
Things that are Forbidden

the Supernatural world had many rules but the greatest rule which wasn't spoken of but known to all was to never fall in love with a human. Devora Sallow and Ezra villin are long lost childhood friends. After years of being apart from each other, they meet again. one thing leads to another and Ezra falls for Devora leaving him in distress, she's human, he's a werewolf. Ezra becomes conflicted as he has to choose between his brain which is his duty as a Betta or his heart which loves Devora. unknown to him, Devora has secrets of hers that she guards so carefully because if Ezra finds out, there'll be more problems than the issue of loving a human

Fantasy_14 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Hello to you too.

A lady was walking in the forest filled with fog. the more she waved her arms, the more the fog increased.

"Hello?" she asked, not expecting her voice to echo. She walked forward before noticing her dress. She was dressed in a long orange, stripped with black robe.

She shrugged, noting it wasn't the first time she'd had the dress on in her dream.

"What do you want from me?" she screamed, forgetting that the echo would be louder and she flinched when it happened.

she tripped on something and bent to pick it up. Surprisingly, since she'd been walking around in that forest, the ground had been smooth.

She found the object she picked to be quite small and weirdly round.

She picked it up, to find a peculiar looking bracelet. It had many different beads of different shapes, sizes and colors. The was one bead which was different though.

It had the E shape and she twisted the bead around her fingers.

she sighed and got up. "Who do I need to find?"

"Devora!" someone yelled and the lady jolted in shock.

she looked up to see a quite petite lady staring down at her. Her odd purple colored eyes glared in anger at the lady. "You slept off again!" The lady growled in annoyance.

Devora quickly stands up to wipe the drool from her mouth and straighten her dress. "I'm sorry, its not my fault. I'll make it up to you" She quickly apologized

"it's not me you should be apologizing to. it's the boss" Purple eyes jolted her head towards the end of the room where a man glared in anger.

Devora's eyes widened. "Flora! you could have woken me up sooner"

Flora rolled her eyes"You were as good as dead, I've been here for the past five minutes Dev" Flora's glare softened. "You need to tell me if anything's going on. Kay?"

Devora nodded and smiled before her eyes widened at the sight of her boss storming over to her.

"miss Sai, you can leave us" The short man grumbled for Flora to leave and give a good luck sign to Devora.

"Miss Sallow" the man started as Devora wringed her fingers together.

"This has been going on for a week. Do you want to be demoted? The only reason why I still keep you is because you bring customers and you haven't finished up your debt" The man grumbled again, his brown mustache moving in a way that almost distracted Devora.

"You better get back to work or I might consider giving you away!" and with that, the man slightly staggered put of the room, showing he was tipsy.

Devora wondered why she'd been having the same dream over and over again. Her dreams normally meant something but to have the same dream five times in a row, Devora was scared.

She knew she had to find someone but she didn't know who.

"So, what'd he say?" Devora jolted at the sudden intrusion of her thoughts before realizing she'd been walking and was lost in thought.

"Flora! Jesus you scared me. Could you be anymore louder?" Her short friend only gave a toothy grin that made her look like an elf.

"Dev. listen, this is the fifth time this is happening. What's up girl? We work the night shift but you hibernate all day so you can't tell me you don't get enough sleep, we live in the same apartment. What's going on?" Devora stared at her Friend who stated facts that made her worry.

Sure, they worked at night but they never went out in the day, Devora knew what was wrong and she knew how to stop it. she just couldn't tell her friend what was going on.

"It's nothing Vi, leave it at that" She decided to go back to work and shut out her friend's inquisitiveness for her own sake. If Flora should know what was going on, she'd be in danger.

She worked harder than she normally did to get her mind off the message in her dream. The last time that kind of dream was vivid in her mind, she almost lost her life.

"Watch what you're doing bitch!" Someone yelled which snapped Devora out of her thoughts again.

She turned around to see a skimpily dressed lady insulting a humiliated looking Flora.

Devora dropped the rag she was holding and walked over to the scene.

"What's going on?" she questioned.

"This bitch here-" The lady started to only get cut off by Devora

"Please, her name is Flora." Her tone was anything but polite.

The lady gave a subtle glare before restructuring her statement

"Flora here was supposed to serve my boyfriend some drinks but she mixed it all up and spilt some on his body. I'd think she's hitting on him but she's too ugly for his taste" The lady finished and Devora took a good look at her.

The lady was an inch taller than Flora naturally but wore heels too tight for her legs. Her dressing was skimpy but looked like the type a drunk high school girl from the 90s would wear. Her make-up was slightly mismatched and her hair, goodness gracious, her hair was an avalanche gone wrong. She didn't look up to twenty.

Devora then decided to look at the boyfriend who resembled a wanna-be Emo guy.

'Who the fuck let these geezers in here?' Devora thought.

"This place is for VIPs, I think there's a misunderstanding. who brought you here? Also I'd advice you to fix your wig before putting it on, it looks like to haven't cared for it in ages. Security!"

The lady quickly dragged her boyfriend out of the place to avoid further embarrassment.

"Flora always stand up for yourself. Where you seriously going to let Hipster girl and dumpster boy pick on you? You're a grown woman for fucks sake"

Flora could only stare at her best friend before sniffling. She was never the type to stand confrontations.

"We have very important guests! Look presentable!" The boss suddenly yelled beside them, surprising the ladies as he came from nowhere.

The women sighed, knowing what 'look presentable' meant.

Flora and Devora never wanted to work there willingly but debt from their guardians left them working to pay it off.

They adjusted their dressing to make their breasts look more enticing and pulled up their already too-short skirts.

suddenly, three men and a woman entered the place.

looking at the second man, Images of the bracelet and a little boy flashed before Devora's eyes.

"Ezra" She murmured. "You finally found me"

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