
Think like a bird

Imagine a bird 🦅 after birth and people are raising it in a cage⛓. That bird went that way, good! He continued to accept that life for a long time!! somehow, one day the bird flew to another man. Then that man taught the bird to fly, let him have fun, he chose to live like him and gave many more things and gave all the freedom! The bird is very happy now. He wanted this for so long! Now he always wants to be like this! He loves this life!! He now dreams bigger! How to think about these things!! A few years have passed. Then the man who gave the bird so much, gave it such a beautiful life, he sold the bird again to a shop. Now the bird has returned to its previous life. He could not accept it!! He had big dreams and wishes. He thought he could stay like this for the rest of his life. But the man did not understand this and sold it!! Now he doesn't want to face whatever happened in his previous life. What should he does now, he has no hands to commit suicide, something like death. So the bird lives like that, with pain in his heart & trying to accept the previous life again.