
Third Reich:Iron blooded imperial

When the huge fleet cuts through the tranquility of the Atlantic Ocean, when the roaring Panther tanks spread all over French soil, when the long-range bomber swarm that covers the sky appears in the sky of Moscow. "The German Iron Crusader flag will fly forever on the continent!" Lyon makes a promise to the people……

Poo_Koo_007 · Peperangan
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265 Chs

sea ​​roar

"The dying people don't need these supplies." Berger shrugged and said indifferently, "Also, we also pumped some of the oil in the ship back to the underground oil depot - I don't think there should be British people there. Blast through - just leave some on board for us to sail to the British fleet."

"But the British have three battleships and one aircraft carrier! How could one of your heavy cruisers be able to fight?" Martin looked at Berger in surprise.

"I didn't say I was going to single them out." Berger smiled and pointed to the huge Lorraine and Hamburg not far away. "Look, we have three ships."


"Okay, I really can't help you with this, I can't take a group of logistics officers and soldiers to die." Berger patted Martin on the shoulder, "but thank you anyway - I always thought the British had five ships. What about the battleship and the two aircraft carriers, it doesn't seem to be that bad..."

After speaking, Berger turned around without looking back and walked towards the huge heavy cruiser Frankfurt behind him.

"You bastards..." Martin looked at Berger's not-so-tall back, "I'm afraid your captain is going to cry to death at the Dutch Naval Headquarters? (The captains of these three warships are all in exchange at the Dutch Naval Headquarters)"

Becker walked all the way back to the bridge, stood in front of the captain's seat, and was stunned.

After a long time, he touched the chair, let out a long sigh, then sat up, grabbed the radio microphone on the table, and said to the whole ship through the broadcast: "Guys, I'm your temporary captain, Becker - probably too. The last captain - but that doesn't matter, all that matters is that we're going to kick the british ass soon, are you happy? If you're happy, blow the whistle, start the damn engine, and let me hear you Okay?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sailor in charge of ship-to-ship communication who was also in the bridge suddenly sounded the whistle, causing the sharp whistle to reverberate throughout the base. The sailors in the engine room also started the engine at the same time. With a slight tremor, the surging power spread through the entire giant ship through the transmission rod, and the steel behemoth weighing more than 15,000 tons was revived. .

The Ron-class heavy cruiser is worthy of the reputation of the world's largest heavy cruiser!

"Frankfurt, this is the tugboats DH171 and DH172 from the Den Helder Naval Base. We have been ordered to assist you in leaving the port." A bit of jerky German came from the radio.

"Thank you, then I'll trouble you." Becker nodded and motioned for the second propeller to stop.

In fact, with the current empty situation in the port, the three ships can sail away from the military port on their own power without worrying about hitting anything. The reason why the tugboats "overlapped" to help them is entirely out of the generosity of the three ships. Respect.

Becker and the temporary captains of the other two cruisers also understood the meaning, so they chose to accept it.

After a slight collision, the six tugboats stuck to the three ships respectively. The staff of the military port quickly fixed the leash, and then led the three ships out of the military port until the open waters.

"Woo~" After the six tugboats untied their ropes, they sounded their whistle and said their final goodbyes to the three warships.

"Lenny (Ron's chief mate), Colin (Lorraine's chief mate), how about I come first?" Becker sat on the captain's chair, crossed his legs and said into the radio microphone with a smile.

"Let you let you, who called you the third ship in ten thousand years (Frankfurt is the third ship, Lorraine is the second ship, Ron is the first ship)? This time I will let you be the first." Lenny quipped.

"Then I'll go first." Becker put down the radio, sat up straight and gave a serious order, "Second Officer, turn on the radar, head northwest, and go at full speed!"

"Understood, the radar is turned on, heading to the northwest, full speed!" The second mate repeated the order while slowly accelerating the steering of the huge warship.

The radar soldier also turned on his equipment, the black and white analog oscilloscope began to emit green light, and two white cursors representing Ron and Lorraine appeared behind the cursor representing his ship.

After the three warships simply lined up the battle line, they began to rush towards the British fleet dozens of kilometers away at a high speed.

The distance of 60 kilometers is not too far for the two fleets that are rushing towards each other. In about 20 minutes, the sea warning radar on the heavy cruiser Frankfurt, which bears the brunt, caught a fleet 20 kilometers away from itself.

"Sir! The radar found the target, 20 kilometers northwest!" The radar soldier quickly reported his findings, "There are three large points and six small points, which are initially determined to be the British fleet!"

Hearing this, Becker hurriedly grabbed his telescope and stood by the observation window of the bridge to look at the place where the radar soldier said.

Today's weather is not good, and the visibility is very low, but with the help of the precision of the radar and the high-quality high-power telescope produced by Zeiss, Becker still found the British fleet that was also traveling through the waves.

"Confirmed that it is the British fleet." Becker put down the telescope and ordered the tactical operations officer (sometimes called the weapons commander) standing beside him, "The main gun is aimed at the new battleship, the armor-piercing shell is loaded, and the air defense position is ready! "

"Understood!" The tactical operations officer nodded, and then quickly conveyed the order to each battle position through the in-ship broadcast.

"Captain, have they found us?" asked the second mate who was driving the warship.

"Should have found it." Becker held up the binoculars and replied without looking back, "After all, the carrier-based reconnaissance planes on their aircraft carriers are not meant to be watched."

In fact, as Becker said, the British carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft spotted them not long after the Becker fleet left the port, and the "Glorious" aircraft carrier also withdrew from the battle line and hid in a safe place.

Just when the main guns of the German fleet began to turn and aim at the British fleet, the British fleet chose to strike first. The second turret of the battleship "George V" took the lead to fire for test firing. It swirled and flew out of the barrel, dragging a bright orange light towards the Frankfurt.

Becker watched the two lights fly towards him without panic at all. It was impossible for him to hit the first shot at a distance of 20 kilometers.

Sure enough, after nearly 30 seconds of flight, the two 356mm artillery shells fell into the water several hundred meters away from the Frankfurt, without even splashing the Frankfurt.

After the "George V" took the lead in firing, the two battlecruisers "Prestige" and "Counterattack" were not far behind to conduct a single turret salvo test. A total of four 381mm shells flew towards Frankfurt.

Like their "predecessors", these four shells did not achieve much effect.

"The main gun is aiming!"

"Fire!" Becker shouted coldly.

The 12 doors on the Frankfurt roared together, and the 12 203mm shells broke out of the gun chambers at almost the same time, and flew towards the "George V"!