
This Paradise Is Fake

In a land, far away from what we can comprehend, far from common senses, beliefs, different cultures and rituals take places, events unfold side-by-side. Discovering and burying myth, knowledge and all there is to learn. Darkness roams and fortune fly in the air. Some people really got to do everything to survive, some are too good to even care. Come join me, let us read this journal of fantasy together until time itself ends.

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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Disgusting Justice

In the Woods Of Magic, home to the fairies and many unusual species. This forest has been here since the dawn of time, acting as a place to learn and create new spell also known as Task for new wizard and Advance wizard. But since the war between Heros and Gods in the past, inhabitants of the forest become aggressive as an act of defense, unlike before they were friendly. The place also seem to have been lurking by dark magic of some sort, taking away the purity of the true forest. The Dryads have been trying their best to spot and purify the dark but it's just not enough. They keep coming back.

Laso slowly regain his consciousness, unable to process what just happen but before he could even know where he is, Klas greet him again. Walking toward him with an axe in hand. The so-called hero then laugh hysterically and flex to Laso about his Victories.

"Oh did you know? This axe right here buddy, it's the axe forged out of the MOON! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH OH THE JOKE NEVER GET OLD, that old fucks was nothing how was he even a god? Insanity God? What a fucking joke. But don't you worry, you can ask him for me soon, hehe."

Despite using god magic earlier at Nakatita castle, he only used 1% of it... because that was all that Ramui allowed him to use, talk about take a turn for the worse. But the situation become more hopeless when Laso realized that the punch had broken some internal part inside of him and the impact to the ground made it worse. He was destined to die if he won't act quickly, like a rabbit in stuck in a trap, he keep on struggle and struggle. Refusing to die despite demise standing in front of him. As a last resort, he scream one spell that can be his savior or the last of him.


A bright light flash, blinding Klas temporary but he get his vision back quickly

"You got a lot of gut blinding me don't you LITTLE SHIT?"

The axe was thrown at Laso at insane speed, decapitating him immediately. But a bright flash come up again and suddenly, the axe was back in Klas hand and Laso is just fine with a robot head.

"Huh? I didn't throw it?"

Klas mumble to himself then throw it again, decapitating Laso once more but the same effect happened. Laso giggle

"What's wrong big guy? Can't kill me?"

Klas look around in caution, maybe looking for another enemy hiding somewhere

"I don't know what you just did, but it won't save you, i'll just kill you until you get bored and kill yourself then."

Thinking he got the right solution, Klas charge in with murderous intention. In a blink of the eye, a woman appear, so fast it seems like time has froze itself around her. The woman sent Klas flying before he could even know what happened. Ramui bite her lips as she do so, was this right for a goddess as good as her to save an evil god like Laso, was he worth it? Undeniably he took away millions of lives like it was just another piece of trash in his way. It was too morally wrong to save him but her feelings have already taken over. Quickly teleporting Laso to her realm, she disappear. Everything happen in but a flick of the eye. But is it noticed, no one else but the dryads that protect the forest with their life. But they do not care for the world, only for the forest. As for Klas, he has already flew back to the kingdom of Lust, but the impact was too much for him.

"What the fuck was that... God i can't move an inch... Micheal.."

He said as he try to keep calm, breathe in and out slowly, he can't die here yet. His duty hasn't been fulfill. Moreover, whatever hit him he must remember it. Plus since he is in the kingdom, may as well check up on Micheal. He chuckle to himself knowing he just easily won against Laso, his power to invade is consider one of the most dangerous power there is to exist. To think a being can dodge anything simply by having a good enough reflex and energy to use their Task, a being that can be invincible at will, it what makes him so terrifying to the villain in the shadows.