
This Fucking Novel

"Will you leave? Or will you stay?" -Cover is not mine-

Zelrach_06 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Stella Class (3)

While I keep on cursing the person that made the tradition in my mind.

The class made its way to what seemed like a stadium.

Although it wasn't as big as the one's I had seen online on earth, It was still quite big in its own right.

We entered the stadium but we didn't go to the field where we will fight yet. The substitute teacher first led us into a room that looked like an armory.

The armory was big and contained a variety of weapons neatly organized in the shelves, Like swords,Spears and other things.

Although I was amazed by this as it was my first time seeing one I couldn't help but gulp, I thought that we were going to use non lethal weapons when we're going to fight.


Why is every weapon looking so sharp and dangerous?

When I was following the teacher and cursing the one that made the tradition that we were about to do.

I haven't forgotten to resolve myself to what I'm about to go through.

At most I thought that I'm going to suffer some bruises and things related to magic after receiving a beating from the other students.

It's also because we're students that I haven't thought about the possibility of us being made to use real weapons.

Isn't this… way too dangerous for students like us?

Although this opinion comes from me, someone not from this world.

If you use common sense then isn't this dangerous? My thoughts are probably biased because it comes from me being scared of what I'm about to experience.

"Pick a weapon If you need one or you can fight with your hands or magic" The substitute teacher said while my other classmates chose their own weapon.

"Excuse me teacher" A male's voice resounded in the armory.

This voice… it's the protagonist

I haven't been paying attention to my classmates while we're in the lobby earlier, but I could still faintly remember his voice.

I looked in his direction and sure enough I could now see his face.

Just like in the novel's cover he has pure black hair and matching eyes as well as a handsome, kind face.

"Speak" The substitute teacher turned to his direction.

"Why are we using real weapons, teacher? Shouldn't we be using training weapons instead?"

It was a clear and concise voice with a trace of worry being felt as he said his words.

"Your concerns are justified" he said and then he turned to my other classmates who's busy looking at the weapons.

"However you shouldn't worry about getting injured, There will be a seven-star referee and a seven-star healer that will prevent critical injuries and saved you even if you are somehow critically injured"

He then turned towards me while looking at my eyes.

"So there's no need to hold back, You can show your full potential while fighting other students"

This guy… is he expecting something from me? I don't even know how to properly hold any of the weapons present here ok?

I also don't think that he addressed what I'm more concerned about, it's about the pain that we will experience dammit.

Hahh.. Thinking about it more clearly, there's nothing bad about feeling extreme pain right now, in two months time the princess will be kidnapped.

Obviously if they're trying to kidnap a princess they'll use real weapons.

What if I were to fight the kidnappers while only being able to experience pain that comes from training weapons? wouldn't that mean that I'm screwed since I would experience pain from those weapons for the first time?

Yeah there's more to gain here if I experience it right now I mean what's the worst that could happen? Me screaming while getting stabbed or something?

I'll just have to endure this mentally, right? My mental strength is 7/10 so it should be doable yeah it should be, It should be…hopefully.

"Teacher, can I just use a training sword? I don't want to hurt my other classmates" A voice filled with kindness and concern again came out of the protagonist at least that's how I heard it. What he said can also be interpreted as arrogance by others.

"Do what you want" The teacher's brows furrowed as he answered looking a little annoyed.

"Arthur, are you crazy?!" A girl with hazelnut hair that reached until her shoulder screamed at the protagonist.

This girl that shouted at the protagonist was his childhood friend. She's also loud just like how she's been described.

"It's fine you know my secret right?"

"That's true but.."

She then slightly looked at my direction, more precisely me.

"The rumors surrounding that person are scary" She said that in a low voice but I could still hear her. Maybe it's because the hearing of this body is good?

"Don't worry too much Iris" the protagonist patted her head as he said those words. While Iris lowered her head looking embarrassed.

Damn they aren't even worried about what's about to come huh just casually patting her head without worries.

"You're not going to use a weapon?"

It was then that a girl's voice came from right beside me.

The girl has black hair like the protagonist and a beautiful face like all of my female classmates.

But what I noticed the most was her eyes, Her eyes were like the white full moon, like literally.

I also noticed that I have just been standing near the armory's entrance and was just observing everyone the whole time.

I shook my head to answer her question and moved a little bit away from her.

It'll be best if I limit my interactions with others for my own and for the story as well.

Regarding the weapons, I did think about getting one. But that would just be plain stupidity.

I've never even used a weapon on earth and it's not like I'll be able to master a weapon just because I grabbed it unless I'm some type of genius who gets the hang of it just by touching something which I honestly doubt.

Even if I do use a weapon regardless of those reasons I feel like my performance would be even worse than it would be.

It's best to just stick to something I'm familiar with.

My hands.

I've been using it for almost 17 years now, so I'll just use it today too.

After a little bit of waiting my classmates finally finished choosing their weapons.

"I will now explain the rules"

"Since there's only one platform in this stadium, A student will be selected to fight everyone in a one on one match until the last person, after that another person will be selected to again fight everyone except the person that was selected before him, Understand?"

"Treat the fight as if it were real, don't underestimate your opponent right now except the person that measured your stats you don't know who is stronger or weaker than you so give it your all"

"The fight will be stopped once one of the person surrenders, incapacitated or if they're judge by the referee that they're incapable of fighting anymore."

"You're ranking in your class is influenced by the outcomes of your fight and the stat of your classmates would be released by then, So give it your best shot and goodluck"

After that we were taken into the field where we will battle.


The blue sky that stretched as far as the sky can see was mesmerizing to look at.

And the sun that was steadily rising was unfortunately blinding if you look at it directly.

We were in the stadium grounds while at least 5000 people in 4 different uniforms were seated and spread across the place.

we're currently lined up while being divided by genders in front of a huge flat platform.

Looking around the stadium I noticed that people with the same uniforms as ours presumably our seniors were in the minority.

While the teachers were just clustered in one place silently observing us.

There were other two uniforms that made up the majority of the people that will watch us but I don't know what class they're affiliated in.

Everyone's just bustling with excitement, having conversations here and there.

Aside from our class on the stadium grounds there were 3 people on the stage, one woman in a cleric outfit while the other two guys wore the same uniform as the substitute teacher earlier, I guess the woman is the healer and one of the two guys are a referee, Then what is the purpose of the other extra guy then?

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen, Students and teachers and to our headmaster who's watching with us today!!!"

Damn I guess he's the host, he's very enthusiastic huh, also why is his voice so loud even without a mic?

"We are once again starting our new school year with the new students admitted in Stella class!!!"

He raises his arms while saying so.

"This year's class is also stacked! The 2nd Princess, and the only heir of the 2nd most prestigious and noble household Harris steel! There's also other people from noble bloodlines that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call this a golden generation of students in the same class!"

Is this person trying to hype up the crowd?

"And Just as you may have heard yesterday! The person with the nickname Ruthless king was admitted to this school!"

Ok now please don't hype them using that nickname.

"As you all know he's rumored to be at least a 4-star! So you can look forward to the fight that will happen between him and his other classmates!"

That's not true, don't look forward to my fight, dammit.

"Now without further ado! Let's select the first student that would fight everyone else on stage!"

Select huh hopefully it won't be me, and with my luck stat I doubt it would happen.

I just need to first see everyone's fighting style so I'll at least have an information advantage even if I have nothing else.

While I was thinking of this another person came up to the platform and passed something that looked like paper to the host.

The host looked at the paper and grins.

"Ladies and gentlemen the first person that would be selected to fight everyone in succession is the ruthless king!!!"

The crowds of students cheered in their seats, seemingly excited, their eyes sparkling.

Ok now this really isn't fair, I thought the selection would be random? Who would have thought that someone just needs to pass a paper to fuck me over.

Can I just surrender immediately? I don't even have any experience in fighting so it's okay right? Haahhh..

"Ruthless king please come to the platform"

I came up the left side of the platform using the stairs a little dispirited.

I should probably prepare while waiting for my opponent even though it would only increase my already slim chance of winning against any of my opponents by just a little bit.

What can I do right now? I have a special ability But how do I use it? Do I say it in my mind too?

Shapeless weapon

I waited for something to happen but nothing happened.

what did the masked guy that sent me here said about abilities again?

It's to visualize it.

Closing my eyes I focused on my body.

When I have gotten my special ability I remembered a bright light seeping into my chest.

Visualize a light from your chest slowly moving into your arms until it reaches your hands.

The light that traveled to my hands would then transform into a glove that would cover my hand.

Visualize it. Visualize it.

[Shapeless weapon successfully used please select an attribute for the weapon]

I opened my eyes again and sure enough a white glove although faint and wouldn't be seen if you aren't focused was covering my hands.

What attribute should I give the weapon? Should I use strength or vitality?

Fuck it I'll just use it as a defence item for now.

[Vitality attribute copied :1star(low)]

Although it was successful I could feel something draining inside me most likely the power that lets me use this ability.

Looking at the host again he has another paper in his hands.

"Anddd The first unlucky person that would face him is-Arthur Wertz!"

Seriously? Unlucky?

The protagonist, who was called "Unlucky" by the host, faced me on the other side of the platform.

He was holding a wooden sword just like what he requested earlier.

Even though he was using a wooden sword and I was using my special ability, I still had a strong urge to surrender.

I mean the protagonist at my first match really?

If my friend who uses very rough words can read my mind then he'd probably call me a pussy.

And he's right I really am one right now.

"We'll just leave the stage and the fight can begin" as he said those words the host and the person in a cleric outfit leave the stage, The only one left is probably the referee.

The protagonist slowly raises his sword and gets into a stance with his expression being serious devoid of kindness that he showed earlier.

I clench both of my gloved covered fists and raise my knuckles to the face the blue sky, while my left foot is a step forward away from my right foot.

He was looking me dead in the eye and I calmly met his gaze.

Even If I was being a pussy right now and I really want to surrender.

My values wouldn't let me.

Even if I would inevitably lose.

I was raised by my parents as someone who doesn't quit easily.

And I'm quite proud of it.

So even if the protagonist were to beat me half to death right now.

I wouldn't quit so long as the referee doesn't stop the match.

"Both the contestants are ready so I wouldn't explain the rules to bore you all so let's start!!"

I'll try uploading one more chapter woof.

Zelrach_06creators' thoughts