
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


He looked at me in pure shock. I smirk and said, "And having someone follow me is kinda pathetic. Especially when I can tell they are following."

He said loudly, "But you followed me. I knew you were following me."

I nodded with a finger tapping my lips. I said, "I am aware of that. But I did intend on that. More to my killing score. Now."

I use my other gun and shoot the person behind me. He sounded off right away. I walk directly up to him and said, "To bad."

I shoot him and walk off. He looks at him gun as I turned the corner. I just hunted people down the rest of the game. A voice on the intercom called out, "Wild, please come to the front desk."

I walk out and make it to the front desk. I said, "Someone needed to see me?"

A male was standing there. It was Anubis. I smile to him and said, "Two times in one day? Wow. I must be special."

He laughed and rolled his eyes. He said, "I have a surprise for you."

I looked at him and said, "What is it? And what is the occasion?"

He gave me a sad look and said, "I feel bad for missing you birthday. And if I was there, things could have turned out differently."

Oh. He means when I had to defend myself against a serial killer and my adoptive parents. While trying to also protect Adrianna. I remember that day yes. I sigh and said, "I prefer you not bring those memories back up."

He nods and said, "I know you probably do not want to remember or discuss it. So, as a birthday present. I bought you Laze. And they were honestly fine with it."

My face lit up brighter than led lights. I smiled and leaped over the counter in pure bliss. said, "Thank you so much."

I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and said, "Of course. I want to help you in any way I can. Now go back inside and beat some weak asses."

I nodded and went back in. Blooma came in after me. The team I demolished in the last game glared at me. Blooma came up and hugged me. She said, "I heard that you are the owner of Laze."

I hug her back and said, "Most hugs given of the day. And yes."

She released me and said, "Do you want your information now?"

I said, "We can discuss it over dinner. And a new phone would be nice."

She smiled brightly and said, "Ordered one since you have been playing."

I pat her head and said, "You know me to well."

She smiled at me with an adorable nose scrunch. She said, "I just been working with you for a long time boss."

She walks off. The boy comes up to me and bent down to my ear. He whispered, "You have her wrapped around you little finger. Wonder if she is any good."

I kick his shins and grab his shoulders. Flipping him over me and hitting hard on his back. I hissed out, "Say anything like that again and I will do more than just a flip to the floor."

I sigh and said, "I need to leave now."

He held out his hand. I roll my eyes and take his hand. I felt something grown warm on my wrist. He gets up and said, "You are mine princess."

I said, "I am no ones. I am not just some object for your pleasure."

He bent down to where I could feel his hot breath on my nose. He said, "You are much more special than that."

I watched as he bent back up and walked off. I walk out and hand the vest and gun to the front desk. I look at my wrist and see a tattoo. It looked like barbed wire all around my wrist. I try to wipe it off but no. So he legit marked me. Crap. Never thought that would actually happen. Both my Moms said that people would try to mark me. But I never thought it would be like this.

I shake my head and walk back. I at least had something to look forward to now. I walk back up to my floor and Kian was standing there. I sigh and said, "How the hell are you here every time I enter and exit. Creepy if you ask me."

He pinched his nose and said, "What did you do?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I just got back from Laze and you expect me to know?"

He sighed and said, "And what happened at Laze?"

I narrow my eyes and said, "And why the hell would I tell you?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose and said, "Because the Dean needs to see you about Laze."

I nodded. Then it clicked. I laughed and said, "Probably because I now own it."

He gave me a look. A look of pure what the fuck did you just say. We all know that face. No denying it. He said, "How the hell did that even happen?"

I said, "Anubis bought it for me. He felt bad for missing my birthday and for what happened on that day. I actually need to contact Ala."

I stay in the elevator and he gets in. I dial his number. A young woman answers. She said, "Hello. This is Butterfly. How may I help you?"

"Yeah hi. I need to speak to Ala."

"We do not have someone here named Ala."

"Just tell yell it and whoever answers is who I am looking for."

I wait and look at Kian. I said, "Wanna hear something chaotic?"

He nods slowly. A concerned look on his face. I put the phone call on speaker just as she called out, "Ala!"

The sound of a door being opened quickly with someone flying down the stairs. Butterfly said weakly, "Sir? Are you okay? You came out of your office quickly."

I laughed and put the phone off of speaker. I said, "Told you."

I could hear the phone being snatched out of someone hands. Probably Butterflies. He said, "Ash is that you?"

I said, "Yeah it is me."