
This book hass been deleted by the author

Amelia started to develop feelings for one of her father's employees without realizing it. The worker, Lucas, a multibillionaire, took on a false persona in an attempt to discover genuine love. However, he was able to wed Amelia, the love of his life, after his identity was made public. However, Sharon, Lucas's ex-girlfriend, and Jennifer, Lucas's mother, would do anything it takes to keep their two loves apart. Maria, the daughter of Amelia and Lucas, was abducted by unidentified individuals. And in the end, the youngster passes away. Public outrage ensued when the identity of the suspect and kidnapper were made public. When I opened my eyes, I was in the workers' room and Lukas was staring at me from all sides. How about "Hey what's wrong?" He said starring at me I took a quick look at everything and saw the mess have put myself in,I just slept with the gardener, I just cheated on my fiancé,this is crazy,how can it be me?why did I do this?I thought starring at everywhere apart from him "Hey?" He said again touching my shoulders and I moved away from him "What's wrong with you, why are you suddenly acting cold" he said "Why shouldn't I !!this should never have happened,I shouldn't have slept with you" I said We both turned on hearing someone spoke. We both turned and saw Emma there, she was starring at us with disgust "Like seriously Amelia how could you do this?your fiance is just around the corner and here you are messing up with this good for nothing gardener" she said

Hassadam · Realistis
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29 Chs
