
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
105 Chs

Chapter 104

''Eh?'' I looked at him in confusion.

'Wait, what does he mean by that?! Sh-should I play along with him? Gosh, what should I do now?!' Freaking out, I silently looked at the badge that was halfway warped around his ankle.

''Um...I..I..'' My voice shuttered after not knowing what to say.

''Pfft! Come on, Miyu-san. Continue the conversation since I was getting a little bored. Now, I am the big bad wolf while you are the red riding hood. Give me the answer base on what you think about the fairytale story.'' Akane stroked my head.

''Ah, I see! Teehee, sorry for being clueless just now.'' I grinned at him.

''Now, if I was the red riding hood base on the fairytale we used to listen to, I would say no because I will end up dying being eaten alive by that wolf. But...'' Facing the wide-open window, I looked outside of the schoolyard as the cold breezing gust brushing my hair away. I remembered that another version of the story my mother used to tell me.

''If the story was based on what my mother used to tell me, then I will say that I will stay by the wolf side so that he won't feel so lonely anymore.'' I smiled at him.

''Huh? What kind of story that your mother used to tell you? I thought that the wolf was cunning and bad. Do you mind tell me the story more?''

''Well, my mother told me that there's a wolf that lived deep in the forest all alone. One day, the red riding hood accidentally stumble across him. Soon, they get to know each other and they end up sharing some strawberry pie. Then, there's a hunter walk pass by the wolf's house and notice that his mouth was covered with red jam and he thought that the wolf has eaten someone.''

''With the axe in his hand, he barged in and killed the wolf without questioning the wolf. He chopped open its stomach, ending up not finding anything. In the end, the wolf died covered with its blood. Soon, the hunter was surprised that the red riding hood was safe and sound when she walked into the house with a bundle of flowers in her hand. She began to cry as soon as she saw her only friend died before her eyes.'' I began to frown after felt a bit of pity for both the wolf and the little girl.

''In the end, they have no other choice but to make up the story so that human won't look bad and that's what my mother told me. Mother always reminds me to get to know others before you make a conclusion about that person. So that's why,'' Shaking my bad thoughts away, I looked at him.

''My answer is, yes.''

''!!'' To my surprise, he pulled me into his arm. At first, I was startled and wanted to push him away but then I heard him whimpering.

''Miyu-san...if I were to said that I was that miserable wolf, will you still stay by my side?'' He whispered.

''Of course, because you are my friend. A real friend will always stays together no matter what happens. Akane-san, please stop crying. I will always listen to your trouble whenever you needed me to.'' I hugged his back.

''Really? Then do you mind sleep for a while?''

''Huh?'' I gently pushed him away and before I even realized it, he had a rag prepared.

"Wha—" I try to run away but he manages to grab my right wrist.

A strong smell hits my nose as he covered the old rag over my mouth. Everything around me seems to be spinning around and my legs grow weak that I fall into his arm. I catch a glimpse of his gaze that was filled with obsession starring into my soul right before my vision turns black.

'Gosh...I should be more cautious next time...'


''Ugh....'' I grunted as my head was aching like crazy. My eyes blinked a few times to clear the hazy vision as I began to look around.

''Where am I?'' Questioning myself, I notice that I was in a dark and very cold room that has nothing but a bed that I was laying on and a small table next to me with a little light that was coming from the line below the door.

I try to get up but then I felt a weight on my left ankle. Wondering what was warping my ankle, I pulled my leg nearer and saw a chain was grasping around it.

''Fck it...'' I cursed as I know it was impossible to break the chain without using another tool.

All of a sudden, the door was unlocked and strong light from the other side of this room stings my eyes. As expected, it was Akane who was standing there with a tray in his hand. He was wearing a pair of glasses with him still in his uniform.

''Finally awake, Miyu-san?'' He smiled at me as if nothing had happened.

''Wha— First of all, why are you doing this to me, Akane-san?! Why are you smiling as if nothing had happened?! Why are you chaining me with this chain?'' I asked with my trembling voice.

''Why? Pfft! It was the most ridiculous shit I have ever heard in my life, Miyu-san. Don't you see I was just protecting you from the outside world? I was just protecting you, protecting our love and our little peaceful world.'' He smiled.


Akane then walks closer to me. I slowly backed off as my instincts told me so. He carefully placed the food on the nearby table before he leans closer to me.

''Ba-back off or else....'' I began to search for my pocket and notice that the pen is gone.

''Or else what? You are going to stab me with this?'' He showed me my pen.


Akane put the pen back in his pocket before he tries to reach out for my hand but I slapped his hand away in anger as I scolded him.


''Huh? Me, monster? Alright then.'' He smirked.


He suddenly went to choke me against the wall so hard that I barely and even breathed.

''I will be the monster if that will make you be more obedient if I train you in the hard way. From now on, you won't be able to talk, see or hear things other than me. Hahaha!'' He laughed.

''A...Akane-san...let go...please...I can't...breathe.'' My tears slowly rolled down my eyes.

''Oh my goodness...'' Suddenly his voice softens almost instantly.

''Gosh...what did I do to you...'' He let go of me. Akane then pulled me into his embrace while crying.

''I-I am so sorry, Miyu-san. I didn't mean to hurt you that way. Because you force me to, I have no other choice but to teach you a little lesson. Sorry...'' His grip tightens as I felt his tear fall on my cheek.

''I love you. I love you too much to even let you go. You said that you will stay by my side forever, right? Am I right, Miyu-san?'' He looked at me with his red ruby eyes that were filled with tears.

'Gosh...this guy is totally out of his mind. I thought that only Yuuto and Touma who was only obsessed with me. Turns out I was wrong. Oh my holy God...now I should deal with him after I have not yet finished dealing with those two...' I silently think to myself as I bury my face into his warm chest. Then I slowly hug him back to comfort him.

''Hey, Akane-san...I'm hungry...can I eat now?'' I said after I know that I can't think with an empty stomach. I bet it was already past dinner time.

''Sure. Let me feed you this omelette rice that I cook myself.'' Akane sniffed as he turns to get the food from the tray he placed on the table.

''By the way, I want some potato crisps after dinner too, please, Akane-san.''