
This Hedgehog Can Kick Ass (LitRPG/Isekai/Progression)

***WARNING: The MC is ridiculously overpowered.** ••••• In a world filled with benevolent heroes and saviors, Gideon Brangwen stands apart as a master con artist, adept at manipulating people without a trace of fear, love, empathy, or compassion in his heart. To him, emotions are tools for achieving his desires, and words are mere instruments of manipulation. But Gideon's life takes an unexpected turn when a malevolent goddess intervenes, catapulting him into a perilous game orchestrated by the gods. He becomes the avatar of the goddess of darkness among ten avatars vying for godhood in the realm of Eteria. In a stroke of unfortunate luck, Gideon is reincarnated as a seemingly powerless hedgehog, which proves to be only a temporary inconvenience. He receives a potent gift known as [NIGHT FORM], a skill that could transform him into a nightmarish entity of unparalleled terror after dusk. With his cunning and newfound power, Gideon ascends on a path to godhood, crushing anyone who dares to obstruct his rise and manipulating all as mere pawns. His ambition knows no bounds as he seeks to establish the most formidable nation Eteria has ever witnessed. Beware, for Gideon's facade is but an illusion, a ruse to subjugate everyone to his will. In this world of heroes, a formidable villain emerges, and Gideon's grand conquest commences. •••• Frequently Asked Questions: Warning: Spoilers ahead. Is this Harem? Yes. Is this Smut? No. Will the MC gain a human form? Yes, he will. How and why? Please read the story to find out. Is the villain MC that 'evil,' or evil with a capital 'E'? Yes. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dark is the story? I don't know, what number would you give for straight-up cold-blooded manipulation and genocide? This is a kingdom-building novel, so expect progression and plot related to kingdom building. No NTR: The MC's women will only be his own, and the MC will never attempt to be with a woman who already belongs to someone else. I don't judge; I enjoy reading those too, but not in this book. No Yuri: None of the MC's women will engage in relationships with each other.

SpikyCinnamonRoll · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

Chapter 32: Celebration Of Victory

The sound of the brutal battle finally ceased, and for a moment, the night returned to a profound silence, broken only by the distant roars of victory from the lionkins. Their hands shot triumphantly into the air, faces beaming with joy. They were free at last, and it was all thanks to the unwavering assistance of a certain small but courageous hedgehog.

As the last echoes of battle faded, Gideon's gaze shifted from the victorious lionkins to Lucy, who was floating gracefully towards him. Suspended in the air, she was cradled by a massive black hand constructed of menacing spines. Her limbs dangled freely while her lips puckered into a slight pout.

The floating hand came to a halt, about a meter away from Gideon and Leo. The two warriors crossed their arms, their eyes narrowing as they regarded Lucy with a mixture of curiosity and mild annoyance.

Gideon let out a resigned sigh. "Lucy, you truly are not one to follow orders, are you?"

Lucy's response was barely audible, a near-whisper. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."

Leo interjected with a hint of guilt, "It's partly my fault. Since we were orphaned, I may have indulged her a little too much. I sincerely apologize for any trouble she's caused."

Gideon shook his head. "No need to worry. In all honesty, I find her personality quite endearing. She reminds me of my favorite kind of people back home."

Lucy was on the verge of breaking into a grateful smile when, unexpectedly, the colossal hand holding her abruptly released its grip, allowing her to plummet to the ground. What ensued was a cacophony of raucous laughter from the lionkins surrounding them, clutching their stomachs in amusement while Lucy scrambled to her feet, her cheeks ablaze with embarrassment.

However, the laughter came to an abrupt halt when all eyes turned towards a solitary figure making his way towards them. It was an elderly lionkin, his stride supported by a weathered wooden cane. His eyes were permanently sealed shut, and his visage bore the scars of countless years of existence.

"Grandpa Pino!" Leo and Lucy cried out in unison, rushing forward to embrace him. Their faces radiated relief and joy.

"I am glad to see that both of you are unharmed," Pino remarked, his voice tinged with fragility and warmth.

Pino continued his slow progress, navigating through the gathering crowd. His eyes were directed toward the central figure of attention—a small creature, who regarded Pino with a gentle smile.

"Kind stranger, you have saved our people," Pino declared, his voice filled with profound gratitude. Despite his physical frailty, he approached Gideon.

Lucy gently took hold of Pino and offered her assistance as he moved. "This kind stranger is Gideon. He rescued me from the hyenakin that pursued me earlier, and he has helped liberate us from the clutches of slavery," Lucy said, her smile radiating trust in Gideon. "He is a hedgehog."

Pino's brows furrowed momentarily. "I confess, this is the first time I have heard of such a creature," he admitted, standing before Gideon. "Nevertheless, you deserve our deepest gratitude for what you have done for us." With that, Pino knelt before Gideon, a symbol of the lionkin's reverence and appreciation.

Gideon waved his hands, his humility shining through. "There's really no need for such a gesture. Besides, I did very little. It was your people who fought for their freedom. You're giving me far too much credit. All I did was give you a little nudge." His demeanor exuded a humility and kindness that was captivating, capable of winning anyone over with just a smile.

"A little nudge? You transformed us into the fiercest warriors we could never have imagined becoming!" exclaimed one lionkin, his voice filled with awe.

"Indeed," chimed in another lionkin, flexing his muscular arms proudly. "I feel so powerful now that I believe I could take on a dragon!"

"Then, by all means, go challenge the dragon from earlier," jested yet another lionkin, provoking laughter among the crowd.

"The truth is, that one was not a genuine dragon. It wasn't even a living creature. I merely conjured it," Gideon declared, interjecting into the conversation with a sly smile.

"You can conjure a black dragon?" A lionkin broke free from the crowd, displaying an enormous grin in front of Gideon.

"Yes, he certainly can, and I bore witness to how he accomplished it with my very own eyes," Lucy chimed in, her voice ringing with pride as she beamed.

"I want to witness this spectacle as well!" The crowd of lionkins erupted in excited anticipation.

Meanwhile, Leo stood in silent contemplation, observing the jubilant expressions of his people. They were finally safe. As his gaze meandered through the crowd, it halted at Gideon, who was currently sharing laughter with the lionkins.

Despite Gideon's ominous appearance—black fur, shadowy eyes, sharp spines, and claws, with wisps of black smoke enveloping his body—Leo could perceive an aura of kindness emanating from him. It was an image that seemed to beckon Leo to trust him.

"Enough pestering Gideon," Leo interjected with authority. "We've just emerged from a brutal battle, and loitering here amidst the corpses isn't wise. We should start our journey back home."

With a single command, the lionkins obediently pivoted, following Leo's directive without a trace of resistance. This left only Pio, Lucy, Leo, and Gideon standing in place.

"Gideon, I'm not certain about your plans after this, but I extend an invitation for you to visit our village," Leo stated, locking eyes with Gideon.

"I don't mind. I don't have anywhere else to go anyway," Gideon replied nonchalantly, prompting a nod of approval from Leo.

"I'll prepare breakfast for all of us. You see, my cooking is renowned as the finest in the village. Or so Big Brother Leo always tells me. I'm not sure if it's the truth or if he just adores me that much," Lucy cheerfully declared before bouncing away to join the others.

Leo offered no response, instead scratching the back of his head while attempting to conceal a blush. However, it wasn't concealed well enough for Gideon to miss.

"She truly is your weakness, isn't she?" Gideon teased.

"She's my everything," Leo confessed, then turned to Pio. "Grandpa Pio, I'll carry you back home." He scooped Pio onto his back and began walking away, leaving Gideon behind.

Gideon observed them with a contented smile. However, as the lionkins distanced themselves, the gentle smile on Gideon's face began to fade. It was gradually supplanted by a mask of indifference, devoid of any attachment to the people he had shared camaraderie with just moments earlier.

"Everything is unfolding as planned," Gideon murmured, his face contorting into a sinister grin.

His gaze flickered to the status board in his mind, where he distributed his available stat points. "It seems I've struck gold with these people. All that remains is to officially conscript them into my army, and the path to a grand conquest will be wide open... especially now that I know their vulnerabilities," Gideon mused, as if he were discussing mere pawns in a game.

The transformation was unnerving, a stark departure from the amiable figure Gideon had presented just moments earlier. The facade of kindness had slipped away, revealing the true depths of his ambitions.



LEVEL: 21/30





MAGIC: 122

SPEED: 102

