this existed back in the day
I was in great moon after leveling up, and, while humming some song, I was extracting the crystal from the dragon.
"It's right near the heart, it looks like I'm gonna have to get my hands covered in blood after all." I suppose it can't be helped.
After I took out the crystal, I put it into my inventory, which now has 1000 grams, or a kilogram of weight capacity.
"I should distribute my points, let's see." I said and called looked at my information card.
[Name: River]
[Level: 10]
[Race: 99% human, 1% ?????]
Health: 142/200
Mana: 123/200
[free skill points: 5]
Chilling touch E
[Titles (passive abilities)]
Anti-hero MAX
Strength of the weak B +
Cold-blooded C
Analytic thinking F+
"A new skill, nice. But before that, there is something I want to check." I looked at my health and mana.
There is something wrong with it. It might just be because I'm a hero, but my stats match my level, rather than the increase of levels.
Let me explain.
Normally, if I were to level up 5 times, my health and mana would increase by 50.
The weird thing is, I leveled up 9 times, and that adds up my level to a total of 10. But instead of having my stats increased my 90, they all increased my 100.
It could be a hidden title that does this, but I'm not complaining. In fact, I started with 100 Heath and 100 mana, but lime has 240 even though her level is 24.
When my level reaches 24, I would have 340 of each.
"Haha, being summoned has its own advantages over being born here." Even though my knowledge is somewhat lacking, that is easily compensated with the titles and buffs you get.
After a bit of though, I made up my mind about one thing.
"I'm not going to question why my levels and stats are different from the others, I'll just take it as a given." A simple mindset like that is sure to save me a lot of trouble.
"Anyways, I need some more agility and strength, so I'll just make it even for the time being." And I put three points into agility and two points into strength.
Now, I have 15 strength and the same goes for agility.
I jumped a few times and punched a tree.
My jump height increased my about 50 percent, which is exactly what you would expect.
As for the strength, I left a small dent in the tree after punching it.
"That's great and all, but I need to get outta here. I'm gonna starve soon, plus my ice barrier is about to run out.
I ate some wild berries I found in the forest and drank from a river.
And that reminds me of my name.
Whoever the god of this world is, he has no taste in naming.
The barrier was also significantly weaker - if I left an hour later, I would have lost some health for sure.
Now I have a new issue. I need to kill three more dragons, and the same tactic definitely won't work again.
Now, I need to level up at least 50 more times and get a few new skills before I could straight up kill a dragon, so that potion is out of question.
The next fastest way to get three crystals is to buy them. The problem is the price though.
Each one would cost me 30 gold coins, totaling up to over a platinum coin.
So, this option is out of question as well.
There is another option, which is to kill baby dragons. It doesn't matter what level or age the dragon is, the quality of the crystal remains the same.
But if I were to kill a baby, it's parents would surely hunt me down.
I can't do this one either, then.
That leaves me with one choice - to steal it.
"Breaking into a heavily guarded mansion is gonna be such a pain in the ass.." I'm already tired just at the thought of it.
It's not like the guards are too strong or anything, but the crystals will be stored in someone's inventory, which means that I will have to snoop around and find out who possesses them.
Then, I will proceed to threaten that person into giving me the crystals. After all, everyone values their own life over money.
What's so boring about it, you ask?
It's having to sneak around the house and listen to every single conversation.
Imagine how much useless conversations I'm going to hear. What makes everything worse is having to be very secretive about everything, and constantly staying on guard.
That's very exhausting, both physically and mentally.
"But who says I need to be the one doing the boring stuff? I'll just hire some ninja to do that for me." Or maybe I could hire a group of them to speed to the process.
They will definitely agree to do it for a gold coin each, but I also need my money to play the blacksmith.
That's not a problem, as I have a whole backpack of dragon scales.
I could sell just one of them for a gold coin coin, and I have about 200 of them, but I'm planning use most of them for a certain something.
Using 5 scales is fine though, so I'll just give them the scales instead of money, to save time.
It took me a day to find, hire, and explain what I need them to do.
Now I just get to sit back, relax, and enjoy.
I also set those guys a deadline of a month.
It would probably take me more time than that to find out who owns the crystals, so I think a month is a reasonable time frame.
"That's great and all, but what should I do for a whole month?" I asked myself.
Ahh, boredom. The worst of the worst.
Luckily, River has a solution.
Or rather, he will have one in the next chapter.