
This Fucking Novel

"Will you leave? Or will you stay?" -Cover is not mine-

Zelrach_06 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

2nd time (1)

"Talent Discoverer organization" An organization focused solely on Discovering talent and offering said talent to their clients, mainly the government.

They of course get paid handsomely as well so they take their work very seriously, and today they are more hectic than usual.

With workers running while holding stacks of papers and people who manage this workers with anger issues.

"Oi I told you to fix the paperwork, why are you on your desk dozing off!!" A man with a rather angry face said to a worker who's got his head buried into a bunch of papers.

The worker quickly got up and replied with fear in his voice "Bu-but I'm on a break sir"

"I don't care, you know it's that time of the year right?! stop dozing off and get to work!"

The worker pleads but is ignored.

Staring at the scene was Joseph who's struggling to hold his laughter.

"Uhuhh" coughing to stop his laughs he heads for the exit

"Oh Joseph, you're going to that place?"

Joseph halts his footsteps and turns to his side.

He could see a brown haired woman sitting on a chair with a smile on her face.

"Yeah it's that time of the year so I gotta do my job at the place that was assigned to me"

"What place are you assigned again?"

"The slums"

"well good luck and hope you don't become food there alright?" She joked

"Haha I'm going with the guards so it'll be fine" he replied and started to walk to the exit.

Arriving outside he could see the bright light of the sun and people in armor standing around.

"Oi four of you come with me were going to the slums" He ordered

4 people in armor immediately runs to him and surround him as if he is an important man, they then walk to their destination.

An hour and a half of walking later they successfully arrive at one of the entrances that leads to the center of the slums.

Joseph took out a silver orb then whispered to the other four.

"Don't let your guard down, even if they look frail the moment you take your eyes away from the people here they might attack you" Joseph warned.

The other 3 nodded, fully aware of things that may happen once they enter, But the last one did not.

"Come on, what's the worst that could happen here? We're 3 star awakeners there's no need to be afraid" He proclaimed loudly confident that nothing would happen.

The other three glared at him but he just shrug.

"let's enter" Joseph ordered ignoring the man

The party of five then proceeds to enter inside.

As they enter they could feel people eyeing them in their small frail buildings on the verge of collapse, as if waiting for a chance to pounce.

Sometimes people threw stones at them but they ignore it

"So this is the slums" one of joseph's guard a young one muttered while looking around

"It is, it's a place full of poor people surrounded by trash and corpses that would suddenly vanished without a trace, the next thing you know people become full for a few days, It's a place without order perfect for crimes" Joseph commented

"If we don't have a artifact that could block the smell, then you'll probably wish you don't have a nose" one of the older guards added

"Your right" Joseph agreed

"Uhh then what are we doing here?" The young guard said

"Are you new to the organization?"Joseph ask glancing at the guard

"Uhh yes"The young guard said looking embarrassed

"You know what our organization does right?"

The young guard nodded.

"were trying to find hidden gems among the trash here, we'll give them a chance to turn their life around if they have the ability to do so, and when I say ability then its about special abilities or body abilities"

"Now we're close to the center, let's go"

When they arrive at the center of the slums people are in line in an organized fashion waiting.

you would think that they wouldn't have order because they live in a place like this but for them the orb that would indicate if their life could be changed was the most important thing that could get them out of this place.

Arriving at the first person in the line is a young boy, Joseph presented the orb.

"Place your hands on top of the orb" he reminded.

The young boy slowly reached into the orb, But before the boy could touch the orb a hand immediately grabbed his arms.

Joseph looked at the man who's stopping the child. It was a teenager with greyish white hair, he had handsome features and a cold look on his face.

"Me first alright kid?" The teenager asked with his deep cold voice.

The boy nodded with sweat visible on his face.

The teenager then took the kids spot pushing him away in the process,the kid could only cry silently with his head lowered towards the ground.

The other people behind the kid also backed away, and no one from the slums dared to voice an opposition towards his doing.

Joseph frowned at the sight but didn't do anything. It was because the teenager in front of him was an infamous person and he might be someone that has a special or at least a body ability.

The young guard however couldn't bear seeing the crying child and so he rushed at the teenager and grabbed him by the collar.

"What are you doing you bastard!" He said in anger trying to intimidate him.

The teenager however only looked at him with his gray eyes and replied in response.

"The kid nodded when I said I'll be taking his spot, what are you so angry about?"


"Stop, we'll check the kid after him now go back to your position" Joseph intervened.

The young guard clicked his tongue and reluctantly went back to his post before spatting.

"You don't have an ability anyways I'll be looking forward to your face expression once you realize you don't have any"

The teenager didn't replied and instead placed his right hand on top of the orb without a shred of difference in his expression.

Joseph's eyes gleamed in anticipation.

The moment his hands were placed on top of it however nothing happened.

The silver orb should change its color to red if a person touching the orb has a body ability, blue if he has a special one, and purple if both of those are present.

Looks like expecting something from this person was a mistake Joseph thought.

The young guard was about to laugh at him but a white light suddenly enveloped the teenager, blinding everyone in the process.


For the second time today I got swallowed by light.

Me being transported into a new body feels weird but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

I feel like I need to get used to my new body though.

Opening my eyes again for the fourth time now that the light was gone,I could see my right hand on top of a purple orb while the sunlight illuminates my surroundings.

I then breathe to inhale what I thought was fresh air, but what I inhale was something foul and disgusting instead.

I instantly covered my nose with my right hand.

Fuck where on earth did they transfer my soul? Did they throw me into a garbage can that hasn't been touched for a year or something?

Ahh my old habit of cursing is showing up again, I'm sure my mother would reprimand me once again if she can hear my thoughts.

While thinking of this I looked at what's in front of me. It was a man holding a silver orb. He has a green hat and mustache with a look of disbelief in his face surrounding him was 4 men in armor with similar expressions.

Why are they like that? And why did the purple orb turn into silver?hmm? Is there a child weeping?

I look at the source of the weeping which is on my left and sure enough a child was crying with his head hung low, he has messy hair and his clothes are very dirty.

Who made this child cry? What the hell? Should I comfort him?and why is he so messy?

I looked behind me to try and find the culprit but what entered my sight was people who are in the same state as the child except for the crying part they are all the same.

When I looked at them however they instantly lowered their head as if avoiding my gaze, sweat being visible on their faces.

I looked at the men and women of various ages that are around

me,mainly teenagers that are all dirty and messy in the corners of my eyes and sure enough I could see something in their eyes. It was Awe,envy and fear.

Taking a look at my surroundings again I could see trash all around me. Realization dawned in my mind that the body I was in lives in this kind of place.

Did they choose this body to screw me over? I can't survive for nine years in this novel world If I'm like this!

Just as I was complaining inside I could feel someone suddenly grabbing my shoulders.

Turning around I could see the man that was initially holding the orb, was now looking at me as if I was a treasure.

Uhh don't look at me like that it's uncomfortable.

"What" I said but I was surprised at my own voice. If I had to describe it, It was a deep and cold kind of voice.

"We're going now!" The man declared in a loud voice shouted

The people in the surroundings tried to protest but the man ignored them

"Get ready to leave, we're going to be paid a lot for this" The man said to the four people in armor with excitement.

"Follow me young man, you're going to be sol- I mean hand over to our clients" without saying anything else he took off.

Hand over!? No! What the fuck did I do?!

Before I could say anything the man dragged me while holding my hands, I tried to get out of his grasp but He's too strong.

Should I use my abilities now? I can't be kidnapped like this, No wait, calm down Aiden, I need to rationalize the information that I have right now, First, When I opened my eyes my hand is on top of an orb with a purple color, then it change into a silver one, probably because I remove my hand on it, and I have a line present behind me as if they are waiting for me to finish.

From this I can infer that they are testing something and that The purple color is something that they are looking for, and the expressions that I could see from the people's eyes here can confirm it.

Coming into that conclusion I stopped struggling and simply matched their movements.

"Can you unhand me? I could match your movements and I won't run"

"Sorry young man" He released my hand.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We're going to contact our clients once we arrive at the headquarters and you're most likely going to be admitted at the Sunrise academy" he said politely.

"Congratulations young man, You just turned your life around"

His words pique my interest.

Sunrise academy? That's the first setting of the story that my friends told me, good I'll be present at the place where most of the story will happen, I could get stronger at the academy while observing the characters there and help them out if they are in grave trouble because of the increased strength of the demons.

Once I think of this I couldn't help but jump inside my mind.


Zelrach_06creators' thoughts