
This Dragon God Wants to Go to Earth

Within the Three Greatlands exist the Seven Pillar Faith, worshiping the Seven Gods that defeated the Outer God and blessed the current races with prosperity. They are the Flamewyrm, Seawyrm, Galewyrm, Landwyrm, Steelwyrm, Voltwyrm, and the Realmwyrm. Different from the other Greatwyrms who pass their time amassing their hoard, the Realmwyrm conducts numerous space time magic experiments resulting in ripples that would affect the entire The Greatlands all for a singular purpose. However in order to achieve the Black Dragon God's dearest wish, she must overcome her greatest foe! The nefarious and maliciousness state of being known as boredom.

Potelgaizer · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Myrddin

Black dressed in a plain black priestly gown that covered her ankle with golden buttons and a dark blue scarf covering the back of her neck stood in the center of a large magic circle carved into the floor with numerous magic circles revolving around her. Her arms were raised away from her body and her fingers twitching rhythmically and the occasional twist of wrist in conjunction with the movement of the magic circles.

The only sound came from the sudden destruction of a magic circle that was rotating around Black. The shattered magic circle gave a crisp fracturing sound before the suction of wind occurred and one or two more magic circles of different size were conjured to replace the destroyed magic circle.

The process continued to repeat until Black was covered in thousands of magic circles. Her brows furrowed in concentration and the movement of her hands thousands of times more frantic. If Black had been human there was no doubt she would have already been fully soaked in sweat if she did not collapse from the nonstop experimentation.

If she was human that is.

But Black wasn't human and so she continued her experimentation for another year, 3 months, and 7 days before the largest magic circle, the one that was inscribed on the floor under Black's feet was destroyed. The sound of the shattering of a thousand meter thick glass erupted as all of Black's magic circle ruptured and distort resulting in their destruction adding to the cacophony of shattering glass.


Black never had the chance to finish as the space distorted, expanding and contracting at different areas causing Black's body to distort like human shaped slime. Sometimes the right side of Black's face would enlarge to the size of a fireball spell, other times her right waist would shrink causing her body to fold over itself.

No sound could escape the distortion of space as waves of ripples emerged from Black and clashed against the rune scribed barrier walls preventing them from escaping the room. Alas small ripples manage to escape the boundary established by Black priorhand.

Finally Black, whose facial expression had warped due to the distortion and pain, reverted back to her true form. The runic glyphs upon her scales glowed with tremendous power and opposed the corrective force of the universe.

By the time the backlash from meddling with spacetime stopped, the runic glyphs of Black's scale only gave off a dull glow and Black slumped on the ground in exhaustion. "Dammit, all those novels of people being summoned to another world are lies! Suddenly finding yourself summoned by god to another? BS!!!"

Myrddin ran his hand through his silver hair, a side effect of awakening the blessings deep within his blood, as he inspected the map of the Three Greatlands in his hand. Small almost illegible scribbles detailing the owner's experience marked the thick paper.

Only the Lesser Horn Continent was marked leaving the northern Lesser Horn Continent with its floating lands, the Greater Horn Continent and the Heartland Continent free of any scribbles.

"So far from my travels all, the accuracy of the Lesser Horn Continent is perfect if you discount the fact that no nations aside from Elysius are marked. Although no map can ever be accurate with the constant wars." The map of the Three Greatlands was not mapped by the humans hands and many humans didn't even know the existence of the other two continents. "I've also heard that the famed katana are produced by a certain kingdom in the Greater Horn Continent."

This map was sold by the Black God Divine Faith of the Seven Pillar Faith, claiming to be bestowed upon mortals by the Black God.

Myrddin took his eyes off of the map and glanced at his abode, a shack hastily erected by magic as a temporarily resting place. His white mage robes free of any dust reflecting the flickering flames of the campfire and his staff laying against the shack's wall. Outside the shack away from the warmth of the flames rain plopped against the damp grass, the moon's light obscured by the rainclouds. "Fortunately I'm in the North and not the South otherwise I'd be buried under the snow by now."

Myrddin's eyes took on an ethereal glow as if he was faraway land. About a week ago he had felt a subtle disruption in the flow of mana in the world, although seemingly minor such events were now causing the weather to change, such as the rain outside at this moment. It was a downpour that had not stopped for three days in a region that passed its rainy season.

The disruption had already settled down, but Myrddin had locked down the direction from where it originated from and thus his current journey. His previous plans of visiting the Heartland Continent as the floating lands of the North being nearly impossible without the right vehicle, something Myrddin didn't have, was discarded.

Not discovering the source of the disruption would be failing his moniker as the Magic Prodigy of the Falbio Duchy.

The next morning Myrddin was greeted by the morning rays of the sun that he had not seen for the past few days. It was a wonderful day, the grass shined with morning dew, the birds sang freely, and the leaves rustled from the flowing wind.

A large smile was plastered on Myrddin's face as he stretched his weary limbs. With his staff in hand, a fine sword sheathed on his waist, and a traveling pack, Myrddin continued his journey towards his target. It was a few days later that Myddin arrived at the source of disruption, a grass clearing hidden by the forest around it.

Myrddin observed the clearing and surrounding trees. Grasping his chin with his free hand Myrddin began to think. "There's no obvious signs of physical disturbance and I detect no spells or magic circles originating from here."

Myrddin continued to walk around the grass clearing observing anything that piqued his interest before dropping his traveling pack on the side. "It doesn't seem like the source of disruption occurred because of something here."

Grasping his staff with both hands Myrddin began his chant and soon the runes carved into his staff began to glow a bright white and a magic circle appeared around him. Then an invisible boundary began to grow with Myrddin as the center invading into the forest.

"It's a teleportation spell? No, the structure of the space...no, no, no...it doesn't seem to resemble any spell I've seen before." Myrddin continued to murmur to himself as his eyes delved deep into the mystery of mana. "It seems that a grand spatial spell was casted but something occurred?"

Allowing the light on his staff and the magic circle to fade, Myrddin held his chin once more. "The Black God is the only known creator of spatial attribute spells, and only those of the Elysius Theocracy are allowed to learn spatial attribute spells. Did the Elysius Theocracy attempt to create a teleportation portal here? But distortion of mana was too concentrated to create a large scale portal, yet with the amount of mana that was affected... the power behind the spell was quite large too. Was it someone from the Greater Horn Continent that attempted to cast the spell or was it even farther away? The Fractured Lands?

Reaching into his traveling pack, Myrddin pulled out a worn out notebook and a feathered quill before inelegantly sitting on the ground. His staff lay forgotten next to him, only the sound of the enchanted quill scratching the parchment of the notebook could be heard as well as the intelligible muttering of the mage in white.

Myrddin slapped the book shut, finally finishing his calculations. Picking up his staff once more, he waved it towards the clearing's center and casted a simple spell that torched the clearing and hardened the ground to a brick-like consistency.

Making sure to move his pack behind the trees and grabbing a ritual dagger and a bottle of alchemical blood from it. Following the calculations he had previously made, Myrddin began to methodically carve a magic circle.

When the sun was high up in the sky Myrddin wiped away the sweat on his forehead and dusted off his dirtied robes, his ritual dagger sheathed on his belt. The alchemical blood shone with metallic brilliance with none left in the alchemical bottle, nevertheless Myrddin pocketed the glass bottle. The glass bottle was still worth a few shiny silvers after all.

Making sure that no mistakes had been, Myrddin nodded his head in satisfaction. Giving himself time to catch his breath in preparation of what came next, Myrddin held his staff horizontally in front of himself with his left almost cupping the focal point on the staff.

"Red of Flames

Blue of Seas

Green of Gales

Yellow of Lands

Silver of Iron

Gold of Thunder

And Black of Void

I here command the mana of the world to obey my will!"

The alchemical blood within the magic circle began to glow with increasing intensity as the mana in the air was sucked away by it.

"The law of the world dictates the flow, the circle guiding the law, the sacrifice of blood imposing my will"

In the center of the magic circle a black orb started to grow and the air surrounding it became turbulent.

"Thread, thread, threading of the points of Gaia. From one land to another, no matter the time, no matter the distance within my circle they are but one point.

With the erasure of time, time matters not within my circle, points anchored by the Great Gaia.

Execute my great edict!"

Holding the staff with both hands now, Myrddin lightly tapped the magic circle with the tip of it causing the magic circle to erupt with a brilliant white light tinged with a slight golden hue. But Myrddin was no longer nearby as he had already unrepentantly fled and was now hiding behind the tree where his pack had been left, his head poking out from behind the tree.

The black sphere continued to grow and grow at an abysmal rate, but to Myrddin it was like the black sphere had stripped away the fog and laid bare the truth of the world. He was fascinated.

However as the sphere grew larger and larger, the spirit blood that ran through him began to tremble. An ominous feeling began to crept through Myrddin as his attention was focused away from the sphere and onto his own body.

He could feel the warmth leaving his fingers as his skin began to grow an unhealthy shade of grey. A ringing sound began to echo by his ears and his field of vision began to be consumed by darkness. Myrddin could feel tiny popping sounds inside of his body that grew stronger with each passing moment causing his mana to run out of control. He was sure that had his ears still worked he would hear popping sounds coming from within his body.

Myrddin collapsed onto his side, the damp grass with biting frost caused him to shudder. Myrddin knew he had made a mistake in his folly. His arrogance in his abilities had made him cross the forbidden line in magic and now he was going to pay the price.

With each passing moment Myrddin could feel his thoughts grow duller and his mind disappearing. Finally when his vision had been consumed by darkness, yet within that darkness he saw it. The fabric of time and space was before his very eyes.


Those were his final thoughts before he passed into unconsciousness.

When Myrddin came to once more, he found himself lying on the ground where he had fainted. His thoughts were a mess as if he had just awoken from a dream of a separate life that he could not recall and his thoughts still clouded by the sudden shift.

It seemed like days before Myrddin felt his mind clear but still encumbered by sudden knowledge that had been crammed inside. Myrddin knew that he had a miraculous encounter, should he digest the knowledge he had gained his skill would have limits with hope of reaching the peak of magic.

Finally able to comprehend once more, Myrddin observed his surroundings once more. It seemed that only an hour or two had passed judging by the position of the sun but his parched throat made it feel like several days had passed.

Luckily his traveling pack was right next to him, allowing him to pluck the wineskin from within and quench his parched throat easily. Now that he no longer felt he was dying of dehydration, Myrddin turned his attentioned to the elephant in the room or rather the elephant in the clearing.

It was a black wooden door with a vertical handle gilded in gold with no other discernible feature aside from the elegant carves on the door itself. Upon walking closer, Myrddin discovered his magic circle had been altered, its shape and meaning behind it different from his original magic circle.

It was perfection itself. Myrddin was awed by the tremendous skill behind the spell. The door was linked to a space far away, anchored by the magic circle he had created. But despite all this, there was no fluctuation of mana or distortion.

All spells would leave fluctuations of mana and the more powerful the spell, the greater the distortion. Yet this door that had been linked to another space had none of those, as if it was natural and always existed there.

There was no doubt the person who altered his magic circle was a mage on the caliber of a Sage or greater. The question of who corrected his spell and saved did not need to be asked. With an expectant glow in his eyes, he opened the door and entered.

The room itself looked underground with no windows or other doors aside from the one he passed. But it was clearly a mage's room, the floor had marks of a fractured magic circle carved into it with the indents filled with an unknown clear substance giving off a pleasant design. The wall was much the same.

The room itself seemed to be illuminated by lamps hanging from the ceiling. There were tables and chairs along with a bar with high chairs. Behind the bar there was the kitchen along with shiny metal boxes against the walls. It had the looks of a tavern but the extravagance of a noble eatery.

And standing behind the bar waving a hand at him was a woman, far too beautiful to be a mere mortal even when she did not seem to have had her coming of age ceremony. The woman rested her cheek on her free hand, allowing her sharp pointed ears to reveal itself. She wore silk clothing, something so extravagant and expensive to purchase that only high nobles would be able to afford.

However what struck Myrddin the most were her eyes. Violet irises that resembled jewels and star shaped pupils that glowed bright gold. Those eyes made his blood quake in fear, the spirit part of him reverent to the being before him.

"Yo, I didn't expect a reckless fool to try to complete what even the Black God failed to accomplish."

"Black God?" Myrddin said dazely as he took in the soothing voice. "Wait, that Black God? As in the Lord of Magic, Creator of Spells, Primogenitor of Power, the First Magus?"

"If you are speaking of the Realmwyrm, then yes."

"So I bore witness to the Lord of Magic's miracles?" That was too much to take in for the young mage. With no manners at all, he pulled out a chair and plumped his body onto the chair in a daze. "Wait, how could the Primogenitor of magic fail a spell? Who even are you?"

The woman walked out of the counter, revealing her luxurious knee length hair, and pulled out a chair in front of Myrddin. A crisp clink sounded as she placed a clear glass of liquor with a fruity scent. "Here take a sip, your brain looks like it's going to short circuit."

The woman seeing the guest did not intend on picking up the glass and instead opted to stare at her even if he was confused by her previous words. "You can call me Adam. But back to your questions."

"Magic at its base is to use the energy source known as mana to replicate the laws of the world. I don't know what you were taught by your master but all magic is replication of natural phenomena from the world. There are no exceptions, if there was a spell that can accomplish a phenomena that the world cannot then that would no longer be magic but a miracle. To accomplish such a singularity one would at the very least need to be near the level of god as you define them."

Myrddin calmed his nerves as he entered the familiar state of a scholar thirsting for knowledge, all other worries pushed to the back of his mind.

"That is why to master magic you must first accumulate knowledge of the world." Adam shrugged her shoulders as if in helplessness. "But most mages nowadays don't know this fact. As for why they can still cast spells, it's very simple. Mages substitute mana for any deficient in their casting, for example if a mage understood the principle behind fire then he would only need to use maybe only ten percent to cast the spell compared to a mage who did not. Any questions?"

"You say that magic can only replicate what the laws of this world already have done. But what about the alchemical solution of turning rock into gold? I have never seen such action in the world before."

Adam blinked at him before giving a bell like a laugh, her voice tickling Myrddin's ears. "How should I say...let's make a comparison." Myrddin felt nothing, but his eyes widened as a piece of charcoal flew out from behind the counter and levitated above Adam's hand. He stared in shock as his senses couldn't detect any fluctuation of mana at all. The woman before him was no doubt far older than her appearance suggested for no mage could accomplish chantless magic at a young age and without leaking any mana.

"You see this piece of charcoal right?" Myrddin nodded as he stared at the charcoal, curious as to what Adam was up to. The charcoal was pulverized into tiny pieces of dust and gathered into an orb, continually compressed together again and again. The orb began to glow a hot red as the heat dispersed making sweat slide down Myrddin's forehead. It only took a few more moments before the coal cooled and the orb began to shed black dust to reveal an exquisitely cut piece of clear jewel. "Now you see this diamond?"

Myrddin found himself speechless, then his eyes snapped towards Adam with awe and question. "Don't look so shocked, I simply replicated the process of how diamonds were formed in a concise time frame. But back to my main point."

Adam pointed at the leftover dust on the table. "See this?" Myrddin naturally nodded. "These are leftover parts that can't be made into a diamond. When an alchemist turns stone into gold they always prepare extra material that is merged with the rock. That's because everything in this world is made by tiny building blocks too small to be observed by the naked eye. An alchemist simply rearranges those blocks inside a rock into gold but a rock cannot become gold alone because it is missing something and that's why alchemists use supplement materials in this process. Just like how I simply converted coal into diamond, the unneeded materials became the black dust."

Myrddin felt his world view being altered as all his foundations became a joke. "What about the legends of how the gods created artifacts out of thin air?" Myrddin instantly wanted to slap himself, of course gods could accomplish such miracles.

"Ah," Adam covered the lower half of her face with her hand and gained a faraway look in her eyes. "That doesn't actually break the laws of the world. The process was actually converting pure mana into a solid matter. E equals MC squared. It's highly inefficient and you have to know everything about the object of your creation. It's much easier to just forge the artifact instead of just creating it. I guess you can call it the current highest level spell of creation?"

Myrddin felt like the woman before him was suddenly speaking a different language, what the hell was ei equals emsee squared? But upon hearing that it was concerning the highest level of spells, he rested his questions. "Can I cast the highest level of creation spell?."

Adam smiled as she flicked her hands and the tiny diamond flew towards Myrddin, who with his quick reflexes caught the jewel. As expected of a true mage he observed the crystallization of what seemed like a miracle to him. More than that, Myrddin was increasingly curious concerning the identity of the strangely named Adam who could accomplish what the Court Wizard of the Falbio Duchy cannot and chantless at that. "Don't bother, with the amount of mana you can control at this moment, you cannot even create a speck of dust."

Ignoring Myrddin who looked to be having a crisis of life, Adam continued. "Anyways back to the main point behind all this. A first class mage will cast his spell with the least amount of mana possible. However, oftentimes when a mage does not understand the spell he is casting, then he can only substitute his lack of knowledge with more mana. Which as you know is very easy in causing the spell to fail and causing a backlash."

Myrddin brought back to the topic was still confused but Adam continued. "The Black God was attempting a space time spell, but it failed."

"What!?" Myrddin was shocked, hearing what he just heard was like hearing that the sun suddenly didn't rise in the East but the West. "How could the Lord of Magic fail?"

Adam chuckled and arily waved her hand.. "The Lord of Magic is not all knowing, Even now the Black God continues to learn and create spells after all. Not just spells, the Black God is accumulating all sorts of knowledge such as smithing, farming, etc. As for what the Black God was doing...it's a spell to connect two different realities together or at least a primitive form of such a spell."

"Reality? Connecting two realities?" Myrddin murmured to himself, still not comprehending what the words mean.

Adam held her lower face once more in thought before pointing at the table and then at the glass. "See these two? Right, pretend Gaia is something inside of this glass and the table is another reality. Should you use teleport you can only do so within the glass, but what the Black God attempted to do was to teleport onto the table, a reality or world that might even have a different set of laws that governed the world."

Adam allowed Myrddin to take in the information that that was just dropped on him. "In other words the Lord of Magic was attempting something akin to teleporting from the Lesser Horn Continent to the Greater Horn Continent but infinitely harder and complicated, right?"

There was a moment of silence as Adam was frozen. "Yeah, that's much easier to understand. You can see it like a child with no magical training attempting to teleport to the Fractured Lands. B-back to what happened. Because the Black God's spell failed, it even caused a backlash from reality and the space time spell was distorted resulting in random location becoming distorted for a time. You're actually quite lucky that you were saved before the backlash killed you."

"I-," Myrddin felt speechless, mostly at his own audacity. He didn't completely comprehend the workings of the spell, but he at least knew it was at the divine level. And he attempted such a spell that even the Lord of Magic failed it. "I was very lucky."

The glass of liquor looked far more appealing with each passing moment. Grabbing the glass, Myrddin downed it in one gulp and allowed the fruity liquid to burn his throat as it passed into his stomach. "So did you summon me here to just tell me this?"

"Of course not, had you not managed to glimpse at the boundaries of reality you would have died." Adam had a hint of excitement in her eyes at this moment. "The boundary of reality is something that no other being besides the Black God had glimpse upon, you know?"

"So I'm special?"

"Very special," Adam confirmed. "You are the only other being in this world that has touched upon the ephemeral wall. If you can study the laws of space time, you can aid the Black God in his goal to create a spell that can connect realities."

"The Lord of Magic wants me to help him research a spell?" Myrddin sat still shocked at the sudden favor. He was the Magic Prodigy of the Falbio Duchy, but that was like a flea, no something even smaller than a flea in comparison to the Black God.

"More like partners, but that's semantics. So what do you say?"

Almost immediately. "Is that even a question!? Of course I say yes. I'd even be a willing errand boy for the Black God!"

"You don't have to be so subservient." Adam laughed at Myrddin's zeal, a hopeful emotion erupting in her chest.


It would be a defining moment in the history of Gaia. Unfortunately there was the loud rumbling coming from Myrddin's stomach reminding him of his woes.

Adam blinked before chuckling. "Like something out of an anime. Stay there, I'll whip up the most extravagant three course meal for you." Myrddin shyly lowered his head in shame.

Soon there was the sound of meat coming in contact with sizzling metall and the chopping of vegetables. Myrddin's eyes drifted to the form of Adam expertly roaming the kitchen behind the counter, the mouthwatering smell and spices stimulating his empty stomach. He felt he was going to go insane from the waiting.

Finally Adam walked out with two items in her hand. One was a cocktail with a slice of orange inserted on the glass and the other...

Myrddin observed the martini glass before him, his hand holding a delicate spoon. Ignoring the exquisite craftsmanship of the glass, Myrddin eyed the pieces of colorful vegetables and translucent white meat inside with flecks of herbs and a large herb leaf. Finished a broth that filled a quarter of the glass.

Smelling the tantalizing smell, Myrddin scooped a spoonful of everything and delivered it to his mouth. The first sensation was the coldness of the chilled broth and then immediately the unbearable heat. Before Myrddin could reach for his drink the heat receded and merged with sourness of the citrus juice, the mellow sweetness of the meat and finally the depth of flavors from the chilled broth. The chopped herbs caused his mouth to be filled with a chilly wind that kept the heat at bay and the crunchy pieces of vegetables contrasted nicely against soft meat.

Adam smiled as she saw Myrddin wolf down the ceviche. "It's Dragon Shrimp Ceviche. It's made with lightly seared dragon shrimp that had been chopped into bite size pieces, chopped avocado, onions, tomatoes and minced death peppers and mint leaves. Finished with a chilled spicy seafood broth."

"It's the most amazing thing I've ever eaten in my life!"

Adam stroked her nonexistent beard like an elder watching a child exclaim at the most mundane thing in the world. But she still had two more courses to cook and thus left Myrddin to finish the appetizer.

Myrddin quickly finished the ceviche and now impatient waited for the next plate, his eyes constantly darting towards Adam and his ears strained for any hint. The appetizer did not decrease his hunger but instead stimulated it, causing further torture for the aspiring mage. The thousands of tiny crackling sounds kept Myrddin guessing and the smell of cooking meat caused drool to leak from Myrddin.

Once Adam brought the next plate, Myrddin had already picked up the fork and knife in expectation only to blink as a sandwich was brought out. Taking a look at the smiling Adam, Myrddin picked up one of the four cut pieces of the sandwich. It was a thick piece of meat crusted in some sort of coating between two pieces of thick white bread with the crust sliced off and some sort of brown sauce.

Not willing to wait any longer Adam bit into the pink juicy meat and his mind exploded. The meat was juicy and filled with flavor that could not be described and depth that seemed to be developed through thousands of years. The fluffy white bread soaked up the meat juices and the tangy sauce only increased the natural flavor of the meat.

"This is the magnum opus of meat you know. It's a Black Behemoth Cutlet Sandwich. You know this meat can only be eaten once a thousand years for the citizens of Elysium, aren't you lucky that you can taste it even a year after the Day of Origin Celebration? Not only that, the meat has the effect of elixirs and can increase your body's constitution and your mana reserves!"

"...hey are you listening at all?" Adam decided to ignore Myrddin who was devouring the sandwich like a ravenous beast that had not eaten for years and decided to bring out the dessert.

Myrddin who had finished the delectable sandwich looked at his empty plate in anguish wishing that there were two or three more sandwiches. Thankfully he was soon brought out of his moping by the dessert.

It was a small bowl with a round light brown ball decorated with slices of fruit and drizzled with two different brown sauces.

"This is salted caramel ice cream with slices of fresh fruit and drizzled in caramel and honey."

Myrddin used the new spoon to poke the round ball. "Cream of Ice?"

"Cream of ice does sound more elegant than ice cream, anyways it's a sweet made from milk." As a noble, Myrddin had tasted his own share of sweets and including rare and unknown sweets from his travels. If he had to choose a description it would be "teeth bitingly sweet".

Myrddin carefully scooped out a piece of the chilled treat and tasted it. His eyes brightened in delight as he tasted the subtle sweetness of the ice cream whose sweetness had been brought by the light delicate and contrasted by the heavy, almost bitter, sweetness of the caramel. The fruits' tartness added nicely to the flavors of the ice cream.

Very soon he was done, but he was still not satisfied. Myrddin shyly lifted his head and looked at Adam with an imploring look. "Do you have more of those sandwiches?"

Adam shrugged with a smile. "Sure, why not?"

-line break-

Greatwyrm Era

1 Year consist of 10 months/40 weeks/280 days

Months are named by numbers; First Month, Second Month, Third Month, Fourth Month, Fifth Month, Sixth Month, Seventh Month, Eighth Month, Ninth Month, Tenth Month.

Each month has exactly 4 weeks where seasons are 10 weeks long following the pattern on Earth: Winter -> Spring -> Summer -> Fall. As the calendar originated from Elysium which is located in the southern hemisphere, the calendars are made according to their standards and so the northern hemisphere have different seasons.

By human standards a child will start his tuition at 7 years old, approximately 5.3 Earth years, half an adult at 14 years old, approximately 10.7 Earth years, and start learning their trade if possible. At their 21 birthday a coming of age ceremony is hosted where they are recognized as true adults, approximately 16.1 Earth years.

Elysium: The Lair City constructed by the Realmwyrm when the Greatwyrm Era first began. Originally only comprised of the Core City, the Orbital City, but was later expanded to the Inner City and Outer City.

Daedalus: The Lair City of Silver built atop a flattened mountain and known as the City of Artisans. Headquarters of the Silver God Divine Faith which is headed by the Silver Pope.

Minos: The Labyrinth City, lair city of Yellow built directly underground of Daedalus and headquarters of the Yellow God Divine Faith. The capital city of the dwarves and connected to Daedalus through a system of elevators.

Fractured Lands: A former continent that was destroyed in the war between the Greatwyrms and the Outer God. Consisting of numerous landmasses all smaller than the Heartlands continent and heavily corrupted by the Outer God's mana. The Greater and Lesser Dragons are exiled here and must purify the land should they wish to make it habitable.