

Xu Zhi was eating melon in the courtyard, flipping through his phone on a forum. He saw the pictures that had been posted and felt somewhat speechless, "This guy secretly took pictures and is now showing off on the forum?"

The players were shocked. Naturally, they had no idea that this terrifying and sensational truth about the other world was just Xu Zhi's constructed wizard world sandbox in his backyard orchard.

At this moment, Li Shengjiang saw the uproar online, took a deep breath, and knew how big an impact this would have. Back then, he was also shocked for a long time.

After everyone had calmed down a bit, he got straight to the point and started introducing his wonderful adventures in the other world.

Of course, he would never mention his tragic history of being captured and bred as a product in the other world when he led the slime race.

"Hundreds of years in the game are only one day outside. This is something modern technology can't achieve. This terrifying black technology is not the topic of discussion today!"

"I'll briefly explain what happened over these hundred years. I secretly developed technology in the other world, spending over ninety years in painstaking research, which is two lifetimes for you guys, using my slime engine to develop alchemy."

Everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

"My two lifetimes? How vicious, cursing me to only live to forty-five?"

But a group of bootlickers rushed out to defend him, afraid of angering this big shot, "Isn't it just your two lifetimes? Do you now live past forty-five?"

"You bootlickers will end up with nothing!"

The two sides argued.

On another side, people were also discussing, "However, ninety years of research is indeed too long, equivalent to a person's lifetime."

Li Shengjiang became slightly serious and posted a few pictures.

The schematic diagram of the alchemical airship, an internal entity photo, with positions for ten thousand engines.

Seeing the physical images, everyone was thoroughly excited. After all, who doesn't have a dream of piloting a mech?

"Wow, this size is equivalent to a modern aircraft carrier…"

"In the other world without metal to make cannonballs, you used circuitry diagrams to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, and electrical energy into spiritual potential energy, firing not cannonballs but witchcraft? Awesome!"

Then Li Shengjiang revealed his pride and joy, "Grantham." Another wave of countless exclamations and crazy spamming ensued.

"With these two, I defeated the current Death Monarch Medusa and unified the wizard world. I popularized technology in this primitive civilization, letting these indigenous civilizations know that modern science is the primary productive force. I was known as the 'Emperor who Masters Alchemy and the Gate of Truth.' But my seven little wives are dying. Can anyone help me think of a way?"

He finally revealed his true purpose.

He also posted pictures of seven pretty little witches, each with unique characteristics—youthful, lively, romantic, mischievous, and adorable. They were the seven lovely witches of the Elizabeth Witch Coven.

Over the years, he had already treated these seven lovely little witches as his closest family. The bonds he built made him unwilling to let them leave him.

Previously, everyone didn't believe it. They didn't expect it to be true.

"Oh my! The big shot actually started a harem in the other world and became the Alchemy Emperor. Doesn't that mean all the pretty witches in the world, including his palace's witch ministers…"

"Don't joke about it. Don't forget the big shot is just a slime (nonsense)."

"Hahaha, that's true! Traditional witches adhere to the three iron laws of witches, and are pure in love. The big shot and his seven little witches must also be pure in love. (nonsense)."

"Take note of the nonsense in parentheses; it's important."

Li Shengjiang's veins bulged in anger.

These damned netizens had this annoying habit of teasing and joking.

If he had more time, he would have sought help from renowned medical professors he knew. But that would take longer than just one day.

He now had a little over a hundred years of life left, which equates to just one day in reality, twenty-four hours.

In these twenty-odd hours, he could only mobilize the vast power of the internet and countless medical experts and pharmaceutical researchers to brainstorm and come up with ideas.

He would gather the wisdom of the masses and think collectively.

"I've been living with them for over a hundred years, full of joy and laughter. They've long become family. Don't worry, I'll support you. Are there any medical students who can help?" said Chunzi, who loves studying. "But within ten hours, can medical students help? Is that even possible?"

"It is possible."

Li Shengjiang immediately said, "You know, I have been following a farming strategy. To extend my lifespan, I developed a microscope in my alchemy laboratory, studied herbal medicine, and spent a long time developing a longevity potion. But it was too slow.

I discovered that the principles of medical cells, molecular structure, target cells, and receptor cells in the real world could be realized in the other world. It's like another Earth.

I made notes on the properties, types, and effects of some medicinal herbs in the other world, and their molecular microscopic structures. Can any medical experts help me formulate some potions?"

Everyone was stunned.

The big shot is incredible!

He truly is a master at climbing the tech tree with a farming strategy, even creating a "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the other world!

They got excited. With molecular structure diagrams and the principles of medicine, they might be able to achieve something.

"As a medical student, I can say if we have relevant data, it's very possible! It's like discovering a new plant in nature and researching its medicinal properties."

"Haha! Brothers, leave it to me! Previously, those biology nerds used their professional knowledge in evolution to show off in 'Spore Evolution,' crazily evolving species. Now, this hardcore sandbox game finally gives us medical students a chance to shine!"

"Glory to medical students!"

"Brothers, we need to pull an all-nighter. Anyone want to join? Let's gather together, thousands of medical students, and research a prototype of a medicine within ten hours! Let's prove ourselves!"

"I'm in! Who says us gamers don't understand family? When my grandma passed away, I cried for a long time (teary-eyed). The big shot 'Mixed Yuan Thunder Hand' has been with them for over a hundred years. They are truly family. I understand that urgent feeling."

"We, who study medicine, understand the pain of life and death! Otherwise, we wouldn't have chosen this sacred profession."

"Brothers, let's show them how formidable we med students are!! Let's chant together: 'We medical students, fear no battle!'"

"We medical students, fear no battle!"

"We medical students, fear no battle!"

A group of people was brimming with enthusiasm.

"Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"You med students are so flamboyant, wearing someone else's clothes. (You're so flamboyant.jpg)"

Many couldn't help but complain.

"Hahaha! You're just jealous of us med students. From my estimation, the next 'Three Tests' won't be about writing evolution papers, but medical papers. It's our turn to shine!"

Within just an hour, countless medical students, driven by unprecedented passion, flocked to their school libraries, comparing plant structures and properties, and discussing medicinal effects.

Immediately, school libraries and city libraries were packed with students.

The sudden bustle in the libraries attracted media attention. Some local TV stations had experts and professors guessing and speculating, righteously saying:

"As people's living conditions improve, many begin seeking intellectual and spiritual fulfillment. This is a good trend. Perhaps it's the recent learning craze sparked by 'Spore Evolution.' As for why they're specifically borrowing the hardest medical pharmacology books? Besides biological evolution, medical pharmacology is the most challenging subject!"

This scene seemed familiar.

The host, this time, was smart and quickly interrupted the professor, offering her guess, "Professor Yuan, do you think it could be due to the national educational sandbox game 'Spore Evolution'?"


Professor Yuan smiled smugly, feeling quite pleased with himself.

This time, he had done his homework and had a thorough understanding of the game. He elaborated confidently, "As everyone knows, this is a recreational sandbox game about learning evolutionary theory, focusing on species evolution, which is fascinating. But it has little to do with medicine, so it's impossible."

However, he was quickly proven wrong.

Because on the live TV program, a reporter began interviewing college students who were diligently studying in the library.

One enthusiastic student, wearing a red headband with the word "Battle," said passionately, "This headband is from my days of preparing for the graduate entrance exams! I've been slacking off playing games and failed many subjects. But now, I'm wearing this battle headband again, returning to the days of passionate study."

The reporter asked, "Why did you start studying again?"

"Of course, it's because of Spore Evolution! It made me fall in love with studying again!"

The reporter was speechless.

She interviewed another well-known medical student.

This student, exuding coolness, glanced at her and continued reading his book, casually saying, "We, medical students, fear no battle. Please don't waste my time—playing games is serious business for me!"


Everyone watching the TV was stunned.

Countless experts: "???"

"Isn't this game about evolutionary theory? How come now they are studying medicine?"

"Could it be that the game has opened up a new feature?"

Previously, this phenomenally popular game made learning evolutionary theory fun. Now, it was pivoting towards medical knowledge?

"This is a great game."

"If I'm not mistaken, this game will cover various subjects in the future. Starting from biological evolution, moving on to modern medicine, and then maybe even chemistry and physics."

"This game is amazing! With each player paying 600,000 yuan in educational resources, it holds the promise of nurturing 30 million talented individuals for the future of our nation. It's a pity my son isn't good enough to play this game."

Countless parents looked at the game with admiration.

Instantly, a trending topic emerged: "Spore Evolution Opens Second Wave of Medical Knowledge, Sparks National Learning Craze." This became a headline, sparking widespread discussion and once again solidifying its status as a national phenomenon.

"Son, look! If you don't study hard, you won't even be able to play games!"

"You idiot! You love playing games, but you can't even play this one. How will you ever succeed?"

"Daughter, stop obsessing over makeup. Study hard now, or you won't be able to play games in the future. How will you become a high achiever then? You'll end up laying bricks at a construction site!"

Parents in front of the television were heartbroken, pointing fingers and scolding their children for not being ambitious.

Previously, parents considered gaming to be shameful.

But now, this game was so hardcore that countless parents praised it. They were proud if their children could play it.