was in pain.

Perhaps Thor did not realise just how much power he forced into the Celestial, carefully keeping track of his surroundings. The heavily injured Tiamut keeping the other Celestials occupied with powerful blasts of energy.

Yet then he felt a build-up of energy from beneath him. His eyes widened and the Celestial he was attacking erupted outwards in a beam of light.

Thor gasped out, body spinning rapidly as he was engulfed in the cosmic energy. He tried to hold on, grasping out at bits and pieces of armour made from an unknown material. Yet the power proved far too much for him, Thor's gaze darkening around the edges as he was launched up into space.

-X- Line Break -X-

Tiamut paused, watching the figure attacking the Celestial, an unnamed and therefore one of the weakest of their kind. Ones that were only slightly more powerful than the Skyfathers of the divine pantheons.

Even so, the death of a Celestial at the hand of a being such as that which helped him, it was shocking.

Yet it also resulted in this very same figure being launched out of the atmosphere. Tiamut was alone, now facing the full might of the Second Host on his own once more, Arishem releasing a wave of energy upon him.

Tiamut withstood the strike but collapsed to his knees afterwards. The earlier clash had drained him of his energy and now, he was just trying to hold on.

But that was easier said than done. Feeling the Celestials, gathering their energy for a final strike and Tiamut prepared himself as best as he could. Cosmic energy forming into a powerful shield that was struck mere moments later by an enormous beam of energy.

Tiamut jerked back, feet digging deeply into the ground as an attempt to withhold against it. However, the combined energy of a near a dozen Celestials proved too much for him alone to withstand against.

It exploded outwards, the beam continuing on and smashing into him. The earth around them erupting into an explosion.

This would later become the incident referred to as the Great Cataclysm by the few survivors who would later go on to rebuild the human race.