
New names.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Could I have a the permission to do a solo raid, please?" I walk back to the receptionist as if nothing happened.

"What? Ah, yes of course." So she changed her attitude towards me, huh.

I looked around the room.

What's with everyone? Their reactions seem a bit over the top. I guess seeing some random kid beat up an adventurer is pretty unusual, but still, something doesn't feel right.

"Hey, can you call the guild master here for a second? There's something I wanna a ask him about." I addressed the receptionist.

Maybe the guild master could know something about this guy. If he was a big figure around here maybe I can even fetch a bit of a reward for taking care of him.

"T-that's.." She hesitated with her answer.

"Yeah, what is it?" I hurried her. I can't be bothered to spend anymore time here, so I just wanna have a quick chat with the guild master and then go to do some raids.

"That him. The person behind you is the guild master." She said quietly.

"Huh?!" Shit, I gotta get out of here before someone starts chasing me.

"Luckily for me, I never skipped leg day." I somehow managed to leave the village and lost the people who were chasing me.

Or that's what I thought, but I realized that I didn't actually see anyone chase me. I just decided that it would happen, so I left as fast as I could.

"I wonder why they didn't chase me though." Well, that's all very interesting, but don't want to fill my mind with those thoughts.

I can't get distracted during dungeon raids, if I don't want to die that is.


A huge advantage of doing dungeon raids compared to fighting wild monsters is that the dungeon monster's levels are appropriate to the difficulty of the dungeon.

If it's an level 5 ranked dungeon, then the monsters in it will have a level of around 5, and then the higher the level of the dungeon, the higher the monster level.

Now, the cool part is that experience bounties get multiplied by the level gap, so if I go to a level 25 dungeon, killing one monster will be equivalent to killing 15 level 10 monsters of the same kind.

That's because I'm level 10, of course.

In other words, if I can somehow manage to kill a level 50, that will be the same as grinding for weeks and killing 40 level 10 monsters.

"The balance system is absent in this world, but that only makes my life easier." And with that, I entered entered the dungeon.

This time, it was jungle dungeon, with vines that went down to the floor, insects buzzing around the places, and warm, humid air.

"I like this atmosphere, actually. It's like going on a trip to a rainforest, but the animals and insects are strong enough to kill me." Hmm, how that I've said it, it doesn't sound that good anymore.

"Fireball!" I heard a voice in the distance. So someone is already raiding this dungeon, well, I might as well join in.

I looked around the corner, and sure enough, it's a group of four people.

A mage, a tank, a swordsman, and a healer.

They have a very balanced team, I'll give them that. But if they were to fight against a monster who has high intelligence, their healer would get attacked first and their whole composition will collapse.

"Yo." I came out from behind the corner and waved my right hand as a greeting.

My second hand was in my pocket holding a knife, just in case.

"Whoa! Who are you?" Exclaimed the swordsman. He was a man.

"No matter who you are, you can't just appear in front of someone like that. You could have given me a heart attack." This time, it was the tank talking. This one's also a man.

"That odd, why did I not detect your presence? Anyways, hi!" This was the mage. And this is a girl.

"I think the air in this dungeon doesn't conduct mana very well." The healer, who I think is a boy? I can't tell for sure.

"What were you doing down here? You now that this is a dungeon, right?" The tank seems a little confused. Well, telling him why I'm here won't do me any harm, so I may as well do it.

"I came here to raid the dungeon, and then I heard a voice chanting a fireball, so I decided to see who it is. Anyways, I'm River." I want to be able to call everyone by their name, so I have to to start with letting them know my own.

"Oh, looks like we forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Melisa, and this is Rufus." The mage said an pointed star the healer. He was wearing a black coat that had a shade of purple.

"You could have introduced me as well. My name's Dariel, and he's Chei." I still can't get used to the weird names in this world, but at least they are easy to remember.

"Would you mind if I joined your group? I think working together should make the dungeon clearing easier." I suggested.

"Oh, that would be great!" Melisa is overly positive about everything, does she not think that I could use the opportunity and kill them for the experience? Well, having a simple mindset isn't always bad.

"Then how about we split up? If I go through the right tunnel, you won't have to worry about anything coming out of there, and the same for me. Knowing that the left tunnel is occupied by you would met me focus on the fight, since I won't have to watch my back." Well, of course it would be safer to fight together with everyone, but I don't want to share my experience.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Chei said and took out his sword.

"Alright then, see ya in the boss room." I turned around and went into the right tunnel.

After watching me leave, that also got their stuff ready and went into the left tunnel.

"I haven't fought anything strong in a few days. I hope the monsters in this dungeon aren't weak." I love fighting, after all.

Let’s hope that River’s fighting addiction doesn’t get him killed..

As always, hope you enjoyed.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts