
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
105 Chs

Chapter 81

''Yo hey, Touma-san!'' I excitedly waved at him as soon as I saw him changing his shoes at the locker.

''So...he was the rich guy son? He doesn't seem that fancy though but I can say he has the look.'' Hikaru whispered next to me.

''I know right. I never expect that his stepfather was the famous CEO of the software company. Now let's go and introduce yourself to him.'' I jabbed softly his arm with my elbow.

''Hey, morning Pancake.'' Touma gently smiled at me which makes my heart skip a beat.

''Oi, OI, YOU FCKER! Who the hell are you to call her pancake, huh? Although her chest was flat as a pancake, that doesn't mean you can call her that.'' Hikaru stands in front of me, blocking Touma away. I don't know whether to be happy for him to stand up for me or be angry since he admitted that my chest is flat.

''Well, who are you to come out with your judgment without knowing the whole story first? Are you her boyfriend?'' Touma said arrogantly.

''You—" Hikaru grinned his teeth while clenching his fist.

''Yo, yo, chill bro!!! You are not going to fight with my friend again, Hikaru-kun. I am fine with him calling me a pancake.'' I patted his shoulder.


''Well, I can't deny the fact that I am flat as a pancake, right? Pancake is not like it was something bad or anything. Now introduce yourself to him, Hikaru-kun.''

''Tch! Fine...''

''My name is Matsui Hikaru. I am Miyu's cousin and I am one year younger than the both of you but that doesn't mean I will call you senpai.'' He glared him with his icy blue eyes.

''Nice to meet you, Hikaru-san. I am Kudo Touma and I will not expect someone naive like you will call me senpai because it sounds really weird if you call me that. Handshake?'' Touma smirked as he calmly showed his hand.

Hikaru grabbed his hand and I notice that Touma gripped his hand tightly. Hikaru who was in pain doesn't give up as well, he started to squeezes back his hand. I was left speechless after I have no idea how to deal with these two kids and if I add Yuuto in, I need to take care of this trio that's good at making trouble.

''Touma-kun~'' A girl suddenly called for him.

''Ah, Mio-san!'' Touma waved at her.

''Now, I will need to excuse myself since my client had arrived. See you later at the same spot?'' Touma let go of his hand and asked me.

''Yea, sure. Quick, don't let her wait for you any longer.'' I shoo him away.

Touma let out a bitter smile before he went to get the girl who was pouting in anger. He then patted her head while saying something to her. Instantly, she smiled so brightly as she clinging around his arm. Seeing both of them being so intimate, I can't help but be happy for him.

''Damn...that dude was tough...Mi-nechan, look! My hand was squeezed into pulp!!!'' Hikaru whimper as he shows his hand with red marks on it.

''And that's why you need to be polite to others and don't try to act tough when facing someone you just meet. Here, let me blow it for you.'' I gently blow his hand while patting it.

''Now, does it feel better?'' I tilted up my head and saw his cheek blushed.

''Hmph! See, you started to treat me like a child again.'' He pouts.

''Aweee!! There you go again, blushing here and there like a naive kid. Now, go change your shoes at the locker and move your fat ass to your class. Don't make any more trouble again, okay?'' I flicked his forehead.

''Fine...'' Hikaru rubbed his forehead as he heads towards his locker that was a bit further away from mine.

'Now, I need to change my shoes and head towards the class.' I silently think to myself. I opened my locker and changed my shoes like I always do before heading towards the class.

''Miyu-chan!'' Yuuto knocked the locker next to me.

''Eek!!'' I jumped backwards and put up my hand into a defending position.

"Oh, wannabe Bruce Lee? Come on and take me down with the tiny fist of yours~" Yuuto teased me.

"Fck you! Thank God my heart was not that weak or else I might end up in the grave if you keep on surprising me like this!" I scolded him as I rubbed my chest to calm myself down.

"Tee Hee!!" He grinned like a complete idiot.

Somehow I was quite happy to have him being around me because this way, I won't be that lonely anymore. Letting go a relief smile, I grabbed him by the neck and messed his hair.

"How dare you to grin like that without being remorse with what you did? Here let me rub your head until you regret your doing."

"No!!! My hair!!! I am going to be bald!!!" He cried out.


''Touma-san, how was your mother?'' I asked as I filled my mouth with onigiri that Yuuto had made for me.

''She was doing just fine but she hasn't wake up just yet. The doctors said the possibility for her to wake up from her coma was high since she has passed the critical state.'' Touma explained.

He looked down from the rooftop while he seems to think about something. Yuuto gives me a concern looks after notice that Touma was lost in his though. I have been waiting to ask him if we could go and visit her mother.

''Hey, Touma! Can we go and visit your mother after school today?'' Hikaru asked him without any hesitation while munching the onigiri which I had urged Yuuto to give him.

I was surprised but at the same time, I was glad that he asked him. Touma turns his head around, looking at him with his purple eyes wide open. He seems that he was not expecting he will ask him that.

''Eh? Do you guys want to meet her? May I ask the reason for it?''

''Should we need a reason to visit your mother? Isn't it obvious that friends should take care of each other when they are in need?'' He brushed his hand on his shirt after he finished his food as I expected from this dirty kid.

'Nice one, Hikaru-kun! I never thought that you are being a smart ass in this kind of sticky situation.' I bring my thumbs up.

''Fine...if you guys don't mind, I will bring my brother along with me. I can't just let him stay alone in that mansion without his nanny.'' Touma let go a sigh before he agrees.

''Wait, so you have been worrying about your brother just now?'' I asked.

''Yea, it was pretty obvious huh? His nanny needs to take a week off since she has been facing a family problem. So, my stepfather wants me to take care of him at night time in my apartment. He will be quite busy in the day with the company and he needs to look after my mother in the night.'' He said.

''Whao, having a brother must've been fun for you, right?'' Yuuto seems quite excited about it. I bet he doesn't get along with Yuki senpai back home.


''I wish it was...'' Touma slapped his forehead.