
This Tired Soul

Nathan was exiled from his birth pack when he was just a child for having a male mate. After being on the brink of death from the terrors his birth pack caused him, he was saved and brought to one of the largest packs in the country. 2 years later, he is still trying to survive and heal the force rejection his mate was forced to do, the loss of his family, and the never ending nightmares. But as his prime age of becoming a Beta comes to term, he must find his place in the world. The pack he hopes to be his forever pack holds someone from his key childhood; his middle school bully. When more light is shown on his old pack and how his mate is being treated, the plans Nathan put a hold on for revenge resurface a lot sooner then he hoped. He must know protect his friends along the way, help his old pack, and make peace with his male mate; the abusive Alphas soon. With everything he's holding onto and holding back, he's not sure if he can make it to his end goal; to finally be at peace with the cruel world he was born in.

Winter_Webb · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Something is wrong with my account at this time- slight pause of updates