
This Hedgehog Can Kick Ass (LitRPG/Isekai/Progression)

***WARNING: The MC is ridiculously overpowered.** ••••• In a world filled with benevolent heroes and saviors, Gideon Brangwen stands apart as a master con artist, adept at manipulating people without a trace of fear, love, empathy, or compassion in his heart. To him, emotions are tools for achieving his desires, and words are mere instruments of manipulation. But Gideon's life takes an unexpected turn when a malevolent goddess intervenes, catapulting him into a perilous game orchestrated by the gods. He becomes the avatar of the goddess of darkness among ten avatars vying for godhood in the realm of Eteria. In a stroke of unfortunate luck, Gideon is reincarnated as a seemingly powerless hedgehog, which proves to be only a temporary inconvenience. He receives a potent gift known as [NIGHT FORM], a skill that could transform him into a nightmarish entity of unparalleled terror after dusk. With his cunning and newfound power, Gideon ascends on a path to godhood, crushing anyone who dares to obstruct his rise and manipulating all as mere pawns. His ambition knows no bounds as he seeks to establish the most formidable nation Eteria has ever witnessed. Beware, for Gideon's facade is but an illusion, a ruse to subjugate everyone to his will. In this world of heroes, a formidable villain emerges, and Gideon's grand conquest commences. •••• Frequently Asked Questions: Warning: Spoilers ahead. Is this Harem? Yes. Is this Smut? No. Will the MC gain a human form? Yes, he will. How and why? Please read the story to find out. Is the villain MC that 'evil,' or evil with a capital 'E'? Yes. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dark is the story? I don't know, what number would you give for straight-up cold-blooded manipulation and genocide? This is a kingdom-building novel, so expect progression and plot related to kingdom building. No NTR: The MC's women will only be his own, and the MC will never attempt to be with a woman who already belongs to someone else. I don't judge; I enjoy reading those too, but not in this book. No Yuri: None of the MC's women will engage in relationships with each other.

SpikyCinnamonRoll · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

Chapter 7: Demonstration Of Power

Inside the foreboding abyss, Gideon lay dormant, his body coiled into a tight, spiked ball, a master of camouflage even in slumber. The cacophony of both unfamiliar and strangely recognizable sounds emanated from the world beyond his hidden sanctuary: the discordant symphony of roars, howls, and malevolent cackles that echoed through the shadows. With each approaching sound, his keen ears twitched in silent vigilance.

As the sun's feeble rays began their slow retreat, heralding the encroaching night, the exterior world took on a sinister demeanor. The sounds grew darker, more foreboding, as if nature itself warned that the night would bring peril far beyond the realm of daylight. And this was precisely what Gideon had been waiting for.

Gideon's spiky, armored form gradually relaxed, and he commenced his cautious exit from his temporary haven. His elongated snout protruded first, followed by the rest of his body, until he fully emerged from the small orifice. His sharp, calculating eyes fixated on the ever-darkening world above as he navigated the treacherous terrain. Daylight waned, leaving nothing but an impenetrable shroud of darkness in its wake.

Then, the transformation began.

From Gideon's being emanated a swirling abyss of pitch-black smoke, enveloping him in an ominous embrace. His body convulsed uncontrollably, preparing for the impending metamorphosis. His once pristine, ivory claws elongated into deadly obsidian talons, each curve and edge more menacing than before. His spines underwent a similar transformation, no longer white but dark as the abyss itself. His once unassuming white underbelly was now as black as the void, signifying his transition from a humble hedgehog to a harbinger of malevolence. Small in stature but deadly in intent.


VITALITY: 9 (+45)

STRENGTH: 11 (+55)

MAGIC: 12 (+60)

SPEED: 10 (+50)

STAMINA: 9 (+45)

Gideon's inky black eyes, seemingly crafted for the darkest of nights, scanned the surroundings, rendering the shadows as clear as day. His mouth curled into a sinister grin, revealing the savage nature hidden beneath his formerly benign exterior. He raised his razor-sharp claws, shrouded in the same black smoke that now cloaked his entire form. "Let the hunt commence."

In an instant, he activated his skill, *Roll*. Unlike before, when he could merely assume a spherical shape, he now possessed the ability to propel forward with astonishing speed.

One of the unique aspects of the system he had acquired was the ease with which he adapted to new skills. It was as if he had spent lifetimes honing these abilities, effortlessly incorporating them into his arsenal. His body adjusted seamlessly to the newfound skills, as though he had trained relentlessly to master them.

His spherical form surged forward, obliterating leaves and branches in his path, a destructive juggernaut in motion—the very embodiment of the goddess of darkness's harbinger. In his wake, a trail of black smoke consumed everything it touched.

Thanks to his heightened senses of smell and hearing, he could detect life even at a distance, enabling him to assess whether engaging a particular creature was a worthwhile endeavor.

"I've found you," Gideon declared, his rolling form abruptly changing direction as he charged toward a specific target—a creature both familiar and foreign.

*Stadia Gaia Centipede: Level 1.*

Gideon's path stretched out before him, a treacherous landscape of uneven terrain and ominous shadows. He moved with purpose, his small frame barreling forward like an unstoppable juggernaut. In the distance, an unexpected adversary loomed, a young giant centipede of such colossal proportions that Gideon appeared minuscule by comparison. The earth beneath them quivered, an ominous prelude to the impending showdown.

The centipede, a formidable creature with a gleaming red armor, was attuned to the vibrations coursing through the ground. Sensing Gideon's approach, it raised its head, revealing its formidable mandibles, poised for action. A hundred legs stirred to life, propelling the centipede forward in a sinuous, serpentine motion.

Gideon, a force of nature in his own right, continued his relentless charge. His circular, spiky body rolled with an unyielding determination, closing the gap between him and his gargantuan foe. As he reached a critical distance, he executed a skillful maneuver, his body bouncing and then lunging toward the Stadia Gaia Centipede, his intent clear - a head-on assault.

The centipede's agility was astounding, a testament to its predatory prowess. Recognizing the futility of withstanding Gideon's impending charge, it deftly sidestepped using its agile legs. But Gideon proved swifter still, his momentum unbroken. In an instant, he landed and rebounded toward the centipede's head, forcing the creature into a direct confrontation that it could not evade.

The clash was imminent, a showdown between Gideon's formidable spike-armored form and the centipede's venomous mandibles. A high-pitched screech pierced the air as the centipede's mandibles met Gideon's in a cataclysmic collision. The result was instantaneous; the centipede's defenses, corroded by black smoke emanating from Gideon's form, began to crumble.

Yet, the centipede was far from defenseless. Its head darted with lightning speed, seeking the elusive Gideon, but he was no longer where it anticipated. In his place, there was only a shroud of swirling black smoke and a gaping hole in the ground, a testament to his uncanny evasiveness.

Suddenly, the earth trembled beneath, a foreboding warning that something extraordinary was about to occur. Before the centipede could react, Gideon erupted from the ground, employing his skill, *Dig*. His claws led the way, a deadly whirling blur, akin to a spinning top on a rampage.

The centipede's armor, though not fully developed, was still a formidable barrier. Its strength was such that lower-level monsters would struggle to breach it. But the difference in stats and skill effectiveness between the two adversaries was glaringly evident. Gideon's claws sliced through the centipede's armor like a hot knife through butter, effortlessly rending the creature in two.

Desperation overtook the centipede as it attempted to flee, its remaining half slithering awkwardly away from the battlefield. Gideon, however, was far from finished. In mid-air, he activated his skill *Claw Attack*. With a blink, he vanished into thin air, leaving only a lingering cloud of black smoke where he had stood moments before. Then, as abruptly as he had disappeared, he reappeared directly above the centipede, exploiting its blind spot. With unparalleled finesse, he executed a spinning slash that severed the centipede's head.

Gideon's landing was graceful, his small feet making contact with the centipede's decapitated head before he casually descended onto the ground, followed by the massive expanse of the centipede's lifeless body. It was a one-sided battle, a testament to the vast disparity in power between the two Level 1 monsters.

Victorious, Gideon raised his jet-black claw high, a triumphant gesture. "Size," he declared with a hint of pride, "indeed, doesn't matter."

In that moment of triumph, a luminous message materialized before him, a testament to his growth:

*You have leveled up.*

Gideon basked in the glory of his conquest, his indomitable spirit and unmatched skills propelling him ever forward on his perilous journey through the mysterious world that lay ahead.