
Chapter 207 Speculations on the Dream Layer

After storing the "Edict" which had taken him three drops of ink to craft, Lucien finally had the leisure to inspect his other gains of the day.

The storage device left behind by the woman impersonating Miss Somaya was an extremely simplistic beastskin pouch that appeared to be made out of roughly tanned hide. On the edges of the pouch were clear perforations and stitching marks, and in some areas, one could even see some fur and subcutaneous fat that hadn't been thoroughly cleaned off.

"Beastskin naturally imbued with something akin to a spatial wizard formation?... No, it doesn't seem to have created a fixed space for storing items, rather... it simply 'shrinks' whatever is wrapped within it."

Lucien quickly deduced the secret of this storage device and gently untied the thin beast tendon that bound the pouch. As the pouch unfolded, the exceedingly "miniature" items within were revealed.