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Made By TheUnknownBoy Written By TheUnknownBoy A series in which the Erzols, a Forgotten Assassin Family are now having to face war with the Zaish who are after the Necromian DNA that bares their powers, they have been described as the Wolves of Necromia and the family are torn apart. Series 1: Hayase Erzol, find out that he is to become an Assassin, he is taken under the wing of the Zaish Traitor, Barbatus, as Hayase hones his skills, he has to go through some ups and some downs and he is on a mission to find his main purpose that he sees as fitting and accepting to himself. He also explores the nation through the Vikings, Victorians, and many more. There is no end to what this man shall do. Objectives: December 26 2021 = 500 Views December 27 2021 = 1000 Views Monday 17th 2022 = 5000 views

MrRejex · Seni bela diri
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13 Chs

Iron Will

"Any Last Words?" asked Minzor to Hayase and he replied, "yeah ... as a matter a fact .. I do... what happened to that hammer?" Minzor then chuckled arrogantly and answered, "now that... you'll soon find out." Hayase realized that Minzors hammer was a broken part of a cupboard and as Minzor swinged his hammer, Hayase used it to advantage and took one of the villagers Angel Crossed Axe and threw it straight at Minzors eye and he roared in pain, Hayase ran as far as he could as Minzor was pissed by having a cross wedged in his eyes. "THAT'S IT!!!! BRING ME TO HIM... Not Alive but DEAD!!! His Eye will be a perfect replacement for my shattered eye.... WELL WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS WAITING FOR??!! .... KILL HIM!!!!" Minzors troops scattered around looking for Hayase, Hayase thankfully found somewhere to hide but he knew it would be a matter of time before someone found him. He didn't even think of what he was getting himself into but he knew that he had to act fast until Barbatus arrived, "Looks like you gave them the slip." Hayase was minutes away from being spotted when.... Hayase was spotted and was dragged out of his hiding spot by a trooper and Hayase Reflected and instantly killed the trooper as he stabbed him directly at the brain, blood then started to drip and when Hayase took the blade out the troopers lifeless body started to evaporate into dust, Hayase looked at his hand and saw that there was some kind of 'Hidden Blade' strapped onto him along with black gauntlets that held the blade within. Hayase looked at Barbatus and immediately tried to kill him for reporting him in the middle of nowhere, "Look I know you're mad but... SHH!! More troopers are coming... you better hide... go on."

Hayase then tried to climb into one of the homes roofs but immediately failed and as the troopers came closer, he decided to camouflage himself in the snow which would have been stupid of the troopers for them to not notice, "Hey look over there." said the the trooper on the left, "Mate you think it's one of ours?" said the trooper on the right and the left trooper replied, "Nah... if we were lying on the ground then our bodies would be erased from existence... don't you remember what Minzor told us? Or were you too busy looking for sword fishes?" the Right trooper then replied, "Well I couldn't be asked to that pork belly pie... has nothing but a nuisance attitude... I'd say we need to look for a better boss." The Left Trooper then replied, "I agree with you but you heard Minzor when we first started... we disobey... we disappear and it was nice working alongside you man... it's always nice to have a friend to look out for." Barbatus appeared in front of Hayase and signalling him to kill them both... Hayase felt like doing it but he was worried that the other one would escape and call for backup, Barbatus tried to pressure him but Hayase refused and they left still looking for him, Hayase got up and hid as quickly as he could from them, thankfully they didn't see him move, "What on earth was that? You had a chance to kill them and you blew it!!" Hayase looked at Barbatus with deadly eyes and ignored him. Barbatus smiled calmly and said, "Good Job kid!" he then vanished leaving Hayase to defend himself from Minzor and his troopers, Hayase then heard an announcement made by Minzor as he had seen him escaping the village, Minzor along with the troopers ran after Hayase as to kill him.

He then looked at the sky and saw what seemed to be an Assassin but was built like a Viking, he saw Hayase and shouted, "Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near." He then made his exit leaving Hayase to question on what he had just said. Hayase came out of his hiding space to find that most of the villagers were brutally slaughtered and all that was left was Bork, Hayase could see in her eyes, she felt guilty and when she saw him, she turned away from him and lied on the ground regretting about something, "Its time that I told you the truth... Minzor was here because I made deal with him many moons ago but until today... I dont understand why he do this terrible action... it's all my fault... I led to their deaths and he left me to survive to see what I have created and ..." Hayase then stopped her from talking and said, "Listen ... we all make mistakes in life and there are moments that can't change ... but we can always learn from it."