

Right after his graduation from high school, Miyuki was forced to do ceremonial things related to vampires by Fuyumi, his only guardian who had adopted him after his parents passed away.

Mariaaachan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 19

Somewhere in an underground

"The boss said that they will be here in a short time, we need to do it now before they get here, what are you waiting for? Wake him up now!" the man ordered to his gang.

"Hey! Wake up now!" another man shouted to Miyuki, who was asleep while hanging and both hands were chained up.

"Man, you should at least hit him to wake him up! I'm not paying you just to shout" the leader annoyingly said.

Around ten men surrounded Miyuki and started to kick his body while the others were slapping his face to wake him up.

"That's it! That's the spirit of my men!" their leader looked satisfied with what his men were doing.

"Sir, he is awake now," the man said to their leader.

"Beat him to a pulp" the leader ordered.

All of them were hitting Miyuki, they treated him like a toy wherein each of them took their turn to play with it. Miyuki was just staring at them blankly while he received the beating. He is conscious but looks unconscious to what is happening to him. As if he cannot feel any pain from the beatings. 

After an hour ago

"Boss! Welcome back, we did as you commanded" 

"Not bad, I almost did not recognize his fucking annoying face" Ryota said while walking around Miyuki's body and checking if he was still conscious. "In any moment they will arrive here, just say that this fellow here was raging, that is why you don't have any choice but to fight back, understood?" he added before he gave Miyuki a punch to the face. Miyuki raises his head for the first time and spits blood on Ryota's face.

"Fucking asshole! Beat him more!" Ryota shouted to the men. Miyuki was laughing like a crazy man. "I feel so bad for you, look at your condition now, and Fuyumi chooses me. Physically and emotionally, you can't win over me" Ryota said while his men were hitting Miyuki's body one by one.

"MIYUKI? HEY STOP IT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! IT'S NOT WHAT WE AGREED UPON" Yumi surprisingly shouted and hurried to Miyuki as he surprisingly saw Miyuki's bloody face and body.

"F-Fuyumi? It's not what you think, he was raging a moment ago, I'm sorry" Ryota explained.

"Fuyumi calmed down, we need to start right away while Miyuki is still conscious" the restaurant owner said. Ryota immediately held Yumi and dragged him away from Miyuki.

"What are you doing to him?! Don't lay your hands on Yumi!" Miyuki shouted but they ignored him. Yumi was still taken aback by what happened to Miyuki.

"Don't worry Miyuki, we will not hurt him, we will just want to make him Our Nevoie" the restaurant owner explained.

Because of what the restaurant owner said, Miyuki started to rage for real. The chains look like they are about to break at any moment due to Miyuki's struggle to get Yumi from them. The men cannot stop Miyuki because before they can come near him, they are paralyzed.

"Boss, he will escape sooner!" the last man shouted before he fell.

They ignored it and continued to prepare the ceremony, Yumi was now half-naked. He was surrounded by the restaurant owner, Ryota and another man. 

"I am now beginning the ceremony" the restaurant owner said. Miyuki successfully gets away from the chain in a flash and attacks the owner. Miyuki was covered by a dark aura and it was spreading throughout the room.

Miyuki was stopped by the blue flame coming from the other man.

Blue Flame

Ability: Decrease the power of the opponent and can make them fully unable to use if the opponent is weaker.

"Ace, be careful, he is uncontrollable now" the owner said to the man. He proceeded to cut his wrists to start the Sange.

"I understand Sir" Ace said and made his flame bigger to immobilize the relentless Miyuki.

Miyuki halted at first, after a second, the dark aura burst and the blue flame vanished instantly. Ace and others including Yumi were thrown away because of that immense power. Miyuki continues to walk towards Yumi's location.

"Ace restrained him a little longer" the owner commanded.

Ace stood up quickly to stop Miyuki by his ability but- "I am sorry Sir, I cannot use my flame anymore!" he said before he was thrown away by Miyuki.

After hearing it, Ryota immediately stepped in front of Yumi to cover him "You're really a pain in-"

Miyuki grabbed Ryota by the neck and threw him to another corner. "Yumi" Miyuki muttered and hugged him tightly. 

"I-I'm sorry" "Miyuki? Hey, wake up! Miyuki I'm sorry!" Yumi cried aloud as Miyuki stopped releasing the immense dark aura and breathing.