

Right after his graduation from high school, Miyuki was forced to do ceremonial things related to vampires by Fuyumi, his only guardian who had adopted him after his parents passed away.

Mariaaachan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 4

I woke up and Yumi was nowhere to be found! He is not beside me or in the whole bedroom. I frantically searched for him all over the apartment. I was relieved the moment I found him. I saw him in the kitchen preparing our breakfast. Because of my excitement, I ran towards him and hugged him. We were both taken aback by hugging him tightly, so I released him right away, pretending to ask what he was preparing. I checked his condition to see if he was really back to normal and thankfully he is fine now. I share my food with him to make sure that he will regain his energy and health. I should give him more healthy foods. Maybe I will ask him later if I can get our groceries.

Mission failed. He took sick leave and he wanted us to spend it by staying inside. He wanted me to listen to his explanation and needed me to study stuff related to vampires that my parents handed to him.

According to Yumi, we have only a month left before I turn eighteen and formally introduce myself to Vesnic in Romania. They are the highest authority of vampires, they oversee all the vampires, only vampires acknowledged by them should exist, and if not, are killed mercilessly. Upon reaching the age of eighteen they will be aware about the existence of such vampires. Aside from myself, I am also required to present an imprintee in order for Vesnic to guarantee that our partners are also vampires.

Yumi emphasized that I should let him know who I am planning to imprint so he can assess her first. It is one of the crucial things we need to work on because according to my parents' instructions handed to Yumi, I am the last generation of the Dalca family. There are two major families that comprise vampires; Dalca and Dracul, in addition, they are nemeses. They are both obsessed with the status they hold; the only difference is that the Dalcas adhere to the rules while the Draculs are oppressive.

Yumi also explained all the things, starting from hiding the fact that I am a vampire, secretly giving me the blood of an animal which I entirely believed was special juice, making me look like a girl (now I know the reason behind why I have mid-back hair length), and stopping me from associating myself with other people. He said that all of these things he did because he only acted according to the last will that my parents said to him while he was trying to rescue us during the accident.

I was bombarded by the information I learned today. We agreed that from now on I need to stay in our apartment to study vampire stuff, find my imprintee (which is technically whom I am with), and most importantly (for me), I should plan on how to start making Yumi fall for me and let him accept to be my imprintee.

The next day, while having our breakfast before Yumi goes to work, I courageously bring up the topic of him making a promise that he will do whatever I wish. Please see chapter 2 for reference where Yumi said "Sorry to say H-high I mean Miyuki, according to the tradition entrusted by your parents to me, you should suck my blood until the sun rises. Don't worry, that is the last thing that we should do in awakening your nature. Let's just do it now for your own good, if you want I will even promise to give anything you wish so just finish this ceremony. Please?".

"Fuyumi my w-wish is that I w-want us to g-go out." I am indeed nervous to ask him! What if he rejects me? What if all this time he already had a lover! "I thought we already agreed that you will stay here for the meantime? I should not accept it for your own benefit. Please make another wish" he confusedly asked.

"No Yumi, what I mean is I want us to d-date! Date me as your lover! As in a romantic relationship, the two of us! Can't we?" I think I messed up with my confession, I mean I don't want him to misunderstand my proposal. That is the only way I think to make him fall for me.

He is in a hurry to go because someone calls him. What perfect timing, thanks to that person I wasted the whole day thinking about how Yumi would respond when he came back. I tried to study the journals he told me I needed to read but I couldn't really focus.

I am in the middle of working out when I hear that there is someone at our door. I am sure it was Yumi, I don't care if I am covered in sweat, I rushed to open it and greet him. I am too stunned to speak by what I am looking at right now. I felt a sudden throb in my chest.

"You must be Miyuki, I am pleased to meet you my name is Miyazono."